1Industrialization and Urbanization
2Cities Lazy Fairs Yep Cows
10 10 10 10 10
20 20 20 20 20
30 30 30 30 30
40 40 40 40 40
50 50 50 50 50
3Question 1 - 10
- Laissez-faire relies on what to regulate prices
and wages?
4Answer 1 10
5Question 1 - 20
- During the early days of industrialization, many
members of Congress believed that tariffs were
necessary to?
6Answer 1 20
- Protect American industries from foreign
7Question 1 - 30
- Economies of Scale refers to a companies
ability to do what?
8Answer 1 30
- Lower costs and increase production
9Question 1 - 40
- A steel company that owns the coal mines,
limestone quarries, and iron ore fields it
depends on is an example of?
10Answer 1 40
11Question 1 - 50
- In the late 1800s, confusion about deflation led
to angry workers because?
12Answer 1 50
- Workers were getting paid less but they didnt
realize that their money was worth more because
of lower prices
13Question 2 - 10
- Supporters of pure laissez-faire believed the
government should interfere in the economy only
14Answer 2 10
- Protect property rights and maintain peace
15Question 2 - 20
- It made sense for big corporations to continue
operating during poor economic times because?
16Answer 2 20
- Their operating costs were small, compared to
their fixed costs
17Question 2 - 30
- When a single company achieves control of an
entire market, it is known as?
18Answer 2 30
19Question 2 - 40
- What was the technique for breaking a union in
which the company refused to allow workers to
enter their property?
20Answer 2 40
21Question 2 - 50
- By the 1800s, more than half of all immigrants
(the New Immigrants) in the United States were
22Answer 2 50
- Eastern and Southern Europe
23Question 3 - 10
- Many labor unions opposed immigration, arguing
that immigrants would?
24Answer 3 10
- Would work for low wages and take jobs
25Question 3 - 20
26Answer 3 20
- The party boss of the Tammany Hall political
27Question 3 - 30
- What was the philosophy that Americans with a
great deal of money should use it to help people
who are motivated to improve their lives?
28Answer 3 30
29Question 3 - 40
30Answer 3 40
- Limit or cut off immigration
31Question 3 - 50
- Subway systems were first developed to?
32Answer 3 50
- Relieve congestion on city streets
33Question 4 - 10
- Political machines provided new city dwellers
with necessities such as jobs, housing and police
protection in exchange for?
34Answer 4 10
35Question 4 - 20
- Individualism was the belief that?
36Answer 4 20
- People can rise as far as their talents will take
them and be successful
37Question 4 - 30
- What philosophy stated that society became
stronger by allowing people and businesses to
fail, therefore the government/society shouldnt
help failing businesses or people in poverty?
38Answer 4 30
39Question 4 - 40
- The total value of all goods and services that a
country produces is its?
40Answer 4 40
41Question 4 - 50
- What is the purpose of starting a corporation
instead of a private business?
42Answer 4 50
- Allows companies to raise large amounts of
capital while spreading out the financial risk
among many stock holders.
43Question 5 - 10
- What advantages did big corporations have over
small businesses?
44Answer 5 10
- They could produce more goods, cheaply and
45Question 5 - 20
- When a union called a strike, employers would
often hire replacements, called?
46Answer 5 20
47Question 5 - 30
- Employers generally viewed unions as?
48Answer 5 30
- An attempt to interfere with production and
49Question 5 - 40
- The Knights of Labor suffered a steady decline in
membership and influence due to unsuccessful
strikes and?
50Answer 5 40
- Violence associated with unions
51Question 5 - 50
- John D. Rockefeller made his fortune in what
52Answer 5 50