1???????????? ???????? MultiPurpose Detector
(?????? ???????)
?. ?????????, ????
- ????????
- ?????????? ?????? ??????? ?????
- ?????????????? ????? ?????????
- ?????????? ?????
- ???????? ?????
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2?????????? ?????????
- ??????????? ??????????? ???????? ??????? ?
???????? ? ????????? ???????? ????????, ???????
????? ????????? ?????????? - - ?????????????,
- - ?????????????? ????????? ?????????,
- - ??????? ?????????,
- - ????????? ???? ? ??????????? ?????.
- ???????????? ??????? ???????? ??????????????
?????????????? ????? - - ? ??????? ????? ?? 1 ?? 238 (U92)
- - ??? ???????????? ?? ??????? ???????
- ? ??????? ?SNN 3-9 GeV
- ??? ???????????? ????? ??? ??? ????????? ???????
?????????????? ??????? ?????, ??? ? ??? ???????
???????? ?????????? (???????? ?????? ?????????,
???????????? ?????????? ????? ? ??.)
????????????? ??????????? ?.????????, ?.???????,
?.?????, ?.?????? ? ??.
3Physics motivation
The phase diagram in terms of the reduced energy
density The trajectories calculated with hybrid
- filled markers
- evolution within
- 3D relativistic hydrodynamics
steps 0.3 fm/c 0.5 fm/c
4Collider NICA complex allocation
5Collider NICA parameters
6Progress in the NICA Conceptual Design Report
- New version of CDR is available
- Some parameters of the facility complex are
clarified and corrected - Subproject NUCLOTRON-M was considered supported
by PAC - New perspectives of project realization are
considered taking into account available RDs
and production technologies - Next step preparation of TDR
?????? ??????? ?.???????, ?.?????, ?.?????????,
?.??????, ?.?????????
7 dedicated experiments
- Fixed target experiments
- NA61 at SPS CERN (waiting for approval)
- and CBM at SIS100 GSI (in preparation)
- advantages of collider experiments
- possibility to have 4p acceptance !
- les critical for variation of detected particle
density - (limited by the resolution), introduced by
energy scan
- Collider experiments - running at high energies
- STAR Fenix at RHIC BNL, ALICE at
- STAR plans to run at low energies (?SNN 4-9
GeV, for U92) - Not adopted due to luminocity falls down,
calorimetry ?
8Experimental Tasks the first stage targets
the effects to be studied on energy centrality
- Event-by-event fluctuation in hadron productions
- (multiplicity, Pt etc.)
- HBT correlations indicating the space-time size
of the systems involving p, K, p, ? - (possible changes close to the de-confinement
point) - Directed elliptic flows for various hadrons
- Hyperon production
- yield spectra (the probes of nuclear media
9MPD conceptual design
Initial constrains
- longitudinal (z-axis) space
- limited by 800 cm between the collider optics
- radial scale
- limited by engineering problems cost
- (R lt 200 cm)
- compact solenoid
- with the major parts of detector located in the
magnetic field - design of superconducting magnet with closed
yoke geometry - to provide homogeneous magnetic field
First stage of simulation based on UrQMD
GEANT4 in the framework of the MPD-Root shell
- Au Au collisions with max. total energy of
4.5 4.5 GeV/u - Central interaction within b 0 3 fm
- Minimum bias within b 0 15.8 fm
- Collision rate at L1027 cm-2s-1 6 kHz
Charged particles Multiplicity
Charged particles momenta
Fig.6 Pulse spectra of pions, kaons and protons
in different regions of the pseudorapidity of MPD
detector. Spectrum of the primary protons is
presented for demonstration that the low energy
peak on the spectrum of all protons is due to
secondary protons created in the matter before
TOF in both Barrel and End cap regions.
13MPD conceptual design
General View
14MPD conceptual design
- Defined as a compromise between
- TOF requirement
- tracker resolution
basic geometry preliminary
- magnetic field formation
- the cost
limited by collider optics
15Magnenic field
- superconducting solenoidal magnet
- magnetic field 0.5 T
- cryostat inner radius 1.5 m
- (region available for the detector)
- iron yoke is used to form
- a homogeneous magnetic field
- color step 5 Gauss (1 pm)
- - good homogeneity
- feasible for TPC
16MPD conceptual design
Magnetic field
Pseudorapidity spectra
18MPD conceptual design
Towards 4p acceptance to cover a wide
pseudorapidity range
20MPD Barrel part
tracking, precise momentum measurement
particle ID in the region -1 lt ? lt1
- Major tracker - TPC
- Inner Tracker - silicon strip detector /
micromegas chamber - for tracking close to the interaction region
- Outer Tracker straw
barrel (optional)
21TPC major tracker
22TPC major tracker
- specification (preliminary)
- Outer radius 110 cm
- Inner radius 20 cm
- Drift length 135 cm
- Number of sections (each side) 12
- Total number of readout chambers 24 (12
each side) - Drift time 20-30 ?s
- Multiplicity for charged particles (central
collision) 500 - Total pad/channels number
80000 - dE/dx resolution 6 (50 samples x 2cm)
- Special resolution (?? x ?R x ?z)
3 x 0.4 x 3 mm - Maximal rate 10 kHz
23TPC track reconstruction
24Inner Tracker (silicon strips)
- Complementary detector for track precise
reconstruction - in the region close to the interaction piont
- Cylindrical geometry (4 layers)
- covering the interaction region 50 cm along the
beam axis
- Possible contribution to dE/dx measurements
- for charged particles
25Time of Flight
TOF detector covers the region ? lt 1 with an
acceptance 93 The barrel surface 30 m2
(length 4 m, radius of 1,3 m) The counters are
placed in 12 modules, 560 counters in total The
total number of readout channels is 27600 Time
resolution 100 ps
26Time of Flight
multigap RPC counter is 7 cm x 67 cm, it has
150 pads with size 2.3cm x 2 cm.
27Time of Flight
- the RPC TOF system looks like barrel
- with the length 4 m and radius of 1,3 m.
- the barrel surface is about 33 m2
- the dimensions of one RPC counter is 7 cm x 100
cm - it has 150 pads with size 2,3cm x 2 cm.
- the full barrel is covered by 160 counters
- the total number of readout channels is 24000
- Time resolution 100 ps
28Time of Flight
track momenta
mass reconstruction for central events
29Time of Flight
momentum spectra ratios for primary K / ?
no essential bias on momentum for the separation
30Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Photons in the barrel
requires high granularity average occupancy in
barrel for 3x3 cm crystals lt 3
31Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Requirements for p0 reconstruction
33MPD End-Cap parts
for tracking momentum reconstruction particle
ID at 1lt ?lt 2.65
- End Cap Tracker Straw Wheels
(stereo radial)
- Time Of Flight RPC ( start/stop sys.)
for charged particle ID
34ECT straw wheel
Number of track hits f(R) is related to
reconstruction efficiency
Pseudorapidity correlation with track hit
35ECT straw wheel
Stereo wheel construction each stereo wheel
contains 4 layers of radial straws with different
? gt 1.1
37Time of Flight
charged particle mass reconstruction
38Track reconstruction efficiency
ECT complements TPC to extend pseudorapidity
39Very Forward
40MPD Very Forward parts
for energy deposit estimation chrged particle
counts at ? gt 2.65
- Beam Beam Counters for centrality
determination reconstruction of the
interaction point - start /stop system for ToF
- Zero Degree Calorimeter for centrality
determination, - measurement of fluctuations
41Beam Beam Counter
Pseudorapidy region 1.5 ? ? ? 4.5 (out of
the TPC acceptance) usable for centrality /min
bias triggers
42Zero Degree Calorimeter
- measurement of centrality b A - Nspect
- selection of centrality at trigger level
- measurement of event-by-event fluctuations
- to exclude the fluctuation of participants
- monitor of beam intensity by detecting
- the neutrons from electromagnetic dissociation
- ee / eh 1 - compensated calorimeter
- Lead / Scintillator sandwich
43Zero Degree Calorimeter
44DAQ Computing
- events 2 10 10
- disk space 10 000 TB
- PCs 1800
45Engineering auxiliaries
Require essential reconstruction of the
intersection area to provide access for works
for necessary auxiliaries
46Cost Estimation in k (very preliminary)
Magnet - 3 200 TPC
- 9 500 IT (SSD /MM) - 3 600 /
750 OT - 4 000 TOF
- 4 000 ECAL (cristal / shashlyk)
- 15 600 / 6 000 ECT - 7
900 BBC - 400 TDAQ
- 3 000 ZDC - 600 Slow
Control - 300 Computing - 1
500 Engineering - 2 000 ________________
_ _________ Total 55 600
47MPD organizational aspects
- At first approximation
- - all sub-detectors could be designed
constructed at JINR - based on the existing expertise infrastructure
- some sub-detectors could have alternative
designs - in order to provide possibility for potential
collaborators to substitute/accomplish
corresponding groups in future - The first realistic draft of the Letter of
Intent - the rough cost estimation - are available
48MPD Collaboration
- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
- Institute for Nuclear Research Russian Academy
of Science - Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics,
NASUk - Nuclear Physics Institute of MSU, RF
- Institute of Allied Physics, Academy of Science
Moldova - __________///________ open for extension
A consortium involving GSI, JINR other centers
for IT module development production is at the
organizational stage
49MPD Collaboration
50Progress in the MPD Letter of Intent
- The first LoI version is available
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- MPD conceptual design is proposed with an
acceptance close to 4p - Major parts of the detector are based on the
known technologies RDs - Alternative solutions are indicated for some of
the subdetectors - Rough estimation of the cost is presented
- ?????? ? ?????????? (Letter of Intent)
- - ???????????? ? ????????
- ?????? ??? ???????? ????????????
- - ????????????? ? ????? ??????????? ??????????
- ????????????????? R D,
- (???????? ?? ???????? ??????????)
- ???????? ??? ??????????????? ??????????? ? ??????
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- ??????????? ? ?????? ??? ????????
- ? ???????? ?????????????? ??????? ??? ??????
- ????????? ??????
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52???????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??
??????????. ??? ?? ????, VI ? ?? ?.?.
54Inner Tracker - MMGC (optional)
- Number of double
- mesh chambers 32
- Covered area 3,2 m2
- N of RO channels 20000
55OuterTracker - Straw barrel (optional)
to enhance tracking parameters in ? lt 1
12 x 2 (RL) double modules occupancy
4 for segmented straw with the lengths
330mm (central), 500 mm 700 mm
56ECal Shashlyk
ECAL -Pb- scintillator 10x10 cm2 Module -
18 X0 30.6 cm AMPD read-out
57ECal PbWO4 (optional)
basic element -PbWO4 (3x3x16cm3), wrapped in
Tyvek coated with black tube a light detector
is glued onto the outer face of the crystal One
module (24x24x22 cm3) - 64 crystals including
light detectors preamps The module has 0.5 mm
thick walls of a folded Al plate fixed to the Al
support In total 510 modules with 32640 crystals
58Possible indication on phase transition
measurements of related yields for charged kaons
pions Some enhancement is indicated in the
energy region around ???? 30 ? ???
Relative yield of Charged kaons
Elliptic flow, v2