Title: Salmonella Infections in Humans
1Salmonella Infections in Humans
2Salmonella infections in humans
- Enteric fever
- typhoid and paratyphoid fevers
- typhi, paratyphi A, B, C
- systemic infection
- infects only humans
- GI symptoms may not be evident
- Salmonella gastroenteritis
- non-typhi serovars
- zoonosis predominantly food-borne
- can be complicated by septicaemia
- more common with some serovars, e.g. S. dublin
(15 mortality rate when septicemic in the
elderly) - Metastatic disease, e.g. osteomyelitis
- Bacteriology
- Epidemiology
- Clinical features
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Prevention
- Pathogenesis
- Salmonella enterica
- one species, 2000 serovars
- Non standard nomenclature common
- S. enterica serovar Typhimurium
- or S. typhimurium
- rod-shaped, non-spore-forming Gram-negative
bacterium - belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae
- close relative of E. coli
- Motile by peritrichous flagella (H antigen).
- nonmotile exceptions S. gallinarum and S.
5Antigenic Structure
- Kauffmann-White antigenic scheme
- agglutination reactions with specific antisera
against Salmonella antigens - O antigens
- characteristic sequence of repeating
polysaccharide units in LPS. - H antigens
- flagellar antigens (protein) and may occur in one
of two phase variations. - Vi antigen
- a capsular polysaccharide homopolymer of N-acetyl
galactosamineuronic acid
6EpidemiologyEnteric fever
- person-to-person spread
- no animal reservoir
- contamination with human faeces
- usual vehicle contaminated water.
- occasionally, contaminated food (usually handled
by an individual who harbours S. typhi)
7EpidemiologyNon-typhoidal serovars
- zoonosis with enormous animal reservoir
- common animal reservoirs are chickens, turkeys,
pigs, and cows - contaminated food is major vehicle, usually
- red and white meats, raw eggs, milk dairy
products - many other possibilities, from spices or
chocolate to cannabis - can follow direct contact with infected animals
(e.g. farm trip, reptiles as pets)
8EpidemiologyNon-typhoidal serovars
- outbreaks common
- In Catering establishments
- In Hospitals
- Stanley Royd Hospital outbreak
- now careful attention to hospital kitchen hygiene
9EpidemiologyNon-typhoidal serovars
- Food-borne transmission by
- contamination of cooked food by raw food
- failing to achieve adequate cooking temperatures.
- secondary cases by person to person spread are
common in outbreaks - food handlers who practice good hygiene very
rarely responsible for outbreaks
10Salmonella in eggs
- various Salmonella serovars isolated from the
outside of egg shells - S. enteritidis PT4 present inside the egg, in the
yolk - vertical transmission
- deposition of the organism in the yolk by an
infected layer hen prior to shell deposition.
11Infectious dose
- typically about 1,000,000 bacteria
- much lower if the stomach pH is raised
- much lower if the vehicle for infection is
chocolate - protects the bacteria in their passage through
the stomach - an infectious dose of about 100 bacteria
12Epidemiologycarrier states
- carrier state may last from many weeks to years
with faecal shedding - convalescent carrier
- chronic carrier
- 3 of persons infected with S. typhi
- 0.1 of those infected with non-typhoidal
salmonellae - potential for cross-contamination of foods by the
infected handler - Typhoid Mary Mallone
- but more common in textbooks than in real life
13Laboratory Diagnosis
- Isolated from stool, blood and urine in enteric
fever (blood cultures need to be taken!) - Isolated from stool in gastroenteritis
- Appears as a non-lactose fermenter
- on MacConkey agar or similar selective agar
14Laboratory Diagnosis
- Biochemical tests and serological tests must be
done in parallel - Some other bacteria, e.g. Citrobacter, may have
similar serological profiles - Commercial kits commonly used, e.g. API20
- Phage typing done for epidemiological purposes
- E.g. to find source of outbreak
- Certain phage types predominate nationally
- S. typhimurium PT4
- S. enteritidis DT109
- Gastroenteritis
- replace fluid loss by oral and intravenous routes
- antibiotics are not recommended for uncomplicated
gastroenteritis - do not shorten illness
- prolong excretion.
- antibiotic therapy reserved for the septicaemic
and metastatic disease - Typhoid fever and enteric fevers should be
treated with antibiotics - usually ciprofloxacin
- rise of resistance
- Remove source
- Salmonella free life-stock
- Vaccinate chicks
- Interrupt transmission
- Good food hygiene
- Cook food properly
- Keep raw and cooked foods apart
- Public Health clean water
- Strengthen host
- vaccination
17Salmonella vaccines
- Vaccination of travellers against typhoid
recommended, but does not remove need for good
hygiene - Three licensed vaccines
- Traditional heat-killed
- very reactogenic
- Vi subunit vaccine
- live oral vaccine, S. typhi Ty21A
- Salmonellas can act as live attenuated carriers
for other antigens - So far only experimental
- No vaccines for gastroenteritis
18Clinical FeaturesEnteric Fever
- incubation period 10 to 14 days
- septicaemic illness
- myalgia and headache
- fever
- splenomegaly
- leukopenia
- abdominal pain
- Rose spots (macular rash on abdomen)
- 10 fatal
- positive blood, urine, and stool cultures
- Sequelae intestinal haemorrhage and perforation
19Clinical featuresGastroenteritis
- incubation period depends on dose
- symptoms usually begin within 6 to 48 hours
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Abdominal pain
- Myalgia and headache
- Fever
- duration varies, usually 2 to 7 days
- seldom fatal, except in elderly or
20Pathogenesis Gastroenteritis
- Pathogenic salmonellae ingested in food survive
passage through the gastric acid barrier - invade intestinal mucosa
- invasion of epithelial cells stimulates the
release of proinflammatory cytokines - induces an inflammatory reaction
- causes diarrhoea and may lead to ulceration and
destruction of the mucosa
21PathogenesisEnteric Fever
- Bacteria invade mucosa or Peyer's patches of
small intestine (?M cells), pass into mesenteric
lymph nodes where they multiply and then enter
the blood stream via the thoracic duct - Primary bacteraemia cleared by RES, bacteria
multiply in RES cells and destroy them - Facultative intracellular parasites
22PathogenesisEnteric fever
- Secondary bacteraemia occurs and results in
spread to other organs. - Infection of the biliary tract.
- Multiplication in biliary tract leads to seeding
the intestine with large numbers of bacteria. - Involvement of intestinal lymphoid tissue may
lead to necrosis and ulceration. - In untreated nonfatal cases, temperature drops in
3 to 4 weeks (onset on immunity?)
23S. typhimurium in the mouse
- S. typhimurium
- causes gastroenteritis in humans
- causes typhoid-like disease in mice
- infection can be established orally or
systemically - used as model of typhoid
- primary mechanisms of pathogenesis
- invasion of the intestine
- survival and growth in macrophages
24(No Transcript)
- membrane ruffling
- depends on Spi1 Type III secretion system
- Spi1 effectors
- SopE affects actin cytoskeleton
- SipA binds to actin, inhibits depolymerization
- SopB inositol phosphate phosphatase
- SptP PTPase, disrupts the actin cytoskeleton
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- Salmonella enters host cells by inducing host
cell membrane ruffling - membrane ruffles non-specifically wrap around the
bacteria and pull them into the cell - Salmonella end up in membrane-bound vesicles
called Salmonella-containing vacuoles (SCV). - SCVs are unique environments within the cell
defined by the bacteria within them - As they mature, SCVs do not follow the defined
routes of cellular trafficking of vesicles and
differ in their composition from normal phagosomes
28Survival in cells
- Spi2 Type III secretion system
- expressed in cells
- activated by acidic pH in phagosome
- mutants severely attenuated in mice
- currently under intense investigation
- PhoP/PhoQ
- Pags
- Prgs
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30Salmonella can also trigger apoptosis through Spi1
31Salmonella cellular subversion
32Salmonella cellular subversion
From Nature 412, 701
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34Salmonella-induced filaments labelled with
antibodies against lysosomal glycoprotein
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38Salmonella Genome Sequencing Projects
- Completed
- S. typhiumurium LT2 at WashU
- Multi-resistant S. typhi from Vietnam at Sanger
Centre - Ongoing
- Salmonella five-pack at Sanger
39Online bibliography
- http//www.hhmi.org/lectures/1999/index.htm
- http//www.sanger.ac.uk/Projects/
- http//genome.wustl.edu/gsc/bacterial/salmonella.s
html - http//www.salmonella.org/
- http//www.who.int/inf-fs/en/fact149.html
- http//www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/313/7065/1094
- http//vm.cfsan.fda.gov/mow/chap1.html
- http//