Title: Kids Plastic Folding Chairs - 1stfoldingchairs.com
1Kids Plastic Folding Chairs 1stfoldingchairs.com
Chair and Table Source www.1stfoldingchairs.com
2White LCC99WLightweight Easy for Child to
handle18-Gauge Steel FramePlastic Seat and
BackContoured Back and SeatTextured
Polypropylene Seat and BackDouble Support
RailsWhite Powder Coated Frame
Finish Non-Marring Floor CapsFolded Dimensions
13''W x 2.25''D x 25''H
3Discount Folding Chairs have specially contoured
seats and backs making them the most comfortable
and ergonomic chairs on the market. Tubular
steel frame constructed of tempered steel and
guaranteed for 5 years.
Chair and Table Source
9415 Culver Blvd, 164, Culver City, CA
90232 USA
Telephone 855 620 7296 Fax 877 219
9936 E-mail sales_at_1allchairs.com