The Vietnam War - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Vietnam War


US enters into War with Vietnam. Johnson Escalates the War ... Some saw Vietnam as a civil war which US had no business interfering in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War
  • 1945-1975

Prelude to War Vietnam
  • Vietnam was originally part of French Indochina
  • During WWII Japan had seized Indochina
  • Independence movement began under the leadership
    of Ho Chi Minh a nationalist first, Communist
  • Founded Vietminh (independence) League in 1941 to
    expel Japanese. Made up of both Nationalists and
  • After the Japanese surrender Ho Chi Minh declared
    Vietnam independent.
  • 1946- the French tried to hold onto its colonies
    in Indochina

The 1st Vietnam 1945-1954
  • The Fall of China to Communism and the outbreak
    of the Korean War convinced the US to help the
  • By 1954 US had given France over 300,000 small
    arms and 1billion. (75-80) of entire French war
  • US defended involvement by claiming the Domino
    Theory- if Vietnam fell to communism do would the
    rest of South East Asia.

French Surrender
  • 1954 - French are defeated at Dien Bien Phu and
    surrender to Ho Chi Minh
  • Geneva Accords -International Peace conference
    was held to decide what to do with Indochina
  • Vietnam was divided into North and South at the
    17th latitude. Free elections were to be held in
    two years.
  • North Ho Chi Minh in control
  • South US placed anti-communist government under
    Diem (ruled as a dictator)
  • Once it was clear that Ho Chi Minh would win the
    election the US prevented the elections from
  • After Diem refused to hold elections Ho Chi Minh
    began an armed struggle to reunify the country.

The 2nd Vietnam Begins 1956-1973
  • 1957 National Liberation Front/ Vietcong is
  • used guerilla tactics hit and run, terrorism,
    assassinations. Willingness to accept high
  • Create underground tunnels to move from one part
    of the country to another
  • By 1961 Vietcong controlled most of the
    countryside in South Vietnam.
  • Supplied by Ho Chi Minh- via Ho Chi Minh Trails-
    paths along border of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

2nd Vietnam Begins-
  • Good Guys
  • Bad Guys
  • Non communist leaders (Diem)
  • US advisors/Forces
  • ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) made up of
    southern vietnamese
  • By 1967 Us forces totaled 500,000.
  • Ho Chi Minh
  • Vietminh North Vietnamese army under Ho Chi
  • National Liberation Front (NLF)Vietcong- Southern
    vietnamese Guerilla fighters. Supplied by Ho Chi

JFK and Vietnam
  • Increased military aid and sent more advisers to
    South Vietnam. By 1963 there were about 16,000
    military advisers in Vietnam. Many who had
    engaged in covert military operations.
  • Diem- a Catholic banned traditional Buddhist
    ceremony. Created protests.
  • Refused land reform to peasants
  • Along with his dictatorship became very
    unpopular among South Vietnamese
  • 1963 Assassinated in a military Coup with US

Buddhist Monks Self-immolation 1963
Johnson and Vietnam
  • 1964 Johnson runs for election on claim that US
    will not send boys to do what Asian boys ought
    to be doing
  • The Gulf of Tonkin incident.
  • On Aug 2 1964 Johnson announced that a North
    Vietnamese Torpedo boat had fired on two US
    destroyers doing routine patrols.
  • Routine patrols US ships had been helping
    South Vietnamese do electronic spying and
    commando raids against North Vietnam.

Johnson Escalates the War
  • Johnson used the Gulf of Tonkin incident to
    obtain the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
  • Passed by congress on August 7th 1964 which
    authorized the President to take any means
    necessary to prevent further aggression.
  • US enters into War with Vietnam

Johnson Escalates the War
  • 1965 - Johnson orders a heavy round of bombing
    raids on North Vietnam.
  • Fought Vietcong with napalm and Agent Orange
    (defoliant) could not gain support of
    Vietnamese people.
  • March 1965 Johnson orders in First ground troops
    to Vietnam.
  • By 1967 over 500,000 US troops are in Vietnam

Troop Morale
  • Early war was popular seen as part of
    containment. Over 60 approval rating in 1965
  • Ideas of an easy victory soon left
  • Troops began to use drugs alcohol, weed, heroin.

  • Racial tensions hurt some platoons led to some
  • Instances of Fragging of officers occurred-
    soldiers would murder their officers.

The Impact of the War at home
  • As the war continued support dropped.
  • Economic cost of war lead to inflation, inflation
    rate tripled by 1969.
  • Tax increase to fund war led to a decline in
    Great Society programs

Resistance and The New Left
  • Students for a Democratic Society SDS
  • Founded by Tom Hayden and AL Haber.
  • Argued for a more participatory democracy
  • Argued that US had been taken over by large
    corporations and large government institutions.
  • Industrial-military complex
  • Major organization that led teach-ins and other
    anti-war protests

Opposition to Vietnam Begins Reasons for
  • Some saw Vietnam as a civil war which US had no
    business interfering in
  • Others saw South Vietnamese government as corrupt
    and not worth defending.
  • Credibility Gap- the US government was saying
    that Vietcong were on the verge of collapse while
    television news were broadcasting footage of
    combat nightly.
  • images of American wounded and dead began to make
    people question the governments assessment of
    the situation.

Reasons for Opposition Cont.
  • The Draft (forced conscription)
  • Targeted low income youths that could not afford
    college (1967- Blacks made up 20 of casualty
    rates twice the proportion of population) 80 of
    American soldiers came from lower economic
  • As need for men increased college students became
    at risk. Many refused to go fled to Canada or
    went to jail.
  • Voting Age was 21 yet draft age was 18. Argued
    they were old enough to die for their country but
    not old enough to decide on political leadership
  • 1971- 26th Amendment lowers the voting age to 21

The Tet Offensive- Jan 30th 1968
  • Tet is the Vietnamese New Year. Guerilla fighters
    attacked almost all US airbases and South
    Vietnamese Cities simultaneously.
  • After 1 month of fighting US was able to stop
  • Broadcasts of the Tet offensive had the effect of
    changing US public opinion against the war.
  • Further, General requested another 200,000 troops
    be sent to Vietnam. (US Citizens were not willing
    to pay that high a price.)

Massacre at My Lai -1969
  • American Platoon under orders from Lt. Calley
    had massacred as many as 200 unarmed South
    Vietnamese villagers. Mostly women, children and
    old men.
  • Calley went to Prison.
  • Reinforced the horrors of
  • Vietnam war. Capabilities of
  • US soldiers

Nixon and Vietnam
  • After the disaster of Tet Johnson does not seek
  • Nixon pledges to get US out of Vietnam.
  • Orders Vietnamization gradual withdrawal of US
    troops while S. Vietnamese assume more
  • 1970 Nixon invaded Cambodia to destroy vietcong
    bases- seen as an escalation of war.
  • Kent State Massacre

Kent State May 4 1970
  • Response to bombing of Cambodia
  • Student Protest led to burning of ROTC building
  • Crowd throwing Rocks
  • National guard called in fired on crowd
  • Wounded 9 killed 4

Pentagon Papers
  • Leaked by defense Department worker Daniel
  • Written by Defense secretary Robert McNamara
  • Revealed that US had war plans even when LBJ said
    he would not send troops in
  • No exit strategy as long as North Vietnam

The Vietnam War Ends Nixons Peace with Honor
  • January 27th 1973 Peace agreement is signed US
    Agreed to withdraw the rest of its troops.
  • No agreement was made on S. Vietnams future
  • North Vietnamese soldiers were able to stay in
    South Vietnam
  • April 30th 1975 North Vietnamese soldiers
    captured Saigon. US sent no support.
  • Vietnam is currently unified under a communist
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