Title: State of Minnesota Workers Compensation Cost Drivers
1State of MinnesotaWorkers Compensation Cost
- How do we control costs associated with workers
compensation - What are the cost drivers?
- How can we do a better job?
3How do we control costs
- Managed Care PPO Network
- Direct employees to designated clinics
- Providers agree to follow managed care rules
- Providers must be 30 or 50 miles from
employees work or home - Non-network providers provide treating history
- twice within the last 2 years - Change of provider must be in network
4How do we control costs?
- Managed Care Components
- Minnesota Treatment Parameters
- Minnesota Fee Schedule
- Telephonic or Field Case Management
- Utilization Review
- Pharmacy Program
- Bill Review
- Dispute Resolution
5Department of Administration2008 YTD
- Number of bills reviewed 22,398
- Provider charges 15,995,796
- Recommended payment 7,594,273
- Savings 8,401,524
- Savings Percentage 53
6Department of Administration2007 (January to
- Number of bills reviewed 20,622
- Provider charges 13,520,227
- Recommended payment 7,114.662
- Savings 6,405,565
- Savings percentage 47
72007 to 2008 Difference
- Bill Count 1776
- Bill Charges 2,475,569
- Recommended Payment 479,610
- Savings 1,995,959
- Savings percentage 5
8Per Bill Averages
- 2007 656
- 2008 - 714
- Difference 59 increase
9Provider Type Analysis
- Physicians 44 3,266,944
- Facility 20 10,604,499
- Drug Supplies 18 1,093,924
- Soft Tissue 18 1,030,430
10Hospital Charges
- Facility charges are only 20 of bills but
represent 66 of costs - There were 218 bills over 10,000 which
represented 40 of total provider charges. - These bills had the greatest savings of 71
- Medical costs now exceed indemnity payments to
injured workers. - Medical costs continue to increase.
- Medical technology continues to offer new types
of treatment. - Aging workforce with increased need to surgery,
longer healing periods. - Not all medical treatment, service or supplies
are covered by the MN Fee Schedule
12Cost Drivers
- Late Reporting
- Severity of Injuries Disability Duration
- Number of Claims
- Lack of Return to Work Program
- Medical Costs - Technology
13Medical Costs - Implants
- Four types of implants
- Reconstructive joint replacements
- Spinal implants
- Orthobiologics
- Trauma implants
- Fixation devices and artificial discs used in
spinal fusion and motion preservation surgeries
for the repair of vertebrae and replacement of
degenerative disc
14Medical Costs - Implants
- On average, hospitals bill at 200 to 400 of the
implant invoice cost. - The mark up on products used in these procedures
is often dramatic. A pedicle screw used in spine
surgery may cost 60 or 100 to make but the
discounted price hospitals pay for the product is
about 1,100.
15Medical Costs - Pharmacy
- State employees need to use the CorVel pharmacy
16What can we do better?Utilization Review
- Utilization review can be defined as the
evaluation of the appropriateness, setting and
intensity of medical care. - It is one of the tools we have available to
ensure that an injured employee received the
best, most appropriate medical care necessary to
achieve a quick and sustainable return to work.
17What can we do better?
- Bill Review Application of Prevailing Charge
- Minn. R. 5221.0500
- Database must include 3 MN providers, at least
20 billings from previous calendar year. - Methodology
18What can we do better?
- Directed Networks
- Imaging
- Physical Therapy
- Pharmacy
- Translation/Transportation