Title: Martin Luther King Jr'
1Martin Luther King Jr.
2Martin was born in Atlanta Georgia
3These are Martins parents
4Martins mom was a school teacher and taught him
how to read before going to school
- Martins father grandfather were both ministers
so was martin him self
5This is Martins childhood home the address was
Auburn Avenue. Now in days his house is a museum
6Martin had hobbies like
- Playing baseball and was on the math science
team in high school
7Martin entered Morehouse College
8Martin had books about him but he didnt write
any of them
- This is a picture of one of the books
9Martin led Montgomery bus boycott for 382 days
10In 1963 during the march on Washington
- For jobs and freedom Martin gave his I have
Dream speech
11Martins dream was equality and civil rights for
all Americans
12Then about 5 years later Martin was shot and
killed by James Earl
- Our hero Martin Luther King Jr. was killed on his
balcony - His grave said free at last free at last thank
God Almighty free at last
13Every one was sad to see our hero go but we all
do still remember him
- We should all be like martin Luther King Jr. and
be happy that we are here today
14THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!