Title: Advertising on Railways - Global Advertisers
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2Advertising on Railways - Global Advertisers
3Advertising on Railways - Global Advertisers
If Mumbai is on your mind, there is no better way
ahead than Global Advertisers Railway Media to
advertise your brand. The Mumbai local train
network covers a stunning 465 kilometers with
2,342 train services carrying 75 lakh commuters
on any given day. With 2.64 billion commuters in
a year, it is arguably the busiest commuter rail
network globally. Avail branding opportunities
through Global Advertisers, the largest owner of
premium hoarding in Mumbai, inside the trains, on
the outside compartments, railway panels/
posters/ billboards facing the railway stations,
we have them all. Visit www.globaladvertisers.in
to know more about outdoor advertising special
packages For Booking, Call Now at 9820082849 /
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