Title: IFTC Presents Global Literary Festival Noida 2015
1IFTC Presents Global Literary Festival Noida 2015
Noida After the successful completion of two
major international festival-that is Global Film
Festival and Global Festival of Journalism,
International Film And Television Club has
decided to launch Global Literary Festival to
promote literature in India. The festival has
been planned for three days from 23rd to 25th of
September 2015 at Noida film city. The festival
shall have workshops, master classes, interaction
programs, book readings, exhibitions,
entertainment programs, plays, kavi Sammelan and
many other allied events.
Some of the prominent people from the field of
literature have agreed to be part of the
festival. The formal inauguration and award
function will be part of the show. International
Film And Television Club has already given 10
powerful festivals to the nation. We will leave
no stone unturned to make it another big festival
of the nation said Sandeep Marwah President of