Title: The Imperial Edge - Residential Property in Tardeo Mumbai
1Marketed by Amura
The Imperial Edge - Residential Property in
Tardeo Mumbai Know more visit
2Live Exclusive Surrender your heart to an
address destined for greatness. The Imperial
Edge features an exquisite collection of
residences that have been lavishly designed to
offer an exclusive lifestyle which is high above
the mere ordinary. With its detailed
artistically crafted layout, the project
personifies timeless elegance. Place yourself in
the heart of South Mumbai, at an elite location
that cannot be surpassed. The highly desirable
Altamount Road and Pedder Road are just a few
seconds away from here. Leave the hustle-bustle
of the city and enter a paradise that is
characterized by unprecedented opulence.
Marketed by Amura
3The Imperial Edge - Residential Apartments in
Tardeo Mumbai Know more visit
Marketed by Amura
4Master Layout Plan
Marketed by Amura
Marketed by Amura
6About SD Corporation Private Limited The SD
Corporation Private Limited, a joint venture
of Shapoorji Pallonji and the Dilip Thacker Group
is one of the pioneers of world-class
architecture in the city of Mumbai. SD Corp is
responsible for having created landmark living
spaces and with a combined strength of a team of
over 6000 employees, it aims to build a vibrant
future through the means of successful
enterprise by leveraging existing platforms and
creating new ones. It has laid the foundation
for a wide range of vibrant living and
commercial spaces and is looking towards a
promising future with booming real estate
projects planned across the country.
Marketed by Amura
7Site Address The Imperial, South Tower, Level
6 B B Nakashe Marg, Tardeo, Mumbai 400
034 Corporate Office SP Centre, 41 / 44, Minoo
Desai Marg, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005
Marketed by Amura