Title: RiskBenefit Implications for Pharmaceutical Marketing
1Risk/Benefit Implications for Pharmaceutical
PMCQ Education Day - Emerging Trends in
Pharmaceutical MarketingMontreal, October 20,
2Topics Covered
- Recent Regulatory Decisions re Safety
- Response in the Regulatory Arenas
- Public Response
- Implications for Marketing
- I would like to acknowledge IMS Canada and its
publication, Provincial Reimbursement Advisor, in
preparing this presentation.
3Safety Letters Posted on Health Canada Website
4Antidepressants and Suicide Potential
- Late 2003 - Public concern about possibility of
antidepressants and suicide potential. - February 2004 Scientific Advisory Panel held
- Recommended stronger warnings
- May 2004 SSRIs updated to warn re potential of
self-harm. - Class warning patients under the age of 16
- Market withdrawal of VIOXX on September 30, 2004
- December 2004 US Congressional Report
criticized how Merck and the FDA had disseminated
information related to safety of VIOXX. - June 2005 Canadian Expert Advisory Panel
recommends that VIOXX be returned to the Canadian
market with updated labelling. - July 2005 A US judge rules that a nationwide
class action lawsuit could be brought by a labour
union helaht plan on behalf of all 3rd party
- July 2005 EU advises that compliance of VIOXX
ADR reporting will be investigated. - August 2005 Merck loses first case re VIOXX and
must pay 253 million to family in Texas. - September 2005 Ontario Superior Court hears
arguments requesting class action be allowed.
7Adderall XR
- Feb 9, 2005 marketing of ADDERALL XR suspended
- Based on sudden deaths (20) reported in PMS.
- 14 in children
- Aug 26, 2005 New Drug Committee Hearing held.
- Product can be remarketed with changes to Product
8Long-Acting Beta-2 Agonists
- October 4, 2005 possible increased of
asthma-related deaths - SMART study
- Began in 1996 at request of FDA.
- Study of approximately 30,000 patients was
prematurely halted in January 2003 - FDA advisory committee in July 2005
9Questions Being Asked
- How closely tied are the regulatory authorities
to pharmaceutical companies? - How transparent are the decisions made by
regulatory authorities? - How do pharmaceutical companies comply with
disclosure regulations - Do pharmaceutical companies spin safety
information to their own ends? - How much does the public have a right to know?
- How much is really known about a drug when it is
first marketed?
10Controversy re safety
- Unless the Canadian public can be assured that
Health Canada is adequately monitoring the safety
of marketed drugs, then confidence in the use of
therapeutic products will suffer, and so will the
health of Canadians. - Lexchin J. Drug withdrawals from the Canadian
market for safety reasons, 1963-2004. Canadian
Med Assoc J 2005172765-8.
11Response in the Regulatory Arena
- Canadian public want to know the basis on which
decisions are made. - Provincial governments and other payers also want
to know the basis on which these decisions are
made - To address these concerns, Health Canada has
taken a number of recent steps to disclose how
decisions are made.
13Office of Public Ombudsman
- April 16, 2005 Health Canada announced the
creation of the Office of Public Ombudsman - Will receive complaints, concerns and feedback
about how Health Canada fulfills its
responsibilities. - To date no Ombudsman has been appointed.
14Public Expert Advisory Committee Meetings
- June 9, 2005 first public EAM held on COX-2
drugs - Any interested parties could attend and address
the Panel. - Reort posted on Health Canadas website, together
with all documentation given to Panel to consider - Sept 2005 second public advisory committee held
on breast implants.
15Summary Basis of Decision
- In the past, when new drugs were approved, the
basis on which the decision was made was not
disclosed. - Health Canada have announced that they will
provide a Summary Basis of Decision for all drugs
approved after Jan 1, 2005. - To date, six have issued Crestor, Fabrazyme,
Lyrica, Velcade, Zemplar and Macugen
16Clinical Trial Information
- There is a belief that industry does not
disclose negative results from clinical trials. - Several leading journals (including CMAJ) have
announced that they will no longer publish
articles on clinical trials unless the trials
were registered in a public database, meeting
certain minimum criteria. - FDA has a database that meets requirements.
- July 7, 2005 Health Canada announced that they
would be setting up such a database in Canada.
17Public Listing of Recalls
- As of April 2005, all recalls are listed on
Health Canada website. - Information available product, lot numbers,
reason for recall, hazard level and recalling
18Public Disclosure of ADRs
- May 25, 2005 new web-based database for ADRs
launched by Health Canada - Called MedEffect
- Provides access to the latest advisories,
warnings and recalls - Promotes the reporting of adverse drug reactions
- Patients can report directly
- ADR Database also available
- Anyone can search ADRs and drugs for all data
submitted to Health Canada since the early 60s.
19Office of Pediatric Initiatives
- Concern that little is known about drugs in
children and how to use them, specifically the
dose. - This office has been set up to promote research
in children. - Proposed legislation changes in Canada would
allow some exclusivity related to companies doing
research in children.
20Upgrading Pharmacovigilance
- In addition to transparency, Health Canada has
focused on upgrading the collection and
interpretation of pharmacovigilance data. - This includes providing money to Health Canada to
upgrade Health Canada oversight of safety - Feb 2005 - 170 million over 5 years provided.
21MOU with US
- Rare ADRs occur in less than one in 10,000
patients. - Can only be detected post-marketing and by using
large databases. - June 29, 2005 Canada signed a MOU with the US
Consumer Product Safety Commission to share data
with the US. - Includes postmarketing surveillance and
enforcement activities.
22Mandatory Reporting of ADRs
- Companies are required to report ADRs but
physicians are encouraged to report them. - Some countries have mandatory reporting systems
France, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Italy - Canada has mandatory reporting of child abuse,
chemical intoxication and some infectious
diseases. - Health Canada has announced that they want to
establish mandatory reporting and are currently
setting consultation on what this would mean.
23Upgrade of Canadas ADR System
- Program is underway to upgrade and modernize
Health Canadas systems - Provide for greater on-line public query capacity
- Integration of foreign safety
- Automated signal detection
- Electronic filing.
- Provincial governments could more easily monitor
drugs. - Could assist limited reimbursement or delayed
24Establishment of New Regional Centers
- April 2005 new centers opened in Alberta and
Manitoba. - Now seven centers Halifax, Montreal, Toronto,
Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Vancouver.
25Need for Pharmacovigilance Plans in Submissions?
- As of November 2005 required in Europe
- Post approval stability protocols required in
Canada. - Easy to make this a post approval
pharmacovigilance protocol. - I believe this will occur in the next year.
26Federal/Provincial Conference on Drug Safety
- September 2005 Federal Health Minister and BC
Health Minister (leaders of the National
Pharmaceuticals Strategy) held a meeting to
discuss this issue. - Involved provincial representatives, health care
providers, patient reps, industry and researchers - Press release indicated that Health Ministers
were to evaluate how to strengthen real-world
drug safety and effectiveness and to provide
report by June 16, 2006.
27Response International - Regulatory
28New Guidelines
- US has issued three new guidelines on how to
document and assess adverse reaction data. - WHO organization has issued a new guideline on
assessing ADRs in clinical trials (CIOMS). - Europe is requiring pharmacovigilance protocols
in submissions. - Expectation is that ICH will enter this arena.
29Response in Academia
30Conflict of Interest
- April 2005 The Drug Trial published
- A book focused on the drug trial at the Hospital
for Sick Children and Dr. Olivieri - In Hamilton, the Spectator conducted a 3-month
investigation of McMasters Faculty of Health
Sciences - Approximately 100 faculty members had financial
relationships with industry - Research funding, clinical trial contracts,
honoraria, speaking fees, consultancies, stock
options, sitting on Boards of Directors
31Response of Public
32Public Response
- New publications
- The Drug Trial
- Dangerous Doses
- Xx
- Movies/TV
- The Constant Gardener.
- Spring 2006 new movie looking at the
pharmaceutical industry. - Law Order episodes.
33Public Response
- Public Opinion Polls
- Show distrust of pharmaceutical industry at an
all-time high. - Public response to perceived safety issues is
that industry is holding back negative data and
putting their health at risk.
34Implications for Marketing
35Public Relations
- There has never been a time for a greater need
for the industry to tell its side of the story. - Trade associations and individual companies need
to get the benefits that this industry brings to
the forefront. Otherwise, it will not be told. - Stories regarding these benefits need to be
brought to the public media, e.g., Law and Order.
Counterfeit medications would be one way to do
- With the greater disclosure of ADR information
and risk/benefit data that support decision
making, there will be more data available for
litigation purposes. - Companies should routinely be monitoring what is
on this ADR website regarding their products.
37Time to Approval
- Given the concerns about safety, agencies are
likely to make conservative decisions and to ask
for more data. - Approval of non-life threatening drugs may be
delayed or consensus requested from advisory
38Post Approval Commitments
- We will see the Canadian system develop to
require post-approval commitments, either through
a change to the system, the use of more
conditional NOCs or the use of postmarketing
protocols - Will focus on safety assessments in
sub-populations. - Monitoring ADRs in a small environment in real
life, e.g., a teaching hospital. - These post-marketing commitments will likely have
an impact on listings for reimbursement.
39Use of Large Databases
- As regulatory agencies try to get at rare ADRs
(lt1/10,000 patients), large databases will be the
best place to get this information. - We will see large databases adapt themselves
better to be able to provide this data. - We will see regulatory agencies requesting
companies to use these databases more.
40Patient Access to Data
- Patients will have far greater access to data.
- They will review the data and share it among
themselves via the internet. - They will begin filling their own ADR forms,
particularly the patient groups that are
well-organized and can assist one another.
41Direct To Consumer Advertising
- Ban on Direct to Consumer advertising will
continue. - US DTC Advertising may well find itself
restricted. - US Trade organization has recently issued new
guideline that it expects its members to abide by
regarding DTC advertising.
42Risk Management
- Risk Management in its broadest sense will become
a strategic function within pharmaceutical
companies. - Pharmacovigilance and safety is one component of
risk management for a company. - Paramount in the assessment would be the risk to
the patient. - How that risk is explored and defined may need to
be tightened i.e., move from art to science
with predetermined numbers and probabilities.
43Parting Message
- As of October 31, 2005, the US have adapted SPL
labelling for ALL drug product subject to an NDA.
- Company submits in SPL. FDA provides SPL to
National Library of Medicine (NLM). NLM
maintains database of all approved labelling
which HMOs and others can use to develop their
patient labelling etc. - Approved labelling is transmitted to NLM within
10 minutes of approval. From there it is
available throughout the country. - Compare this to the industry stance in Canada
where we have no electronic database of Product
Monographs. Nor do we want one because we cant
be sure that the English version is the same as
the French version.
- We have entered a new environment focused on
- The relationship that industry has with
regulators. - How transparent we are in sharing safety data on
our products. - How close we are to researchers.
- How much information our patients and customers
have access to regarding our products. - The old environment will never come back. We
need to learn to function in this new environment
and address the concerns that are coming to us.