Title: Sandeep Marwah Nominated President to Global Literary Festival
1Sandeep Marwah Nominated President to Global
Literary Festival
Noida Renowned film, TV and media personality
Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studio has
been nominated as the festival President of First
Global Literary Festival Noida 2015. Sandeep
Marwah has been directed and producing many
important international festivals of the country
including Global Film Festival, Global Festival
of Journalism, International Festival of
Cellphone Cinema, AAFT Festival of Short Digital
Films, International Sufi Festival etc. We are
sure that festival will be a success under the
leadership of Sandeep Marwah who has vast
experience in organizing international events
said Padmashree Dr. Shyam Singh Shashi renowned
writer from Delhi.
Sandeep Marwah is the correct choice to convert
first Global Literary Festival into real big one
with international stature added Dr.
A.K.Srivastava Director General of Asian School
of Media Studies.