Documentation in Acute Care - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Documentation in Acute Care


Register of surgical procedures. Destruction ... Surgical Services. Anesthesia Services. Nuclear Medicine ... Encryption technology. HIPAA ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Documentation in Acute Care

Documentation in Acute Care
  • Chapter 5
  • Accreditation and Regulatory Requirements for
    Acute Care Documentation

Mandatory Requirements for Acute Care
  • Federal statutes and regulations
  • State statues and regulations
  • County and municipal ordinances and codes
  • State and federal judicial decisions

Legal definitions
  • Statute a piece of legislation written and
    approved by a state or federal legislature and
    then signed into law by the president or the
    states governor
  • Regulation a rule established by ad
    administrative agency of government

Legal definitions contd
  • Municipal ordinance/code a rule established by
    a local government
  • Judicial decision a ruling handed down by a
    court to settle a legal dispute.

Voluntary Requirements for Acute Care
  • Accreditation organizations JCAHO, CARF, etc
  • Professional certification organizations AHIMA,
    AMA, etc
  • Standards development organizations ASTM, HL7,

General Legal Requirements for the Acute Care
  • The use of the health records and confidential
    healthcare information in legal proceedings
  • The form and content of health records and
    confidential healthcare information
  • The ownership and control of health records and
    confidential healthcare information

Health Records as Legal Documents
  • The health record is generally considered a
    business record, and has been admissible as
    evidence in legal proceedings
  • To be admissible in court, the health record must
    represent one of the persons involved in the
    legal proceedings.

Legal requests for records
  • Subpoena
  • Subpoena duces tecum
  • Court order

Form and Content of Health Records
  • Regulations are usually developed by the state
    administrative agency responsible for licensing
    hospitals and other healthcare regulations
  • Records must be maintained
  • Records are complete and accurate
  • Public health reporting, i.e. vital statistics,
    communicable diseases

Ownership and Control of Health Records
  • Generally considered the property of the hospital
    or healthcare provider that maintains the
  • Must remain under the facilitys physical control
  • Patients have the right to control how the
    personal information in their health records is
    used to review, copy, and correct the records
    when necessary

Other Health Record Control Issues
  • Release and disclosure
  • Redisclosure
  • Retention/destruction

Release and Disclosure of Confidential Health
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
    Act (HIPAA)
  • The patients formal consent is not required to
    use health information for therapeutic,
    reimbursement, operational, and reporting
  • Formal consent is required to release or disclose
    patient information for any other reason.

  • The process of disclosing health record
    documentation originally created by a different
  • Redisclosure guidelines follow the same
    principles as the release and disclosure

Retention of Health Records
  • State laws
  • Statute of limitations
  • Several other records of patient care should be
    maintained permanently
  • Master patient index
  • Register of births
  • Register of deaths
  • Register of surgical procedures

Destruction of Health Records
  • Paper documents burning, shredding, pulping,
    and pulverizing
  • Micrographic film recycling and pulverizing
  • Optical disks pulverizing
  • Electronic documents magnetic degaussing
  • Magnetic tapes magnetic degaussing

Certificate of Destruction
  • Date of destruction
  • Method of destruction
  • Description of the record(s) destroyed, including
    health record numbers
  • Statement that the record(s) was destroyed during
    the normal course of business
  • Signatures of the individuals who authorized and
    witnessed the destruction

State and Local Licensure Requirement
  • Developing hospital operating standards
  • Issuing licenses to hospitals that meet the
  • Monitoring hospital compliance with the standard
  • Sanctioning hospitals that do not comply with the

Medicare and Medicaid
  • Established in 1965 by an amendment to the Social
    Security Act of 1935.
  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
    (CMS) administers the Medicare program and the
    federal portion of the Medicaid program.
  • Local Medicaid programs are administered by
    agencies within individual state governments.

Medicaid Participation
  • Voluntary for healthcare professionals and
  • Hospitals that choose to participate must apply
    to the state agency that administers the Medicaid
    program in their area.
  • Annual surveys are conducted by most states to
    confirm hospital compliance with Medicaid

Medicare Conditions of Participation
  • Participation is voluntary, however few hospitals
    would be able to survive economically if they did
    not provide services to Medicare beneficiaries.
  • Published under title 42, part 482 of the Code of
    Federal Regulations.
  • Current version became effective, 1/1/2003.

Medicare Conditions of Participation Standards
  • Address the organization and staffing of the HIM
  • Address health record format and retention
  • Describes content requirements for acute care
  • Requires hospitals to protect the personal and
    medical rights of patients.

Medicare Conditions of Participation Standards
  • Other sections that include documentation
  • Medical Staff
  • Nursing Services
  • Radiology Services
  • Laboratory Services
  • Discharge Planning
  • Surgical Services
  • Anesthesia Services
  • Nuclear Medicine Services

Deemed Status
  • Granted by Medicare to hospitals that are
    accredited by JCAHO or AOAs accreditation
  • CMS requires that approximately 10 of the
    hospitals with deemed status undergo a Medicare
    validation survey.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
  • Implemented April, 2003
  • Apply to healthcare facilities, professionals,
    health plans, and health information
    clearinghouses that transmit healthcare
    information electronically

HIPAA defines health information
  • Any information that is created or received by a
    healthcare provider in relation to
  • The past, present, or future physical or mental
    health of an individual
  • The provision of healthcare services to an
  • The past, present, or future payment for
    healthcare services provided to the individual

HIPAA Privacy Standard A healthcare
  • Can use or disclose confidential patient
    information for purposes related to its own
    treatment, reimbursement, and healthcare
  • Can disclose patient information to another
    healthcare provider for purposes related to the
    patients treatment.
  • Can disclose patient information to another
    healthcare provider or covered organization for
    purposes related to reimbursement for services
    provided to the patient.

HIPAA Privacy Standard A healthcare
  • Can disclose patient information to another
    covered organization for purposes related to the
    healthcare operations of the other organization
    when both organizations have or had a
    relationship with the individual who is the
    subject of protected information being requested.
  • That is part of an organized healthcare delivery
    system can disclose protected health information
    to another organization within the system for
    purposes related to the healthcare operations of
    the system.

HIPAA Privacy Standard preempts state laws except
  • An exception is made by the secretary of HHS
  • A provision in state law is more stringent than
    the federal standard
  • The state law relates to public health
    surveillance and reporting
  • The state law relates to reporting for the
    purpose of management or financial audits,
    program monitoring and evaluation, and licensure
    or certification of facilities or individuals.

Requirements for Release and Disclosure
  • Hospital policy must identify the uses and
    disclosures for which authorization is required.
  • Hospital policy must specify who may authorize
    disclosure on behalf of an individual patient.
  • Hospital policy must provide special protections
    for psychotherapy notes.

Requirements for Release and Disclosure
  • Hospital policy must establish limitations on the
    use of protected health information for
    fund-raising and must provide a mechanism that
    allows individuals to opt out of fund-raising
  • Hospital policy must establish the requirements
    for the deidentification of protected health
    information before it can be released without the
    patients authorization.

Requirements for Release and Disclosure
  • Hospital policy must establish a standard to
    limit the amount of information used or disclosed
    to the minimum necessary to accomplish the
    intended purpose.
  • Hospital policy must establish classes of
    personnel who need access to protected health
    information, the specific categories of
    information each class needs, and the conditions
    under which access is appropriate.

Minimum necessary standard
  • Requires the healthcare facility to identify
    individuals or classes of individuals in its
    workforce who need access to protected health

Authorizations for Disclosure must contain
  • A specific and meaningful description of the
    information to be used or disclosed
  • The name or other specific identification of the
    person(s) or class of persons authorized to
    disclose the information
  • An expiration date or event that relates to the
    individual or the purpose of the disclosure
  • A statement of the individuals right to revoke
    the authorization

Authorizations for Disclosure must contain
  • A statement describing the exceptions to the
    right of revocation
  • A description of how the individual may revoke
    the authorization
  • A statement that information disclosed according
    to the authorization may be subject to
    redisclosure by the recipient and so would not
    longer be protected
  • The signature of the individual and the date

Authorization is considered invalid if
  • The expiration date or event has already passed
  • The authorization has not been filled out
  • The covered party knows that the authorization
    has been revoked
  • The authorization lacks one or more of the
    required elements
  • The authorization is a prohibited type of
    authorization or covers more than one request
  • The covered entity knows that part of all of the
    information in the authorization is false

HIPAA Security Standard
  • Calls for providers to develop security policies,
    procedures, contracts, and plans.
  • Requires the implementation of physical and
    technical safeguards to protect confidential
    health records and information.

Physical safeguards include
  • Environmental safety systems such as fire alarms,
    smoke detectors, and sprinkler systems
  • Surveillance systems and other methods of
    controlling and monitoring access to the facility
  • Media control systems that prevent unauthorized
    access to computer equipment and work stations

Technical Security Mechanisms and Procedures
  • Access control technology
  • Data authentication
  • Audit trails
  • Encryption technology

HIPAA Administrative Requirements
  • Every facility must designate a specific
    individual to manage its privacy program
  • Every facility must designate a specific to
    answer requests for privacy information and
    respond to privacy-related complaints
  • Every facility must train its employees and
    medical staff on the provisions of its privacy
    and security policies

HIPAA Administrative Requirements contd
  • Every facility must establish appropriate
    administrative, technical, and physical
    safeguards to protect confidential health
  • Every facility must develop contingency plans
    that address information system backup, disaster
    recovery, and emergency operating procedures
  • Every facility must establish health record
    content and clinical documentation policies and

HIPAA Administrative Requirements contd
  • Every facility must specify policies and
    procedures related to privacy notifications,
    authorizations for disclosure, health record
    corrections and amendments, disclosure
    documentation, complaint handling, and overall
    HIPAA compliance
  • Every facility establish the copying fees to be
    charged for disclosure

Special Protection Requirements
  • Records of psychiatric care and psychotherapy
  • Records of substance abuse treatment
  • Records of HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment
  • Records that contain genetic information

Psychiatric Care and Psychotherapy Records
  • Psychiatric records include two separate records
  • Official record that documents the patients
    care and treatment
  • Personal record which documents the clinicians
    experience and conversations with the patient
  • Release of psychotherapy notes requires a
    specific authorization

Substance Abuse Treatment Records
  • The Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention,
    Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act
  • The Drug Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and
    Rehabilitation Act
  • Both passed in 1970, amended in 2000
  • Apply to programs operated, regulated, or
    directly or indirectly funded by the federal

Records of HIV/AIDS Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Many states have HIV/AIDS reporting requirements
    and antidiscrimination laws
  • HIV Testing
  • Basically voluntary in US
  • May be mandatory for specific groups of employees

Confidentiality Issues related to HIV/AIDS
  • Consent for testing
  • General information on testing
  • Reporting of test results

Records that contain Genetic Information
  • Protected under state health record regulations
  • HIPAA addresses health insurance discrimination
    based on genetic information

Accreditation Requirements for Acute Care
  • Accreditation a systematic quality review
    process that evaluates the healthcare facilitys
    performance against preestablished written
    criteria, or standards.

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations (JCAHO)
  • Accredits over 17,000 healthcare organizations in
    the US
  • Primary mission
  • To continuously improve the safety and quality of
    care provided to the public through the provision
    of health care accreditation and related services
    that support performance improvement in health
    care organizations.

Organizations eligible of JCAHO accreditation
  • Acute care hospitals
  • Critical access hospitals
  • Childrens hospitals
  • Psychiatric hospitals
  • Rehabilitation hospitals
  • Ambulatory care organizations
  • Behavioral health organizations
  • Home care agencies
  • Long-term for skilled nursing facilities
  • Healthcare networks
  • Clinical laboratories

JCAHOs Shared Visions-New Pathways
  • Implementation began, January, 2004
  • Focuses on systems critical to the safety and
    quality of patient care, treatment, and services.
  • Emphasis in JCAHO accreditation shifted away from
    triennial survey preparation to continuous
    improvement philosophy that applies to every area
    of the facility.

Elements of JCAHO accreditation manual
  • The standard a concise statement of the goal
  • The rationale for the standard explains why
    achieving the goal in important
  • The elements of performance (EPs) the steps to
    be followed in meeting the goal

Scoring method applied to EPs
  • 0 Insufficient compliance
  • 1 Partial compliance
  • 2 Satisfactory compliance
  • 3 Not applicable

JCAHOs Management of Information
  • Identification of the hospitals information
  • Structure of the hospitals information
    management system
  • Processes for capturing, organizing, storing,
    retrieving, processing, and analyzing clinical
    data and information
  • Processes for transmitting, reporting,
    displaying, integrating, and using clinical data
    and information
  • Processes for safeguarding the confidentiality
    and integrity of clinical data and information

JCAHO Sentinel Event Policy
  • An unexpected occurrence involving death or
    serious physical or psychological injury, or the
    risk thereof
  • Hospitals need processes in place to identify
    and manage sentinel events

JCAHO Survey Process
  • Periodic performance review (PPR) an
    organizational self-assessment to be conducted at
    the halfway point between triennial on-site
  • Followed by a telephone discussion with the
    hospitals representative about a plan of action
    for shortcomings identified in the PPR.

JCAHO Survey Process
  • Application is filed as hospital nears the end of
    its three-year accreditation cycle
  • Priority focus process (PFP) converts presurvey
    data into information that focuses survey
    activities, increases consistency in the
    accreditation process, and customizes the
    accreditation process to make it specific to the

PFP Sources of Information
  • Core measure data
  • Previous survey findings
  • Sentinel event data
  • Complaints about the hospital submitted to JCAHO
  • Data submitted by the hospital
  • External, publicly available data

Priority Focus Areas (PFAs)
  • Processes, systems and structures that can have a
    substantial effect on patient care services.

JCAHO on-site survey agenda
  • Opening conferences and orientation to the
  • Survey planning meeting
  • Unit visits guided by priority focus information
    and patient tracers
  • Assessment of the medical staff credentialing
  • Assessment of environments of care

JCAHO on-site survey agenda
  • System tracer conferences
  • Interviews with staff
  • Interviews with hospital leaders
  • Assessment with hospital leaders
  • Assessment of standards compliance
  • Environment-of-care issues resolution
  • Exit conference

Tracer Methodology
  • An evaluation that follows (traces) the hospital
    experiences of specific patients.
  • Surveyors are able to evaluate ho well the
    hospitals processes and departments work with
    each other.
  • Surveyors interview the physicians and staff
    involved in each patients care as well as the
    patients themselves when possible.

JCAHO Accreditation Decisions
  • Accredited
  • Provisional accreditation
  • Conditional accreditation
  • Preliminary denial of accreditation
  • Denial of accreditation
  • Preliminary accreditation

American Osteopathic Association (AOA)
  • Primary certification agency for all osteopathic
  • Accreditation agency for all osteopathic medical
    colleges and many osteopathic healthcare
  • Accreditation process initiated in 1945
  • Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP)

Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program
  • Laboratories
  • Ambulatory care clinics
  • Ambulatory surgery centers
  • Behavioral health and substance abuse treatment
  • Physical rehabilitation facilities
  • Acute care hospitals
  • Critical access hospitals

Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation
Facilities (CARF)
  • Healthcare accreditation programs in the areas
  • Medical rehabilitation
  • Behavioral health
  • Adult day care and assisted living
  • Employment and community services

CARF Survey Process
  • Scheduled in advance
  • Opening conference
  • Document review
  • Interviews with program staff and patients
  • Exit interview with organizations leaders

CARF Accreditation Decision Process
  • Based on an objective assessment of the
    facilitys performance compared to CARF
  • Standards Conformance Rating System
  • 0 Nonconformance
  • 1 Partial conformance
  • 2 Conformance
  • 3 Exemplary conformance

Other accreditation organizations
  • Accreditation Association for Ambulatory
    Healthcare (AAAHC) establishes standards for
    outpatient documentation that are similar to
    acute care documentation practices.
  • National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)
    a private not-for-profit organization dedicated
    to improving health quality by conducting
    assessments of managed care and other healthcare
    programs in the US.

Corporate Negligence
  • Legal doctrine established by a judicial decision
    in the Darling v. Charleston Community Hospital
    in 1965.
  • The hospitals governing boards have a duty to
    establish mechanisms for the medical staff to
    evaluate, counsel, and when necessary, take
    action against an unreasonable risk of harm to a
    patient arising from the patients treatment by a
    personal physician.

Credentialing Process
  • Verification of the applicants undergraduate,
    medical, and postdoctoral education
  • Verification of the applicants residency and
    fellowship training as well as continuing medical
  • Past and current medical staff appointments at
    other facilities

Credentialing Process
  • Current state licenses to practice medicine
  • Current specialty board certifications
  • Current drug enforcement administration
  • Documentation of professional liability insurance
  • References and recommendations from the
    applicants professional peers

Credentialing Process
  • Information on the applicants health status
  • Past and current liability status
  • Inquiries to two national databases
  • National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB)
  • Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank

Privileging Process
  • Granted by the governing board
  • Authorize the practitioner to provide patient
    services in the hospital but only those service
    that fall within his/her areas of expertise.

Risk Management
  • The process of overseeing the hospitals internal
    medical, legal, and administrative operations
    with the goal of minimizing the hospitals
    exposure to liability.
  • Liability the legal responsibility to
    compensate individuals for injuries and losses
    sustained as the result of negligence.

Reportable Incident
  • An event that is considered to be inconsistent
    with accepted standards of care.
  • Incident report describes the occurrence, its
    time, date, and location, the identify of the
    individual or individuals involved, and the
    current condition of the individual(s) involved
    in the incident.

Health Data Standards
  • Health care data sets (UHDDS, EMEDS, HEDIS,
  • Health Informatics Standards uniform methods
    for collecting, maintaining, and/or transferring
    healthcare data among computer information systems

Standards Development Organizations
  • Design scientifically based models against which
    structures, processes, and outcomes can be
  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
  • United Nations International Standards
    Organization (ISO)

Health Informatics Standards
  • Vocabulary standards to establish uniform
    definitions for clinical terms
  • Structure and content standards to establish
    clear descriptions of the data elements to be
  • Transaction and messaging standards to
    facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI)
    between independent computer information system

Health Informatics Standards
  • Security standards to ensure the
    confidentiality of patient-identifiable health
    information and to protect it from unauthorized
    disclosure, alteration, and destruction
  • Identifier standards to establish methods for
    assigning unique identifiers to individual
    patients, healthcare professionals, healthcare
    provider organizations, and healthcare vendors
    and suppliers

Health Informatics Standards organizations
  • Health Level Seven (HL7)
  • EHR Collaborative
  • American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
  • SNOMED Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT)

Internal Hospital Policies and Procedures
  • Policies general written guidelines that
    dictate behavior or direct and constrain decision
    making within the organization.
  • Procedures written instructions that detail how
    functions and processes are to be carried out.

General categories of hospital policies
  • Administration, including HIM
  • Medical staff
  • Nursing services
  • Human resources
  • Safety
  • Environment of care
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