Title: Identifying Funding Sources: Bioinformatics
1Identifying Funding Sources Bioinformatics
- Office of Information and Communications
GrantSource Library - October 21, 2004
2- Office of Information Communications
GrantSource Library - 307 Bynum Hall
- (on Cameron Avenue)
- Monday-Friday 800 a.m. - 500 p.m.
3Contact Us
- Public Service Desk 919-962-3463 gs_at_unc.edu
- Susan Gramling, GrantSource Librarian 919-962-776
6 susan_gramling_at_unc.edu - Rebecca Rhodes, GrantSource Librarian 919-962-602
2 rebecca_rhodes_at_unc.edu
4Library Services
- Provide assistance and instruction in
- Conducting customized funding searches
- Locating guidelines and application forms
- Identifying funded research
5Learning Objectives
- You will learn
- Time-saving tips for researching funding
opportunities - To search Community of Science (COS) and other
databases - To set up funding alert service/s
6Resources for This Workshop
- This PowerPoint Presentation
- research.unc.edu/grantsource/workshops.html
(Click on Bioinformatics) - Bioinformatics Funding Opportunities
- www.bisti.nih.gov/bistic_funding.cfm
- NEW! UNC-Chapel Hill Federal Advisory Committee
Resource Database - cfx2.research.unc.edu/facr_auth/search_results.cf
7Sample Search
- KeywordsBioinformatics or Computational Biology
or Computational Neuroscience or Computing
Resources or Genetics or Genomics or Human Genome
or Human Population and Genetics or Medical
Genetics or Outcomes Research (Medical) or
Pharmacogenetics or Quantitative Genetics or
Systematic Biology - URL tinyurl.com/3jgum
8Tips for Researching Funding Opportunities
- Look for potential funders with a good fit
- Identify funders goals or needs
- Talk to the program officer
- Broaden your search
- Approach your search from different perspectives
- Check UNC internal funding sources, as well as
professional organizations and other affiliation
PDF handout Tips for Researching Funding
9Things to Consider Before Searching
- Keywords that apply to your research
- Categories that apply to yourself
- Type of award sought
10Materials in the Library
- Annual Register of Grant Support
- Directory of Biomedical and Health Care Grants
- Discipline specific directories
- Guides to corporate and foundation funding
- CDs -- Foundation Center Directory
- Proposal writing guides
11Where to Start Your Search
- Visit our website and search on your
ownwww.research.unc.edu/grantsource - E-mail or call if you have questions
- Visit the GrantSource Library for in-person help
and instruction in using online and library
resources - Schedule a consultation
13Funding Opportunities
- research.unc.edu/grantsource/facultyresearch2.html
- PDF Handout Online Databases for Faculty/Staff
14Community of ScienceFunding Opportunities
15Community of ScienceMain Search
PDF Handout Searching COS Basics
16Community of ScienceAlert Service
PDF Handout COS Funding Alert Basics
17COS Options Menu
18SPIN Funding Opportunities Database
19Illinois Researcher Information Service (IRIS)
20IRIS Alert Service
21Set Up Specialized Alert Services
22Search Other Databases and Resources
- research.unc.edu/grantsource/facultyresearch5.html
Insert graphic of FedGrants.gov
All Federal agencies (electronic notification
service) fedgrants.gov/
25Funding Agencies
- research.unc.edu/grantsource/agencies.html
26NIH Frequently Accessed Web Pages
- http//research.unc.edu/grantsource/nih_links.html
27Funding News and Awards
- research.unc.edu/grantsource/news.html
28Proposal Writing Help
29Proposal Writing Workshop
- Title Proposal Development From Great Idea to
Funded Proposal - Date Time Nov. 17, 2004, 1200-130 p.m.
- Contact Peter Leousis at 966-2350 or
- www2.irss.unc.edu/irss/course_catalog.asp?cid104
30Office of Research Development
- Helps research groups develop competitive
proposals, with a focus on multidisciplinary,
collaborative projects - Manages selection process for special limited
awards and grants - Conducts workshops in proposal writing,
multidisciplinary/collaborative research, and
project development/evaluation strategies
31Thank You!
- Please take a moment to tell us how we did.
- Handout GrantSource Library Presentation
Evaluation - Presenter Susan Gramling