Title: Are You Logged In
1Are You Logged In?
- Some clicker exercises used in CHE140 at ISU in
Spring 2007
Craig C. McLauchlan Department of Chemistry
2Of the following U.S. Supreme Court Justices,
______ is the Chief Justice.
- John Paul Stevens
- Antonin Scalia
- Stephen Breyer
- Samuel Alito
- John Roberts
American Democracy Project
3Of the following U.S. Supreme Court Justices,
______ is the Chief Justice.
- Anthony Kennedy
- David Souter
- Ruth Ginsburg
- Clarence Thomas
- John Roberts
American Democracy Project
4Of the following U.S. Supreme Court Justices,
______ is the only African-American Justice.
- Anthony Kennedy
- David Souter
- Ruth Ginsburg
- Clarence Thomas
- John Roberts
American Democracy Project
5Which current Cabinet member is the Secretary of
- Secretary Mike Johanns
- Secretary Carlos Gutierrez
- Secretary Elaine Chao
- Secretary Samuel Bodman
- Secretary Mary Peters
American Democracy Project
6Which current Cabinet member is the Secretary of
- Secretary Condoleeza Rice
- Secretary Robert Gates
- Secretary Margaret Spellings
- Secretary Michael Chertoff
- Secretary Alberto Gonzales
American Democracy Project
7Have you ever been asked to report for jury duty?
American Democracy Project
8 Did you serve?
American Democracy Project
9What is the current capital of the United States
of America?
- New York, NY
- Philadelphia, PA
- Ottawa, ON
- Washington, DC
- Chicago, IL
American Democracy Project
10What is the current capital of the state of
- Chicago
- Normal
- Peoria
- Springfield
- Champaign
American Democracy Project
11How long is an elected term for the U.S.
- 1 year
- 2 years
- 4 years
- 6 years
- N.A. - Lifetime appointment
American Democracy Project
12How long is an elected term for a U.S. Senator?
- 1 year
- 2 years
- 4 years
- 6 years
- N.A. - Lifetime appointment
American Democracy Project
13How long is an elected term for a U.S.
- 1 year
- 2 years
- 4 years
- 6 years
- N.A. - Lifetime appointment
American Democracy Project
14How long is an elected term for a U.S. Judge?
- 1 year
- 2 years
- 4 years
- 6 years
- N.A. - Lifetime appointment
American Democracy Project
15On this world map, North America is labeled with
what number?
American Democracy Project
16On this map of the Middle East, Iraq is labeled
with what number?
17On this map of the Middle East, Iraq is labeled
with what number?
American Democracy Project
18On this map of the Middle East, Iran is labeled
with what number?
American Democracy Project
19On this map of the 48 contiguous states, Illinois
is number
American Democracy Project
20When ISU was founded, the only three states due
west of Illinois were
American Democracy Project
- CA, TX, MO
- MO, TX, IA
- IA, TX, CA
- IA, MO, CA
- IA, MO, LA
21When ISU was founded, the were only _____ states.
American Democracy Project
22Who is the current President of the United States?
- George W. Bush
- Richard B. Cheney
- Nancy P. Pelosi
- Robert C. Byrd
- Condoleezza Rice
American Democracy Project
23Who is the current Vice President of the United
- George W. Bush
- Richard B. Cheney
- Nancy P. Pelosi
- Robert C. Byrd
- Condoleezza Rice
American Democracy Project
24Who is the current Speaker of the House of the
United States?
- George W. Bush
- Richard B. Cheney
- Nancy P. Pelosi
- Robert C. Byrd
- Condoleezza Rice
American Democracy Project
25If our current U.S. President were to die or be
impeached, who would become President?
- Laura Bush
- Richard B. Cheney
- Nancy P. Pelosi
- Robert C. Byrd
- Condoleezza Rice
American Democracy Project
26Are you registered to vote?
American Democracy Project
27Are you registered to be an organ donor?
American Democracy Project
28Have you ever written to/called an elected
official concerning an issue?
American Democracy Project
29Which best reflects your opinion on the following
statement?I recycle regularly.
- Strongly Agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree
American Democracy Project
American Democracy Project
30Have you ever donated (or tried to donate) plasma
or blood?
American Democracy Project
31Who is the current Secretary General of the
United Nations?
- Khofi Annan
- Dag Hammarskjöld
- Ban Ki-Moon
- Boutros Boutros-Ghali
- U Thant
American Democracy Project
32Who is the current Governor of Illinois?
- Judy Baar Topinka
- Rod Blagojevich
- George Ryan
- C. Alvin Bowman
- Jesse White
American Democracy Project