Title: La Granja del Senor Gonzalez Mr' Gonzalezs Farm
1La Granja del Senor GonzalezMr. Gonzalezs
Farm By Mayra L. Chavez
TEKS (Bilingual Kindergarten) The student
is expected to (K.5) (B) know that print moves
from left-to-right across the page and
top-to-bottom (K.5) understand that written words
are separated by spaces (K.8) (B) develop
vocabulary by listening to and discussing both
familiar and conceptually challenging selections
read aloud (K.8) (C) identify words that name
persons, places, or things and words that name
actions (K.10) (A) listen to stories being read
aloud (K.10) (D) describe how illustrations
contribute to the text (K.12) (B) use pictures,
print and people to gather information and answer
2En la granja del Señor Gonzalez hay muchos
- There are a lot of animals at Mr. Gonzalezs farm.
3(No Transcript)
4Hay un gato.There is a cat.
5Hay dos perros.There are two dogs.
6Hay tres gallos.There are three roosters.
7Hay cuatro caballos.There are four horses.
8Hay cinco gallinas.There are five chickens.
9Hay seis patos.There are six ducks.
10Hay siete cerdos. There are seven pigs.
11Hay ocho guajolotes.There are eight turkeys.
12Hay nueve obejas.There are nine sheep.
13Hay diez vacas.There are ten cows.
14El senor Gonzalez quiere mucho a todos sus
animales.Mr. Gonzalez loves all his animals.
15Pero su animal faborito es el caballo.Cual es
tu animal faborito?His favorite animal is the
horse.Which is your favorite animal?