Title: Sandbags For Sale
1Sandbags For Sale
- The FloodSax were created by Huddersfield-based
entrepreneur Richard Bailey, the managing
director of Environmental Defence Systems, who
believes the product has the potential to secure
large sales in the US.
2FloodSax sandbags
- FloodSax sandbags won the National Gold Winner
2007 for Products in the Green Apple Environment
Awards for its Floodsax sandless sandbag, placing
it among the best examples of environmental best
practice and sustainable development as
demonstrated by Local Authorities, Commercial and
Industry and Communities.
3Flood Protection
FloodSax are stored dry and flat. When FloodSax
come into contact with water their semi-porous
inner liner has hundredsof biodegradable polymer
crystals that absorb up to 5.5 gallons, equal to
45 pounds of water, in just five minutes, making
them more taut and more water-resistant than a
4Contact Us
- Please Visit http//www.floodsax.us.com/