????????? The Current Situation of Infectious Diseases in Hong Kong - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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????????? The Current Situation of Infectious Diseases in Hong Kong


Dr. Sik-To Lai, Consultant Physician and Head of Infectious Disease. Department of Medicine and Geriatrics. Princess Margaret Hospital. Hong Kong SAR ' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ????????? The Current Situation of Infectious Diseases in Hong Kong

?????????The Current Situation of Infectious
Diseases in Hong Kong
  • ??????? ???????
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  • Dr. Sik-To Lai, Consultant Physician and Head of
    Infectious Disease
  • Department of Medicine and Geriatrics
  • Princess Margaret Hospital
  • Hong Kong SAR

  • Today, infectious diseases are not only a health
    issue they have become a social problem with
    tremendous consequences for the well-being of the
    individual and the world we live in.
  • Hiroshi Nakajima, MD, PhD
  • Former Director-General
  • World Health Organisation, 1996

  • The end of infectious diseases was a popular
    idea in the 1970s
  • Infectious diseases are still important in the
    21st century due to
  • Boundless nature
  • Emergence of new infections
  • Re-emergence of old infections
  • Increase in drug - resistant infections

  • 27 statutory notifiable infectious diseases in
    Hong Kong which are reported to the Department of
    Health (DH) of the Hong Kong SAR Government
  • The top five diseases in 2001 were chickenpox,
    tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, food poisoning and
    bacillary dysentery
  • No exact figure for non-notifiable infectious
    diseases in the community and hospitals. Many of
    these diseases are very important and numerous in
    number, e.g. influenza, otitis media, pneumonia,
    urinary tract infection etc.

Comparison of the Number of ID Notifications in
2000 with the Mean of 1995-1999
No. of Notifications for Notifiable Infectious
Diseases in 2001
  • Cholera 38 Meningococcal infections 10
  • Plague 0 Mumps 76
  • Yellow fever 0 Paratyphoid fever 21
  • Acute poliomyelitis 0 Rabies (Human) 1
  • Amoebic dysentery 7 Relapsing fever 0
  • Bacillary dysentery 389 Rubella 57
  • Chickenpox 16,501 Scarlet fever 147
  • Dengue fever 17 Tetanus 4
  • Diphtheria 0 Tuberculosis 7,262
  • Food poisoning (outbreaks) 672 Typhoid fever 67
  • Food poisoning (affected) 2,709 Typhus fever 7
  • Legionnaires Disease 3 Viral hepatitis A 482
  • Leprosy 10 Viral hepatitis B 125
  • Malaria 47 Non-A, non-B hepatitis 39
  • Measles 182 Unclassified hepatitis 33
  • Total 26,212

Deaths from Notifiable Infectious Diseases
  • There were 310 deaths from notifiable infectious
    diseases in 2000
  • 299 were due to tuberculosis (96)
  • The rest were due to
  • Viral hepatitis 4
  • Tetanus 2
  • Chickenpox 1
  • Malaria 1
  • Meningococcal infections 1
  • Rabies 1
  • Typhoid fever 1

Surveillance and Management
  • Infectious disease surveillance is undertaken by
    the Disease Prevention and Control Division of
    the Department of Health
  • A number of DH and private clinics act as
    sentinel surveillance points
  • Notifiable infectious diseases are admitted into
    the Infectious Disease Unit of Princess Margaret
    Hospital. Three diseases are quarantinable,
    including cholera, plague and yellow fever
  • Non-notifiable infectious diseases are managed in
    clinics and hospitals at large

Important Infectious Diseases in Hong Kong
  • By the number and seriousness, there are 3
    important infectious diseases in Hong Kong
    tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted
  • These diseases are managed by special clinics and
    staff due to public health , expertise and
    resources considerations

Viral Hepatitis in Hong Kong 1988 - 2000
Hepatitis (1)
  • The incidence was 679 cases in 2001
  • Hepatitis A 482
  • Hepatitis B 125
  • Non-A, non-B hepatitis 39
  • Unclassified hepatitis 33
  • Hepatitis A
  • No major outbreak after 1992, apart from some
    minor outbreaks especially in mental institutions
  • Prevalence of hepatitis A antibody found to be
    10 and 30 in people aged lt 11 and lt 30,
    respectively. Large pool of non-immune
  • No formal hepatitis A vaccination programme from
    the government

Hepatitis (2)
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis B vaccine is given to all newborns in
    Hong Kong
  • Overall carrier rate around 10 with much lower
    prevalence in children
  • Acute hepatitis B has become a largely
    sexually-transmitted disease
  • Interferon and antivirals are used in the
    treatment of chronic hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Found in 0.5 of blood donors
  • HCV Look Back Programme of the Hospital Authority
  • Interferon and ribavirin are used in the
    treatment of chronic hepatitis C
  • Hepatitis E
  • 40 of non-ABC hepatitis
  • Similar picture to hepatitis A
  • 11 of hepatitis A have hepatitis E co-infection

  • Mainly imported cases from neighbouring endemic
  • Contaminated shell-fish has been the culprit in
    many cases
  • Polluted seawater in fish tanks was implicated in
    some restaurant outbreaks
  • Minimal mortality but reports of acute renal
    failure in the elderly and ill
  • Fluoroquinolones are now drugs of choice
  • Vaccination is not recommended

Enteric Fever
  • Many cases are imported (13.4) and most common
    in young adults
  • Cause of pyrexia of unknown origin
  • Previous antibiotic therapy renders blood culture
  • Maybe mistaken as surgical emergencies
  • Most common complication is gastrointestinal
  • Widal test is not clinically useful
  • Multi-drug resistant (MDR) strains are common
  • Fluoroquinolones are the drugs of choice
  • Chronic carrier rate of 2 5
  • Oral and parenteral vaccines are available

  • The most common organism in bacillary dysentery
    is Shigella sonnei
  • Outbreaks have been reported in mental
  • Similar clinical features are found in infection
    caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Plesiomonas
  • Fluoroquinolones are the drugs of choice

Food Poisoning
  • Compared with 1999, there was a 15 increase in
    the number of outbreaks and a 13 increase in the
    number of persons affected in 2000
  • Majority of outbreaks were small (96) affecting
    less than 10 persons
  • About half occurred in food premises and most of
    the rest occurred at home
  • Top five causative agents in terms of the number
    of outbreaks were
  • Vibrio parahaemolyticus (36)
  • Staphylococcus aureus (18)
  • Salmonella spp. (14)
  • Clenbuterol (6)
  • Ciguatoxin (5)

Viral Gastroenteritis
  • Commonly due to Norwalk-like viruses
  • Increase in number of outbreaks in Hong Kong
  • Residential homes and schools
  • Isolated cases among people of all age groups
  • Food may be contaminated at the source, e.g.
    oysters harvested from sewage contaminated water,
    or by food handlers
  • Aerosol spread also occurs from the vomitus
  • Prevention is by strict observance of food,
    environmental and personal hygiene

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Malaria (1)
  • Around 80 are due to Plasmodium vivax and 17
    are due to Plasmodium falciparum
  • The main areas of acquisition are China, Indian
    Subcontinent, Southeast Asia and Africa
  • Indigenous cases also occur
  • Low mortality of 5 out of 862 from 1991 2000.
    All the deaths were due to cerebral malaria and
    multi-organ failure in Plasmodium falciparum

Malaria (2)
  • Chloroquine is used for Plasmodium vivax, ovale
    and malariae
  • Quinine plus tetracycline or mefloquine alone are
    used for Plasmodium falciparum infection
  • Quinine-resistant cases of falciparum malaria
    were found and the patients had exposure in the
    Thai-Cambodia border
  • Artemisinin plus tetracycline / mefloquine have
    been used with success
  • Mefloquine is the preferred drug for
  • Travel clinics run by the DH and PMH can offer
    advice, drugs and vaccines

Dengue Fever
  • Occasional cases in Hong Kong, all with a history
    of travel to endemic areas
  • The vector mosquito Aedes albopictus is found in
    Hong Kong
  • Outbreak of around 1500 cases in Macau last
    summer to autumn
  • No evidence of spread to Hong Kong
  • Diagnosis is by rise in antibody titre
  • No report of dengue haemorrhagic fever
  • Conservative treatment blood transfusion

Chickenpox / Herpes Zoster (1)
  • Became a notifiable infectious disease since Feb,
  • Top in incidence in 2001 16,501 cases
  • Most cases were children aged 10 or below
  • Southeast Asian domestic helpers (e.g. from the
    Philippines etc.) were most common among adult
  • Complications have been uncommon (lt 1) and in
    2000 included
  • Scarlet fever (24)
  • Pneumonia (9)
  • Sepsis (4)
  • Other group A streptococcal infections (4)
  • There was one death involving an
    immunocompromised person in 2000

Chickenpox / Herpes Zoster (2)
  • Strict isolation in hospital
  • Early antiviral treatment shortens duration of
    symptoms and pain
  • Given within 24 hours of rash in chickenpox
  • Given within 72 hours of rash in herpes zoster
  • Antiviral therapy used for all cases of severe
    chickenpox or herpes zoster in the elderly or
    immunocompromised patients
  • Varicella-zoster immunoglobulin given within 96
    hours of exposure can prevent / modify disease in
  • Chickenpox vaccine is available and can achieve gt
    90 seroconversion

  • Immunisation programme for measles has been in
    place since 1967
  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine is given to
    children at 12 months of age and at primary one
    in Hong Kong
  • Adult cases of measles are still present due to
    failure to take the booster dose of vaccine and
    waning antibody titre
  • May cause severe disease in adults, especially
    pregnant women and immunocompromised patients
  • Respiratory isolation required
  • Immunoglobulin may be used within six days of
    exposure for susceptible contacts

  • Disease is preventable by MMR vaccine
  • Problem of waning antibody titre as in measles
  • Booster dose at primary six is important
    especially for girls prevention of congenital
    rubella of fetus in pregnancy (2 cases in 2000)
  • High notification rate of rubella in recent years
    especially in young adults
  • There were 4 cases of rubella encephalitis in the
    outbreak between 1996 1997 and 1 died

  • Cases are continuously reported but there have
    been no epidemic outbreaks
  • Besides parotitis, the virus can cause orchitis,
    oophoritis, lymphocytic meningitis, pancreatitis,
    post-infectious encephalitis, thyroiditis and
  • Symptomatic treatment
  • NSAIDs but not corticosteroids for pain of

(No Transcript)
Influenza (1)
  • Not notifiable in Hong Kong
  • Trend is monitored by sentinel surveillance in DH
    and private clinics with regard to the number of
    influenza-like illness and sample isolates from
    nasopharyngeal aspirates and throat swabs
  • Peak season is spring in Hong Kong
  • The main circulating serotypes are
  • H3N2 A / Sydney / 5 / 97, Moscow / 10 / 99,
    Panama / 2007 / 99 - like virus
  • H1N1 A / New Caledonia / 20 / 99 like virus
  • B / Hong Kong / 330 / 01 like virus has become
    the predominant B serotype since October 2001 and
    has replaced the B / Sichuan / 379 / 99 - like
    virus prevalent in the last few years
  • WHO recommends that the new vaccine for the
    Northern Hemisphere this year should consist of
    the Moscow, New Caledonia and Hong Kong strains

Influenza (2)
  • Can given rise to complications like secondary
    bacterial pneumonia, myocarditis, encephalitis,
    Guillain-Barré syndrome, etc.
  • Increases morbidity and mortality in the elderly
    and immunocompromised patients
  • Amantadine and rimantadine have been in use and
    are active against influenza A
  • Neuraminidase inhibitors like zanamivir and
    oseltamivir are active against influenza A and B
  • Influenza vaccines are available for influenza A
    and B and are usually given in November to
  • Annual vaccination programme for residents of
    aged homes and patients of long - stay facilities

Meningococcal Infections
  • Notifications rose sharply from 3 cases in 1999
    to 14 cases in 2000 and 10 cases in 2001
  • All were sporadic cases affecting patients of
    different age groups
  • 3 cases were imported from Mainland China
  • Half of the cases presented with signs and
    symptoms of meningitis and the other half those
    of septicaemia
  • The predominant serogroup was B (5) and the other
    serogroups were W135 (3), A (1) and non-B (1)
  • No cases of death notified in recent 2 years

  • Hong Kong had been free from rabies since 1988
    until one case appeared in 1999
  • After that case, another one appeared in 2001
  • Both were Filipino domestic helpers who had a
    history of travel back to the Philippines
  • The first had a history of dog bite and the
    second did not
  • Diagnosed as viral encephalitis initially
  • Correct diagnosis was reached in the first one
    antemortem and in the second one postmortem

Legionnaires Disease
  • Presents as severe community-acquired pneumonia,
    mild cases will be missed
  • No reported case was proved by culture
  • Diagnosis was established by retrospective
    finding of rise in antibody titres in suspected
  • No nosocomial case in Hong Kong despite
    ubiquitous presence of the organism
  • Recent report of 3 cases in Hong Kong, 2 in
    October and 1 in December 2001
  • All 3 patients were residents of the Kwun Tong
  • ? Related to polluted water cooling tower

  • Notifiable occupational disease in Hong Kong
  • One case notified in June 2001
  • The local geographical, economic and behavioural
    factors do not favour a high risk of exposure
  • Rodent infestation, flooding, skin abrasions and
    use of bare hands to touch possibly contaminated
    articles and probing drains are potential risk

Antibiotic Resistance
  • Growing global trend of microbial resistance to
    many antibiotics due to indiscriminate and
    extensive use
  • A sentinel surveillance system for antibiotic
    resistance was initiated by DH in 1999,
    comprising private clinics and GOPCs
  • DH published the Guideline on Antimicrobial Use
    in Primary Health Care Clinics in January 2002
  • Physicians and microbiologists of the HA formed
    the Interhospital Multi-disciplinary Programme on
    Antimicrobial ChemoTherapy (IMPACT) in 1999 and
    published the second draft edition of the
    handbook Reducing bacterial resistance with
    IMPACT in July 2001

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
  • Prevalence of nearly 60 of isolates in some
    hospitals in Hong Kong
  • Typically found in debilitated patients on
  • Community-acquired infections are increasingly
  • Prevalence related to the use of antibiotics and
    degree of contact precautions, especially hand

Penicillin-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • Prevalence of intermediate penicillin resistance
    in Streptococcus pneumoniae is more than 60 in
    Hong Kong
  • Resistance to other antibiotics like
    erythromycin, tetracyclines, co-trimoxazole and
  • More liberal use of pneumococcal vaccine in
    broader categories of patients now seems justified

  • Worldwide threat of terrorism caused by agents of
    biological disasters after the 911 incident in
  • Joint Working Group between the Security Bureau,
    Department of Health and Hospital Authority
    formed in November 2001
  • Guidelines for the management of suspected and
    confirmed cases of exposure to anthrax were
    formulated and promulgated
  • The Hospital Authority Task Force on Infection
    Control had also prepared fact sheets on
    smallpox, plague, botulism and viral haemorrhagic
    fevers for reference and use by HA hospitals

Recent Trend in Infectious Diseases in Hong Kong
  • Notifiable infectious diseases are limited in
  • Infectious disease physicians are now
    concentrating their efforts on
  • Infections of immunocompromised patients
  • Neutropenic infections
  • Critical care infections
  • Nosocomial infections
  • Infection control
  • Antibiotic policy etc.

  • The prevention and treatment of notifiable
    infectious diseases in Hong Kong have reached
    international standard
  • The trend now for modern infectious disease
    physicians is to concentrate more on other
    activities like HIV/AIDS, infections in
    immunocompromised patients, nosocomial infections
    and antimicrobial resistance etc.
  • Public health education and disease awareness of
    Hong Kong citizens still needs to be intensified
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