Title: Gaps in the Architecture
1- Gaps in the Architecture
- for
- Sovereign Debt Restructuring
- Benu Schneider
The views expressed do not necessarily represent
those of the Financing for Development Office,
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UN
2Identifying Gaps in the IMF Architecture for
Debt Resolution in a world of open capital
New Financing
Domestic Policies adjustment thru exchange
Article VII 2b for Current Transfers
Debtor-in-Possession Financing by the Private
Provision for Standstills for Capital Accounts
Adjustment through Debt-Restructuring
Lack of a rules-based platform for engagement of
debtors and creditors, creditor coordination,
independent DSAs, Debt Restructuring and No
formal platform for the engagement between the
private and public sector
Debt to Multilaterals
Debt to official creditors
Debt to commercial Banks
Bond debt
Yes, London Club
No, it cannot be restructured except for HIPC
Yes, at the Paris Club The terms of treatment
are determined on the basis of per capita and
debt ratios (require bilateral agreements
after Paris Club agreements) Covers only PC
Yes, with and without collective action clauses
4What would the SDRM1 have done?
- Creditor committees / Voting thresholds
- Priority financing
- Restructuring agreement
- Sovereign debt dispute resolution forum
- Type of debt to be treated, verification,
comprehensiveness - Stays by majority rule
- Sanctions
5Gaps in architecture
- Lack of a centralized dispute resolution
mechanism - Lack of organized representation of all
stakeholders - Lack of enforceable priority rules for creditors
- Problems with inter-creditor equity and equity
between the private and public sector - No international law governing international
bankruptcies judgments passed in one
jurisdiction is not enforceable in another
jurisdiction legal diff across jurisdictions - No provisions for standstills that provide
breathing space. - Independent DSAs
- Legal gaps Vulture fund litigation
- Creditors
- Erosion of creditor rights
- Willingness to pay potentially capricious
behavior by some debtors - Impacted by preferred creditor status
- Debtors
- Undue lags
- Insufficient debt relief leading to future debt
restructurings - Jeopardy to resumption of growth and debt
sustainability, impact on trade, FDI etc. - Hold outs, litigation
- Access to finance and the cost of finance
Non-system implications for global financial
7Contractual discussion a step forward but only
on bonds missing other loan contracts
- To be recognized that efficacy of CACs is limited
- Contractual terms cannot take on the role of
public policy such as externalities, societal
distribution problems and broad equity terms for
stakeholders - Market based approach needs further work on
process questions, standstills, safety clauses
- Problem of existing stock
- Voluntary even after years may not have bonds
issued with the new clauses - Underlying assumption that no single investor
has the scale of resources to block a
restructuring plan but easy for example in the
case of bonds issued by frontier markets or when
some hedge funds form a single firm to prevent a
restruct. plan
9Jurisdiction issues
- Judgment passed in one jurisdiction are not
enforceable in other jurisdictions - Lack of coordination between different courts and
the WBs ICSID - All litigation cannot be settled under one
umbrella, ensure inter-creditor equity - The lack of coordination has high human and
financial costs for debtors - They result in delay high costs- lack of access
to markets
10- Litigation in sovereign debt defaults is more
common than the general perception - In recent times 50 of debt crises involved
legal disputes affecting 25 countries(data base
covers US and UK). - Increasing strength of holdout creditors
-Argentine case is part of a general trend - Distressed debt funds involved in 75 of cases
- Shumacher, Trebesch anf Enderline Sovereign
Defaults in Court (May 2014)
11Creditor returns high in litigation cases
- Lack of systematic work but in the past known to
be high - 400 for Elliot in Peru
- Elliot 60 in Panama
- Cardinal Financial Inv. 270 in Yemen
- Litigation is associated with
- loss of market access
- loss in int. trade
- delays in crisis resolution
- Externalities larger than the amounts under
12Implications of the Argentine Debt Litigation
- Consensus that this is game changer will impact
future debt restructurings by strengthening the
hands of holdout creditors illustrates the
legal gaps in architecture - Support improvement in contractual technology but
something else is needed in addition moreover
there is still the problem of the existing debt
stock voluntarity
13Diversity in debt restructurings
- Those without nominal haircuts move rapidly,
fewer holdouts, but need multiple restructurings.
Costly in the long run for both debtors and
creditors. For deeper haircuts negotiations are
protracted. - A large no. of voluntary and light
restructurings, as the fall-back position has
been protracted legal processes characterized by
uncertainty. - Deeper haircuts - creditor cajoling,
14Costs of sovereign debt restructurings
Output losses Around 5 per cent a year, Up to 10 years. Higher if twin or triple crises
Trade losses Falls bilaterally by about 7 percent per year, average 15 years
Decreased access to external credit Drop in private sector access of up to 40 per cent in the year after
Higher spreads Greater haircuts larger post-restructuring bond spreads until 6-7 years after Also highly correlated with duration of capital market exclusion
Financial instability Loss of value of restructured assets, deposit withdrawals and interruption of interbank credit lines, interest rate hikes
Lower FDI Drop in flows of up to 2 of GDP per year
Lower credit ratings After 1 year most sovereign bonds C- rating
IMF 2012, Sovereign debt restructurings
1950-2010 Literature survey, data and stylized
15Delay Different criteria between official and
private sector
- For the private sector delay means once the
process is initiated, how long it takes reach a
settlement in the negotiation - For the official sector delay has two parts
- Delay in initiating a debt restructuring
- Once initiated, the time it takes to reach a
16- Delay gives vulture funds the opportunity to
purchase debt at a discount and then holdout for
high gains
17Meet the gap in architecture
- The IMF plays a unique role in assisting its
members to strike a judicious balance between
financing and adjustment - but
- it runs the risk of being less effective in this
role due to the absence of a framework for timely
and orderly debt restructuring
18Moral hazard of IMF lending to both debtors and
- Debtors defer needed adjustments hoping for an
improvement in economic conditions - Lenders do not correctly price in risk
- Banks may postpone recognizing losses on their
balance sheets
19Evolution of policy of lending into arrears
- 1970 intolerant of arrears (arising due to
foreign exchange restrictions) restructuring
considered harmful arrears to be eliminated
during the duration of the fund program - 1980relaxation of the requirement that the
arrears had to be cleared during the duration of
a funds program - Possible need for elimination of arrears thru
debt renegotiation (but not how)
201980s Debt Crisis
- IMF - three principles
- protect its own resources
- became an advocate of burden sharing
- IMFs preferred creditor status
- IMF did not lend money till arrears with private
creditors were cleared either thru rescheduling
or new money or both (forced debtors to agree
terms set by private creditors) no arrears policy
put the IMF at risk not to lend at all
21Lending into arrears (contd)
- 1989 arrears policy modified to tolerate temp
arrears to commercial banks even if no agreement
on debt renegotiation had been reached (no
tolerance of arrears to PC creditors who were
60.67 percent of IMF ex board) - 1998 good faith negotiation
- 1999 good faith effort to reach a collaborative
agreement with its creditors
22- 2002 good faith criterion elaborated into a
full-blown set of prescriptions and procedures - Gave grounds for intense lobbying by the private
sector (but nothing in its arsenal over
jurisdiction over private sector) - IMF arbiter and referee of good behaviour and
good faith - After Asian fin crisis policy of exceptional
access (post Greece, amendment of policy)
23Lack of a credible exit strategy
- Sometimes the lack of an acceptable alternative
in terms of an orderly exit gives the IMF little
choice but to exercise forbearance and continue
disbursements even in cases where, on the balance
of probabilities, an inter-temporal solvency
condition may be violated.