Title: Avail Offer on Jalebi During Ramzan - MM Mthaiwala
1Avail Offer on Jalebi During Ramzan - MM
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2Get Special Discount Offers on Jalebi and Bhajiya
During the Holy Month of Ramzan from
M.M.Mithaiwala. Buy Sweets at Best Discounted
Price in Mumbai. Offer Valid till 18th July
2015. MM Mithaiwala is a premier sweets
confectioner and retailer near Malad station,
offering a wide variety of delicacies to our
customers. We use only the best quality
ingredients in the preparation of our products,
even the ghee, sugar and essential ingredients in
sweet making is of premium quality. We have set a
benchmark of safely producing the highest quality
sweets at the best affordable price best
services possible at the appropriate time. Our
customer can also order their favourite sweets
online. This offer is
available at M.M.Mithaiwala, Malad, Mumbai
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