Title: Major-Complications-in-Pregnancy
1Major complications in pregnancy
- Also known as spontaneus abortions
- Expulsion of fetus before it reaches viabilty
- pregnancy that ends on it's own, within the first
22 weeks of gestation - Reasons
- Hormonal problems, infections or maternal health
problems - Lifestyle (i.e. smoking, drug use, malnutrition,
excessive caffeine and exposure to radiation or
toxic substances) - Implantation of the egg into the uterine lining
does not occur properly - Maternal age
- Maternal trauma
3Types of abortions
- Threatened abortions
- early pregnancy uterine bleeding
- The cervix remains closed
- Inevitable (Incomplete) abortions
- Abdominal or back pain accompanied by bleeding
with an open cervix - Leads to complete incomplete abortions
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5- Complete abortions
- embryo have emptied out of the uterus. Bleeding
should subside quickly - Incomplete abortions
- embryo have not emptied the uterus completely
6- Missed abortions
- experience a miscarriage without knowing it.
- embryonic death has occurred
- there is no expulsion of the embryo.
- Signs would be a loss of pregnancy symptoms and
the absence of fetal heart sounds found on an
ultrasound - Recurrent abortions
- Defined as 3 or more
- consecutive first
- trimester miscarriages
7- Therapeutic Abortion
- Intentional termination of pregnancy before age
of viability to preserve the health of the mother - Elective Abortion
- Intentional termination of pregnancy for reasons
unrelated to mothers health
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9- 95 occur in the fallopian tube
- The zygote or embryo may die and be absorbed by
the body, or the tube could rupture (ruptured
tubal pregnancy) with bleeding into the abdominal
cavity. - This is a surgical emergency
10- Increase of placental blood flow can be done
- Rest
- Maternal diet rich in protein
- Correcting of anemia
- Higher risk pregnancies such as multiple
gestations should be monitored very carefully
11False labour
- When a mother reaches her due date painless/
painful infrequent contractures - Mother feels that she is close to labour
- Cervix dilation does not occur
- Contractions don't grow consistently longer,
stronger, and closer together.
12Pregnancy induced hypertension
- Also known as pre eclampsia
- After 30th week
- Signs for monitor
- Oedema present in ankle after a night rest / in
hands ad feet - Raised diastolic blood pressure (gt90Hgmm)
- proteinuria
13Thank you
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