Title: Legal Aspects of Prescribing
1Legal Aspects of Prescribing
- Steve Brown
- Director of Pharmacy, UBHT
2Legal Aspects of Prescribing
- You will be familiarised with the legislation
governing the release and marketing of drugs - You will learn about what is acceptable
prescription writing and what is not - You will learn about good practice in
prescription writing
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4Medicines Act 1968
- Licensing system
- Sales promotion of Medicinal Products
- Retail Pharmacy businesses
- Pharmacy medicines
- General Sale medicines
- Prescription Only Medicines
- Exemptions from controls
- Wholesale dealing
- Homoeopathic medicines
- Herbal remedies
- Veterinary drugs
- Containers, packaging, identification
- Pharmacopoeias
5Medicinal Product
- Definition (s.130)
- ...any substance or article administered
for a medicinal purpose ... ie - treating or preventing disease
- diagnosing disease or ascertaining the existence,
degree or extent of a physiological condition - preventing or interfering with a normal
physiological function - inducing anaesthesia
- contraception
- Product Licence Marketing Authorisation
- Product Licence (Parallel Import)
- Manufacturers Licence
- Specials Manufacturers Licence
- Wholesale Dealers Licence
- See Medicines Compendium / Summary of Product
Characteristics / Data Sheet or
7Summary of Product Characteristics (Data Sheet /
Medicines Compendium)
- Name
- Presentation
- Uses
- Dosage and administration
- Contra-indications, warnings etc
- Inc precautions, interactions, side-effects,
overdosage - Pharmaceutical precautions
- Legal category
- Package quantities
- Further information
- PL numbers
8Unlicensed Medicines
- Specials
- .. manufactured to meet the special needs
- Imports
- .. imported to meet the special needs
- Extemporaneous preparations
- .. medicinal product prepared in a pharmacy
- Generally the responsibility for use of an
unlicensed medicine, or a licensed medicine for
an unlicensed indication, rests with the
9Unlicensed or off label?
- Off label use (or route) outside the licensed
indication of the product - Eg in Paediatric Medical Wards
- Licensed 54
- Unlicensed 7
- Off label 39
- 67 of patients received unlicensed or off label
medicine - Conroy et al BMJ 2000 32079-82
- Generally where a licensed medicine is prescribed
and administered in accordance with the SPC then
no liability will attach to the prescriber if - Correct diagnosis
- Correct choice of medicine
- Patient warned of potential adverse events
- Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory
Agency - Executive Agency of the Department of Health
protecting and promoting public health and
patient safety by ensuring that medicines,
healthcare products and medical equipment meet
appropriate standards of safety, quality,
performance and effectiveness, and are used
safely - MCA and MDA combined 2003
- CSM incorporated
- Clinical Trials legislation introduced 2004
- Defective medicines
- Harmonisation with EMEA (European Evaluation
Agency for Medicinal Products)
12Conditions for granting a PL/MA
- satisfied as to the
- Safety
- Quality
- Efficacy
- of the product.
- MHRA / PL safety, quality and efficacy
- Does it work?
- Is it safe?
- NICE cost-effectiveness
- How good is it?
- What is its value?
- Technology appraisals
- guidance on the use of new and existing medicines
and treatments within the NHS in England and
Wales. - Clinical guidelines
- guidance on the appropriate treatment and care of
people with specific diseases and conditions
within the NHS in England and Wales. - Interventional procedures
- guidance on whether interventional procedures
used for diagnosis or treatment are safe enough
and work well enough for routine use in England,
Wales and Scotland.
15NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance
- medicines
- medical devices (for example, hearing aids or
inhalers) - diagnostic techniques (tests used to identify
diseases) - surgical procedures (for example, repairing
hernias) - health promotion activities (for example, ways of
helping people with diabetes manage their
16NICETechnology Appraisal Guidance
- National decision
- Avoids postcode prescribing
- Statutory requirement
- Since Jan 02 funding and resources for NICE
approved treatments - Implement within 3 months
- (unless specified exemption)
- www.nice.org.uk
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19Classification of medicinal products
- General Sale List (GSL)
- Pharmacy Only Medicines (P)
- Prescription Only Medicines (POM)
- Controlled Drugs (CD)
20General Sale List (GSL)
- Those which can be safely sold without the
supervision of a pharmacist - Simple remedies
- Foods and cosmetics
- Small retail packs
- E.g.. Paracetamol x 16 tablets
21Pharmacy Only Medicines (P)
- Any medicine which is not GSL or POM
- Must be sold under supervision of a pharmacist
22Prescription Only Medicines (POM)
- May only be sold or supplied in accordance with a
prescription of a practitioner, i.e. doctor,
dentist or authorised nurse or pharmacist
23Administration of POMs
- Can administer to oneself
- To anyone except injections
- A practitioner or in accordance with the
directions of a practitioner - Injections for the purpose of saving life
- Midwives, chiropodists, opticians paramedics
- In the community
- FP10 - GPs
- FP14 - dentists
- FP10HNC - hospitals
- FP10MDA-SS - for addicts
- Private prescriptions
- Hospital in-patient charts
- not prescriptions but records of administration
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26Prescription requirements for POMs
- Be signed
- In ink or otherwise indelible
- Repeat once only if repeatable
- Dispensed within 6 months
- Address of practitioner
- Indicate if doctor or dentist
- (or nurse or pharmacist)
- Date
- Name address of patient
- Age, if under 12-years
27Prescribe by generic / drug name
- Use trade names only for
- Medicine brands which differ in bioavailability,
eg - SR theophylline
- SR diltiazem
- Multi-ingredient products not given a title in
28Prescription Abbreviations
- od - once a day
- bd - twice a day
- tds - three times day
- qds - four times a day
- om on - in the morning at night
- prn - when required
- sos - if necessary
- stat - immediately
- IM intramuscular
- IV intravenous
- O oral
- PR per rectum
- PV per vagina
- SC subcutaneous
- TOP topically
- INH inhaled via inhaler
- NEB inhaled via nebuliser
30Safe Prescribing
- Write units not u
- Write micrograms not mcg
- Leading zero before decimal expression
- eg 0.5mg v .5mg X
- No trailing zero after decimal expression
- eg 0.05mg v .050mg X
- but 0.05mg can be confusing
- If lt 1gram use mg
- If lt 1mg use micrograms
- If lt 1 microgram use nanograms
- Use ml not cc
31NPSA National Patient Safety Agency
- www.npsa.nhs.uk
- Intrathecal chemotherapy
- Injection of strong potassium solutions
- Oral methotrexate
- Injections
- Anticoagulants
- Epidurals
- Oral syringes
- Diamorphine and morphine
- Paraffin
32Black List
- Since 1985 certain medicines have not been
available on NHS. Include - indigestion remedies
- analgesics
- hypnotics anxiolytics
33Controlled Drugs
- Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
- Five Schedules
- Sch. 1 - non-medicinal use
- Sch. 2 - opiates stimulants
- Sch. 3 - barbiturates
- Sch. 4.1 benzodiazepines
- Sch. 4.2 anabolic steroids
- Sch 5 - dilute Sch. 2s
- Cocaine, diamorphine and dipipanone (Diconal) can
only be prescribed for treatment of addiction by
specially authorised doctors with a Home Office
35Prescriptions for CDs
- Cannot prescribe Sch. 1
- No specific requirements for those in Sch 45
- Sch. 2 3 have specific requirements Must
specify - Form, e.g. tablets
- Strength (if appropriate)
- Total quantity in words and figures
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37Controlled Drugs
- Register and Records
- Storage
- Inspection of premise and records
38CD legislation post Shipman (1)
- Monitoring and Inspection
- Accountable Officer (2006)
- Statutory duty of collaboration between
designated bodies (2006) - Restrictions on Prescribers
- New GMC ethical guidance (2006)
- Guidance on prescribed quantities (2006)
- Rx validity reduced to 31 days (2006)
39CD legislation post Shipman (2)
- Audit Trail
- Electronic CD Rxs and Registers (2005)
- NHS Rx to capture CD and pt ID (2007)
- New private CD Rx (2006)
- Unique identifier for all Rxers (2007)
- New ethical guidance from GMC and RPSGB (2006)
- SOPs for using CDs (2006)
- Patient drug record card (2006)
- Recovery destruction of unwanted CDs (2006)
40CD legislation post Shipman (3)
- Information for Patients
- Media re handling and disposal (2005)
- Information leaflet - generic (2006)
- Information leaflets CD specific (2006)
- Education and CPD
- Undergrad and postgrad curricula (2006)
- Training (2006)
- CDs in appraisal and revalidation (2006)
41Other Prescribers
- Independent Prescribers
- Nurses
- Pharmacists
- Supplementary Prescribers
- Nurses
- Pharmacists
- to include optometrists and other AHPs
42Supplementary Prescribing (1)
- a voluntary prescribing partnership between an
independent prescriber and a supplementary
prescriber, to implement an agreed
patient-specific clinical management plan with
the patients agreement
43Supplementary Prescribing (2)
- Independent prescriber makes diagnosis
- Written CMP specific to named patient and
patients condition - Both prescribers need access to common patient
record - Patient involvement and agreement
- No CDs or unlicensed drugs
- Consultation re extending to optometrists,
physiotherapists, chiropodists and radiographers
44Patient Group Directions (1)
- Crown report Review of prescribing, supply
and administration of medicines - March 1998 A report on the supply and
administration of medicines under group protocol
(HSC 1998/051) - March 1999 Final report
- HSC 2000/026 (August 2000)
- Patient Group Directions
- Enables nurses, midwives, pharmacists,
optometrists, chiropodists, radiographers (and
others) to supply or administer medicines
45Patient Group Directions (2)
- HSC 2000/026
- written instructions for the supply or
administration of medicines to groups of patients
who may not be individually identified before
presentation for treatment - should be reserved for those limited situations
where this offers an advantage for patient care
(without compromising patient safety) and where
it is consistent with appropriate professional
relationships and accountability
46Safe Prescribing Practice 1
- Building a Safer NHS for Patients Improving
Medication Safety (2004) Recommendations for
safer prescribing - All serious prescribing errors and near misses
should be reported to the NPSA - Prescriptions should always carry patient
directions and never be issued with the
instruction as directed - Particular attention should be paid to checking
the accuracy of complex dose calculations
47Safe Prescribing Practice 2
- The treatment plan, including how the response to
drug therapy is to be monitored, should be
clearly documented in the patients clinical
notes - Prescribers should have access to a pharmacist
who is able to provide advice on the drug
treatment plan - Where possible aims and side effects of drug
treatment should be discussed with the patient or
their representative
48Safe Prescribing Practice 3
- Prescribers should be trained and assessed as
competent before being required to prescribe - Prescribers should follow local and national
prescribing standards - Where available, electronic prescribing systems
should always be used - Actual and potential prescribing errors should be
recorded and reviewed regularly to raise
awareness of risk
49ADRs only 10 reported
50BANs Changes to approved names
- British Approved Name (BAN) to adopt recommended
international nonproprietary name (rINN) - See BNF for full list
- Adrenaline and Noradrenaline to remain as
European names manufacturers to show rINN in
addition (epinephrine / norepinephrine)
51New BANs examples
- Old
- Amoxycillin
- Cephradine
- Frusemide
- Dothiepin
- Hydroxyurea
- Mustine
- Stilboestrol
- Thyroxine sodium
- Trimeprazine
- New
- Amoxicillin
- Cefradine
- Furosemide
- Dosulepin
- Hydroxycarbamide
- Chlormethine
- Diethylstilbestrol
- Levothyroxine sodium
- Alimemazine
52BNF and BNF for Children
- BNF - Guidance on Prescribing
- Page 1 General guidance on prescribing
- Page 4 Prescription writing
- Page 7 Controlled drugs
- Page 10 - Adverse reactions to drugs
- Pages 11 on Prescribing for children, in
palliative care, for the elderly
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