Title: White Wood Wedding Chair Offers with Larry Hoffman Chair
1White Wood Wedding Chair Offers with Larry
Hoffman Chair
2White Wood Folding Chairs made with High Quality
Solid Oak Hardwood and are coated with quality
polyurethane environmentally friendly paint and
finished with a clear lacquer varnish.
Constructed with Nailed and Glued Joints for
extra Longevity. Each wood folding chair comes
with our 5 Year Replacement Warranty.
3Soft tool free removable washable vinyl super
comfort cushions. Our wood wedding folding chairs
are designed for pure comfort and simple cleaning.
For more information visit http//www.folding-chai
4Superior Quality White Wood Folding Chair -
Guaranteed Lowest Prices Since 2001 - Solid Oak
Hardwood with Soft Cushion Seat. Sale Price 19.50
5Folding Chairs Tables Discount
Website - http//www.folding-chairs-tables-discoun
t.com Address - 9415 Culver Blvd, 164,
Culver City, CA 90232
USA Phone - 866-514-6782 Email -