Title: Here
1What do you need to register for access to MathXL?
A student access code.
Heres an example of a student access code SMPLE
If your instructor has created a course
specifically for your class you will need the
name of your school, instructor, and course
Heres an example of that information. Univ. of
Anywhere, Bob Smith, Math 101
A valid email
2If your instructor has NOT created a course, you
can still use MathXL you will need your student
access code plus the author, name edition of
your text
Here is an example of that information
Lial Basic Math, 7th Edition
3Where do you find your student access code?
FREE with your NEW text
oronline at www.mathxl.com
For sale in your bookstore
Follow the directions that comes with your code
to register.
4To register follow these steps.
Start at www.mathxl.com Choose Register
Enter your student access code. Complete the
online registration and choose a unique personal
Log-in name and Password
5Log on, choose your course or text, and install
needed software
Return to www.mathxl.com Choose Login
The first time you enter the site, select your
school and course from the drop-down
menus Or..if your instructor has not created a
course, choose your text by author, title and
Next, you will see the Installation Wizard.
Read and follow all directions to install the
needed software on your computer.
6Thank you for using MathXL with your Addison
Wesley text.