Corruption - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Corruption – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Corruption

Stench of corruption
  • Headline
  • Stench of corruption lingers over New Europe
  • Headline The Times 3 December
  • Event
  • The tangled relationship between Eastern Europes
    political leaders and organised crime has become
    a pressing issue for the EU as politicians across
    the region face accusations of corruption.
  • Comment
  • The article continued to list a number of
    countries where corruption is affecting the
    governments and political leaders. Leaders
    affected are Polish Prime minister, Lithuanian
    President, Czech Prime Minister, Slovakian senior
    politician and others. We are told the world will
    be like the days of Noah before Jesus returns.
    Those days were violent and corrupt.
  • Bible Quote Genesis 6
  • 11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and
    the earth was filled with violence.
  • 12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold,
    it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his
    way upon the earth.

Rooting out Corruption
  • Headline
  • Supreme Court supports moves to route out
  • Headline DT 12 December
  • Event
  • The United States Supreme Court has endorsed
    sweeping reforms to curb the influence of money
    in American politics. The judgement spoke of
    corruption and in particular the appearance of
    corruption throughout the political process.
    Reformers have been fired up in recent years by
    controversy surrounding links between Mr Bushs
    administration and the bankrupt energy giant
  • Comment
  • We will never know the full extent of corruption
    in the governments of the world. Of course the
    Lord God sees all. Corruption we know will be
    prevalent at the return of Jesus. We should
    therefore watch for corruption occurring in the
    world and avoid it in our lives at all costs.
  • Bible Quote Genesis 6
  • 11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and
    the earth was filled with violence.
  • 12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold,
    it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his
    way upon the earth.

Bishops in Chauffeur Cars
  • Headline
  • Bishops ignore plea to cut spending on
  • Chauffeur cars
  • Headline DT 12 December
  • Event
  • Most senior Church of England bishops still use
    chauffeur-driven cars despite advice that they
    should switch to hire cars or taxis, an official
    report said yesterday. 35 of the 44 diocesan
    bishops had full-time, or part-time or occasional
    drivers last year, said the study. They
    collectively spent more than 400,000 on
    hospitality. The Archbishop of Canterbury led the
    list, with a bill of 41,199.
  • Comment
  • The Lord Jesus helps us all identify false
    religious leaders. His words apply as much today
    as they did to the Scribes and Pharisees of his
    day. They may not have had chauffeur driven cars
    back then but they lived off what was put into
    the treasury and loved the highest seats and the
    feasts. They even wear long robes!
  • Bible Quote Luke 20
  • 46 Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk
    in long robes, and love greetings in the markets,
    and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the
    chief rooms at feasts
  • 47 Which devour widows houses, and for a shew
    make long prayers the same shall receive greater

MOD corruption
  • Headline
  • MoD corruption leaves troops with substandard
    equipment - Headline DT 30
  • Event
  • Corruption in the defence trade means that
    British troops are being supplied with bogus and
    sub standard equipment, the Ministry of Defence
    will tell its staff today as it begins a campaign
    to clamp down on fraud.
  • Comment
  • Corruption is rife in all areas of commercial and
    political life. It was predicted to be so by
    Jesus at the time of the end and it is worth
    noting when the word appears. It is a sign that
    we are living at the time of the end. Just one
    other quick point as a I have some space, the
    National Trust renowned for the splendour of its
    stately homes is now offering a new attraction at
    its properties homosexual weddings. The Trust
    has signed an agreement with a company called
    Pink Weddings which arranges blessings for same
    sex couples.
  • As we look at the state of the world as we enter
    2004 let us pray that this is the year that our
    Lord Jesus returns.
  • Bible Quote Revelation 22
  • 20 He which testifieth these things saith,
    Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord

Sharon accused of corruption
  • Headline
  • Sharon may face corruption charge
  • Headline BBC News online 21 January
  • Event
  • A defiant Ariel Sharon insisted yesterday that he
    would not step down as the prime minister of
    Israel over a bribery scandal. His vow came as
    the Israeli police prepared to question him and
    prosecutors weighed corruption charges. "I
    arrived here as prime minister and as chairman of
    the Likud, a position I plan to fill for many
    more years, until 2007 at least," he told
    cheering Likud party supporters in Tel Aviv.
  • Comment
  • Ariel Sharon is the first Israeli premier to be
    accused of bribery. As we have mentioned many
    times before corruption is going to be rife
    before our Lord returns. Here we have an Israeli
    leader also accused of corruption. We know that
    Gods judgement is to be poured out firstly on
    his people and then the nations he caused to come
    against them. As the verse in Micah indicates God
    has always held the leaders and rulers of his
    people responsible.
  • Bible Quote Micah 3 (NIV)
  • 1 Listen, you leaders of Jacob, you rulers of
    the house of Israel. Should you not know justice,
    you who hate good and love evil

6 different reports of corruption
  • Headlines
  • Sharon tapes contain stink of corruption DT 25
  • Ex French PM guilty of corruption BBC online 30
  • China wave of suicides in clamp on corruption DT
    30 January
  • MEPs urged to end abuse of travel expenses DT
    27 January
  • Scientists got millions for nuclear secrets DT
    27 January
  • Euro MPs voice their anger over collapse of cash
    control DT 28 Jan
  • Events
  • Israeli police are examining more than 50 hours
    of potentially explosive taped conversations
    between Ariel Sharon and his sons. / A political
    crisis engulfed Jacques Chirac after his closet
    ally and heir apparent was found guilty of
    illegal party funding. / Chinas corruption
    crisis has been laid bare. / Etc etc
  • Comment
  • From Israel to China, from Europe to Pakistan
    (selling nuclear secrets) corruption is
    everywhere. Surely we are living in the days
    similar to Noah.
  • Bible Quote Genesis 6
  • 12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold,
    it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his
    way upon the earth.

Oil for food scandal
  • Headline
  • Oil for food scandal
  • Headline DT 23 April
  • Event
  • Tony Blair yesterday demanded a thorough
    investigation of allegations of corruption in the
    United Nations oil-for food programme in the
    pre-war Iraq. Senior UN, French and Russian
    officials were alleged to have connived at the
    scandal, said Claude Hankes Drielsma, who is
    leading the Iraqi Governing Council into the
  • Comment
  • It is interesting that the corruption allegedly
    involves the UN, France and Russia. These were
    the very organisations that did not want the
    invasion of Iraq. The Daily Telegraph ran an
    editorial entitled The EU a rotten state in
    relation to this scandal. It said the less
    accountable an organisation is, the more
    corruptible it is likely to be. There is
    something rotten in the superstate of Europe.
    This comes as no surprise to us who know that
    corruption will be rife at the return of our King
    and that France and Russia are on the same side
    is no surprise either!
  • Bible Quote 2 Peter 2
  • 12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to
    be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things
    that they understand not and shall utterly
    perish in their own corruption

Israel overturns 2000 yr old ban
  • Headline
  • Israel overturns 2,000-year-old ban on betting
  • Headline DT 8 August
  • Event
  • Israeli Punters will soon experience the
    exhilaration of cheering their horse to the
    winning post after a religious ban on gambling
    was overturned.
  • For the first time, the Jewish state has approved
    organised betting on horses. The gambling ban
    dates back 2,000 years to a rabbinical ruling, or
    prohibition, in the oral Torah. It rules against
    pigeon racers which has come to be interpreted as
    a religious denunciation of gambling generally.
  • Comment
  • We may have been surprised there was no gambling
    in Israel. People have circumvented the ban on
    gambling on the land by using floating casinos
    on ships moored off the Red Sea resort of Eilat.
    But why should this interest us? Gambling is an
    ungodly pursuit. It is not earning our wages but
    trying to win them. Risking what we have been
    given (by God) to get more. Israel far from being
    a light to the nations round about is becoming
    more and more like them. Their judgement is
  • Bible Quote Deuteronomy 13 Israel worships the
    gods of the nations.
  • 30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared
    by following them, after that they be destroyed
    from before thee and that thou enquire not after
    their gods, saying, How did these nations serve
    their gods? even so will I do likewise.

Corruption hits world fight against poverty
  • Headline
  • Corruption hits world fight against poverty
  • Headline DT 21 October
  • Event
  • Corruption is crippling the global battle against
    poverty and robbing oil-rich nations of their
    development potential, a Berlin based watchdog,
    Transparency International, said yesterday.
  • The watchdogs chairman, Peter Eigen, said
    corruption was rampant worldwide, draining
    public funds and hitting economic policy.
  • Comment
  • Corruption is rampant worldwide. When God
    summarised the state of the world before he
    destroyed it with the flood he used the word
    corrupt 3 times in 2 verses. The word corrupt
    means to ruin / decay, to pervert or deal
    corruptly. It is translated destroy many times
    as well. In fact when God says the world was
    corrupt he then says to Noah in Genesis 613
    that he would destroy the people. That is the
    same word corrupt. So we could say that
    corruption brings destruction. It indicates a
    breakdown of society. It indicates that the
    judgements of God are near. When there is
    corruption there is no trust. If this happens on
    a national basis the nations stop trusting and
    wars become far more likely. In Genesis 6 it also
    says the world was full of violence.
  • Bible Quote Genesis 6 See Luke 1726 - last days
    will be like days of Noah
  • 11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and
    the earth was filled with violence.
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