Title: Blebo Craigs, Dura Den, Kemback and Strathkinness
1Blebo Craigs, Dura Den, Kemback and Strathkinness
- Camback
- Kembek
- Kembok
- Kemp-achar (the field of battle)
- Kenebach
- Kemback
3Inhabitants in 1791
- Belonging to the Established Church 540
- Burgher Seceders 13
- Antiburgher Seceders 28
- Presbytery of Relief 3
- Episcopalian 1
- Anabaptist 1
- Unitarians 2
- Total 588
4The Kemback Case
Taken from the Fifeshire Journal 13th February
5Dura Den Taken from Millar Fife Pictorial and
6Fossil Fish
- Holoptychiun Andersoni
- Holoptychiun Flemingii
- Diploterus Dalgleisiensis
- Platygnathus
- Phaneropleuron Andersoni
- Glyptoloemus
- Glyptopomus
- Pamphractus
7 ..while they were seeking for fish I set our
party all over the Den to see its beauties which
they all admired greatly. Lord Kinnaird and
myself remained with the workmen his Lordship
cast his coat I kept mine on but set to work
also. This went on at a snails pace for and hour
and a half and no fish would appear. The party
came back and we all lunched on a beautiful
grassy bank on pies chicken, pigeon and ham
and then grapes, peaches, plums, apricots and
nectarines all of which were washed down with
plentiful supplies of cider and sherry. We heard
a shout just as were finishing, from the diggers
and we all ran, some tumbling and falling by
the way and lo! A fish, the largest and finest
that ever rose to the geological hammer, was laid
at our astonished feet.
8Taken from Fifeshire Journal 15 July 1838 page 2
9(No Transcript)
10Blebo Craigs
11Blebo Craigs Quoiting Club Fifeshire Journal 6
June 1872, page 6
12Blebo House
13Blebo Mill drawing done by pupils at Bell Baxter
as part of an industrial heritage project
14Fifeshire Journal 7 March 1850, page 1
Fifeshire Journal 25 March 1875, page 1
15(No Transcript)
from Magus Muir
17Youth House Strathkinness
18(No Transcript)
19Strathkinness Country Dancing Team 1947/48