Title: A Different
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2A Different Kind of Oil Crisis
KAIROS Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
3We use fossil fuels oil, gas, and coal at
4Photo iStockphoto.com/Tony Tremblay
5In less than 200 years, we will have used up a
resource that took hundreds of millions of years
to form.
6Photo iStockphoto.com/Will Evans
7The North uses disproportionately more fossil
fuels than the South.
833 million Canadians use more energy than 760
million inhabitants of Africa.
- The David Suzuki Foundation
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10We know that its an ECOLOGICAL CRISIS
11Photo iStockphoto.com/Jaap Hart
12Greenhouse gas emissions cause global
climate change.
13Under the Kyoto Protocol, Canada pledged to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 6 below 1990
levels by 2008-2012.
14Since December 2002, Canadas emissions have
gone up 24.
15Photo KAIROS
16We are reaching a critical point.
17If we dont reduce emissions, our damage to the
Earth will be irreparable.
Photo ICRC/Stephanie Colvey
Photo STAND Canada/Anne Wagner
20More Frequent Forest Fires
Photo iStockphoto.com/Tyson Paul
21Extreme Weather
Photo iStockphoto.com/Parker Deen
22Species Extinction
Photo iStockphoto.com/Stacey Newman
23Increased Flooding
24182 million people in sub-Saharan Africa alone
could die of disease directly attributable to
climate change by the end of the century.
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26Are we aware that its also a HUMAN RIGHTS CRISIS?
27Not only does our use of fossil fuels pollute the
28it also breeds conflict.
War for Oil
30Photo iStockphoto.com/Craig DeBourbon
31I am saddened that it is politically
inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone
knows the Iraq war is largely about oil.
- Alan Greenspan
- former chairman of the US Federal Reserve
32Protestors in Detroit
Photo Global Aware
Guarding a Pipeline
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35In 2008, the Afghan government agreed to build an
energy pipeline from Central Asia to the Arabian
36Canadian soldiers are stationed in the
pipelines path through Kandahar.
37Photo Independent Media Centre
Desertification Intensifies Ethnic Conflict
39The Darfur conflict began as an ecological
crisis, arising at least in part from climate
- Ban Ki-Moon,
- UN Secretary General
40Due to desertification, the Sahara
advanced. Competition for land in Darfur
intensified, leading to ethnic conflict.
41Internally Displaced Persons Camp, Sudan
42Sudan produces 500,000 barrels of oil a day.
Two-thirds goes to China.
43This revenue enables the Sudanese government to
purchase arms for the Janjaweed, who murder and
rape Darfuri civilians.
44Photo Global Aware
Violently Defending Oil
46The United Nations has called Colombia the worst
humanitarian crisis in the Americas.
47Oil infrastructure is one of the
main battlegrounds of Colombias civil war.
48Photo Pier Gagné
49The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
opposes foreign oil investment and frequently
bombs oil pipelines.
50The Colombian army protects foreign oil interests
in the country, spending nearly one-quarter of
its resources on defending oil installations.
51Photo Pier Gagne
Photo Pier Gagné
Murder, Torture, and Rape
53In 2001, International Rights Advocates filed a
lawsuit on behalf of 11 villagers in
Indonesia's Aceh province, against ExxonMobil.
54Photo iStockphoto.com/Mayumi Terao
55The company is charged with human
rights violations including murder, torture,
and rape, committed by the companys security
56Photo PMK HKBP Jakarta
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58Are we aware that its also an ECONOMIC JUSTICE
Jobs vs Rights
60In Canada, jobs compete with Indigenous rights.
61Over 1 million barrels of oil are extracted from
the Alberta tar sands each day.
62The ultimate goal is 5 million barrels per day by
63Photo David Dodge, The Pembina
Institute www.oilsandswatch.org
64As a result, the traditional lands of First
Nations are being destroyed.
65Many First Nations are neither being
consulted nor compensated.
66Photo Global Aware
Oil ? Development
68Angola is the largest oil producer in Africa,
69yet 1/2 of the people have no access to safe
drinking water.
- UNICEF and World
- Health Organization
70Photo Global Aware
Profits Before People
72Texaco, which was bought by Chevron in 2001,
has been extracting oil in Ecuador since 1964.
73Photo KAIROS
74In 2007, Chevrons profits from
its international operations were US 13 billion.
- Chevron Annual
- Report 2007
75Yet 46 of Ecuadors people live below
the poverty line.
- UNDP Human Development
- Report 2007/2008
76Photo Josh Schachter
A Study of Extremes
78In 2007, Nigeria exported US 57.9 billion in
petroleum products.
79Yet more than 90 of its people live on less than
2 a day.
- UNDP Human Development
- Report 2007/2008
80Photo Ed Kashi/National Geographic Image
81Ecological Crisis
Human Rights Crisis
Economic Justice Crisis
82Oil companies are making huge profits. Yet we
continue to subsidize them.
83In 2007, the Big Five oil companies profits were
over US 123 billion.
84Photo Gwendal Danguy des Deserts
85Yet the World Bank gave the industry US 1
billion in financing.
86Photo Daphne Wysham
87In 2007, Export Development Canada, a
government agency, supported 13.2 billion
worth of oil and gas business.
88Photo Daphne Wysham
89The Canadian oil industry turned a profit of
26.4 billion in 2007.
90The Canadian government gave the industry
nearly 1.4 billion in subsidies.
91Photo iStockphoto.com/Henrik Jonsson
92Why are we subsidizing the oil industry?
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94The oil crisis is also a SPIRITUAL CRISIS
95Photo iStockphoto.com/Peter Brutsch
96Weve become disconnected from the Earth.
97Photo iStockphoto.com/Geralda van der Es
98We are estranged from our companions in Creation.
99Photo iStockphoto.com/James Richey
100The world is our meeting place with God as the
body of God, it is wondrously, awesomely,
divinely mysterious.
101When we harm the Earth, we harm our Creator.
102We are not in right relationship with our
Photo IDRC/Peter Bennett
Photo STAND Canada/Anne Wagner
Photo IDRC/Roger Finan
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109Jesus said, What you do to others, you do unto
Matthew 25 40
110How can we heal our relationship with the Earth
and with each other?
111Resist the temptation to find easy answers.
112Biofuels are not the solution.
Photo Sara Stratton
113They can only replace a small amount of our
114They displace people from their land,
Photo Global Aware
116and contribute to the growing food crisis.
117We cannot maintain our tanks full while
stomachs go empty.
- Comissao Pastoral da Terra (CPT), Grito dos
Excluídos, Movimento Sem Terra (MST), Servico
Pastoral dos Migrantes (SPM), Rede Social de
Justica e Direitos Humanos, and Via Campesina
118We must reduce our consumption.
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120But theres an even bigger picture
121Photo Sara Stratton
122We must advocate with the Canadian government to
123- stop subsidizing
- oil companies
124- enact binding
- legislation holding
- Canadian companies
- accountable for
- human rights abuses
125- invest in sustainable,
- renewable energy
126Photo Mike Bühler
127- promote energy
- conservation
128- put a cap on carbon
- emissions
129- collect fees from
- carbon emitters to
- reinvest in a green
- economy
130- live up to its Kyoto
- Protocol obligations
131Photo KAIROS
132- negotiate for an
- effective, fair, and
- equitable post-Kyoto
- agreement
133We must renew our relations with the Earth and
each other.
134Learn together in church and community.
136Pray and advocate for peace.
137Act for energy justice.
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139Strive to live differently, with Gods help.
140Its a huge challenge
141Lets work together.
142Photo KAIROS
143Photo KAIROS
144Photo KAIROS
145Photo KAIROS
146Together, we can find the courage to act.
147There is hope
148if we realize that life is worth more than oil.
149Photo Kaitlin Bardswich
150KAIROS Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
unites eleven Canadian churches
and church-related organizations in
faithful action for justice. www.kairoscanada.org
Toll free 1-877-403-8933
151KAIROS Members
- The Anglican Church of Canada
- Canadian Catholic Organization for Development
and Peace - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Canadian Religious Conference
- Christian Reformed Church in North America
(Canada Corporation) - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- Mennonite Central Committee Canada
- The Presbyterian Church in Canada
- The Primates World Relief and Development Fund
(PWRDF) - Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
- The United Church of Canada
152Created by Kaitlin Bardswich, with the help of
KAIROS staff Music by Noelle Morris
153More information on oil aid, profits, and
subsidies can be found at www.endoilaid.com and
in Pumped Up at www.kairoscanada.org More
information on KAIROS Re-energize campaign can
be found at www.re-energize.org
154 Additional Credits Opening Collage Colour
photos David Falconer Black and white Warren
K. Leffler Consumption Collage Bikers
iStockphoto.com/Can Balcioglu Recycling
iStockphoto.com/Sharon Dominick Lightbulbs
iStockphoto.com/Douglas Kim Solar power
iStockphoto.com/Rob Hill
155www.kairoscanada.org Toll free 1-877-403-8933