Title: Safety belts New Zealand
1Safety Belts New Zealand
2Welcome to BVL Since its inception in 2003 BVL
has managed to grow itself to become a major
distributor of Safety Belts/ Seat Belts in New
Zealand. BVL makes its products available through
all branches of Auto Stop, retailers of
Automotive Supplies Ltd. Auto One franchises, and
some branches of BNT. There have been some
noticeable changes in the industry after the
frontal impact legislation. This made it
compulsory to have airbags for the front seats.
Thus came the entry of unsafe seat belts through
vehicle dismantlers at prices lower than the
new seat belts. This of course is a concern for
public safety
3Fit a Matching Seatbelt New Zealand Transport
Agency recommends that the Seat
Belts installation should be done by a
trained seat belts installer/mechanic. What is
described here is only a general guide-line and
we will not take any responsibility of any
incorrect installation done by anyone. Please
also note that this is only a brief introduction
to seat belts and not a comprehensive manual.
It is necessary to find out the details of the
existing seat belt, when replacing with a new
one. There are many factors to consider. There
are many factors to consider' Our Retailers will
be able to assist you in this regard.Retailers Fir
stly you have to find out whether its an
Emergency Locking Retractor Belt (ELR) or a
static seat belt. Its mandatory to have ELR
belts for the front seats, unless it is a classic
car, pre 1979. Static lap diagonal seat
belts are used mostly in the rear seats. Newer
cars have ELR belts even for rear seats. Seat
belts can be categorised also as two point or
three point. Two point belts are lap belts which
are normally used in centre seats. Three point
belts are Lap Diagonal which goes around lap
4Most of the new passenger vehicles come with air
bags. In most cases they will have pre tensioner
belts. These are not available in the after
market as they are vehicle specific. Some
passenger cars with air bags had webbing clamp
belts also known as webbing grabbers. NZTA has
specified when replacing seat belts of certain
vehicles, which had normal ELR belts it should
be with a webbing clamp. (LTNZ info sheet
2.02) When installing an ELR belt you have to
find out at what angle it is mounted. In most of
the trucks vans the B pillar is at 90 degrees
to the floor board. In these cases a 90/90 belt
will fit. In four door sedans or five door
station wagons B pillar slants slightly
backwards. The angle is 80 degrees for drivers
seat 100 degrees for passenger seat. In the
case of two door coupes and three door hatch
backs the reverse applies. Some new cars will
have vehicle specific angles and you have to
watch out for this. It becomes more complicated
when replacing a rear seat ELR belt. The angle
will vary from lying flat on parcel shelf (0/0)
to 40, 60, 75 degrees to lying under parcel shelf
(180/180). Contact your nearest BVL seat belt
retailer to find out the seat belt right for you.
Contact Retailers
5Contact Us Business Ventures Ltd 12 Ngahue
Drive Saint Johns Auckland 1072 New
Zealand Please Visit Ushttp//bvl.co.nz/