International Fixed Income

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International Fixed Income


Title: Multinational Finance Subject: Chapter 9 Currency Swaps and Swaps Markets Author: Kirt C. Butler Last modified by: Stern School of Business – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: International Fixed Income

International Fixed Income
  • Topic 7ASWAPS

  • Description of a Swap
  • Motivation for Swaps
  • Graphical Analysis
  • Valuation and Interest Rate Sensitivity
  • Credit Risk
  • Currency Swaps

I. Description
  • An interest rate swap is a contract which commits
    two counterparties to exchange, over an agreed
    period, two streams of interest payments, each
    calculated using a different interest rate index,
    but applied to a common notional principal amount.

Plain Vanilla Swap
  • A plain vanilla or generic swap is a
    fixed-for-floating swap with
  • constant notional principal
  • constant fixed interest rate
  • floating interest rate such as 6-month LIBOR
    (London Interbank Offer Rate), a Treasury bill
    rate, Prime rate, Fed Funds,...
  • semi-annual payments of fixed and floating.
  • The swap rate quoted is the fixed rate.

Swap Jargon
  • The fixed-rate payer is
  • paying fixed and receiving floating
  • long the swap
  • short the bond market
  • The floating-rate payer is
  • paying floating and receiving fixed
  • short the swap
  • long the bond market

Importance of Swaps Market
II. Motivation for Swaps
  • Risk Taking
  • Arbitrage due to market imperfections?
  • Risk Management
  • Hedging interest rate risks
  • Financing
  • Low transaction costs
  • Off-balance sheet

Example Using swaps to take advantage of market
  • Company A has an AAA credit rating
  • Borrows fixed at 10 or at LIBOR20bp
  • Company B has a BBB credit rating
  • Borrows at 11.20 or at LIBOR75bp
  • Their spreads allow for swap market arbitrage
  • A borrows fixed and swaps to pay LIBOR with
    dealer, while B borrows floating, and swaps to
    pay fixed 10.20 with dealer.

Example continued...
Example continued...
  • Is this really arbitrage?
  • The conventional wisdom is that B is reducing its
    borrowing costs and sharing some of the savings
    with A.
  • On the other hand, if B is achieving the floating
    debt by rolling over short term debt, which has a
    lower spread than long term debt, then B is at
    risk if its credit quality deteriorates.

Example Mortgage Lending Institution
  • Typically invests in fixed-rate assets
    (mortgages) funded by liabilities on which it
    pays a floating rate (deposits).
  • How can the bank hedge its interest rate risk?
  • Go long a swap
  • It pays fixed and receives floating
  • It funds the fixed from its mortgage payments,
    and uses the floating to pay its deposits.
  • Why? It makes money from the business side, not
    in taking interest rate risk.

Hedging Interest Rate Risk
III. Graphical Analysis
3 ways to view the cash flow from a swap - 1
2 - short a fixed, long a floater
3 - a portfolio of forward contracts
Swaps as a portfolio of forward contracts
  • The 2-year (annual reset) swap is like a
    portfolio of 4 forwards of maturities .5-2 years.
  • Since swaps have a present value of zero, the
    portfolio is also PV zero.
  • However, because the obligated payment is fixed
    each period with the swap, the fixed swap rate
    will not equal the time-zero forward rates unless
    the term structure is flat.
  • Thus, each individual forward embedded in the
    swap will not have the usual zero present value,
    only their sum will.
  • If the term structure is upward (downward)
    sloping, then the payer of fixed initially
    expects to have losses (gain) before eventual
    gains (losses).

IV. Valuation Interest Rate Sensitivity
  • Three Components
  • Distribution of Cash Flows
  • Valuation of Swap
  • Interest Rate Sensitivity of Swap
  • Illustration using an example of a 2-year swap of
    fixed against 6-month Libor.

A. Cash Flow Rule
  • Every six months until maturity, the party who is
    long the swap receives the 6-month rate set
    6-months earlier minus a fixed rate k.
  • If the notional amount of the swap is N and the
    maturity is T, the time t cash flow to this party
    for t 0.5, 1, 1.5, ..., T can be written as

Example Cash Flows to Long Position in 5.5
2-Year Swap with 100 Notional Amount
B. Valuation
  • As shown earlier, the cash flows from a swap are
    equivalent to a long position in a floater
    (indexed to Libor) minus a fixed-rate bond (with
    rate k).
  • The difference between the coupons of the two
    notes equals the swap payment, and the difference
    between their principal payments is zero.
  • Thus, default risk aside, the value of a swap is
    just the difference between the value of the
    floater and the fixed rate bond

Valuation continued...
  • Since it is standard to set the initial value of
    the swap to zero, this means the swap rate is the
    fixed rate that sets the floater equal to the
    fixed-rate bond.
  • Thus, the swap rate is chosen such that

  • What is the value of a 5.5 plain, vanilla
    interest rate 2-year swap
  • assuming the current zero curve is 5.54, 5.45,
    5.47 and 5.5 for the 6 mth through 2 year
    zeroes (cocnistent with previous classes), that
    is, discount factors of .973, .9746, .9222 and
    ,8972, respectively.
  • The 2-year swap with fixed rate 5.5 is worth
    -0.0019 per 100 notional amount
  • The 2-yr 5.5 bond is worth 100.0019
  • The floater is worth 100 (see below)
  • swap value 100 - 100.0019

Review Floaters
  • A floating rate note (FRN) is a bond with a
    coupon that is adjusted periodically to a
    benchmark interest rate, or indexed to this rate
    (e.g., LIBOR)
  • Consider a semi-annual coupon floating rate note,
    with the coupon indexed to the 6-month interest
    rate. Each coupon date, the coupon paid is equal
    to the par value of the note times one-half the
    6-month rate quoted 6 months earlier, at the
    beginning of the coupon period. The note pays par
    value at maturity.
  • Valuation (See next two pages)
  • What is the duration of a floater?
  • The note is always worth par on the next coupon
    date with certainty. So a floater is equivalent
    to a zero that matures on the next coupon date
    with face value equal to the par value of the
    floater plus the current coupon.The duration of
    the floater is therefore equal to the duration of
    a zero maturing on the next coupon date. Their
    convexities are the same, too.

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Calculating the Swap Rate
  • The swap rate is the fixed rate that sets the
    swap's value equal to zero.
  • If the swap is fixed-against-LIBOR, then the swap
    rate should be above the Treasury rate.
  • Why?
  • Because LIBOR is appropriate for A-rated banks
    and the default risk on swaps is much lower it
    must be the case that the fixed rate should
    reflect the default-free rate plus the LIBOR
    spread (TED spread).

Swap rate continued...
  • For each maturity T, the swap rate k(T) is the
    coupon rate that sets the fixed-rate component
    equal to the floater. With no default risk, the
    floater's value is par plus the present value of
    the spread over Treasuries. Denote s as the
    spread, and d as the discount factors then for a
    semi-annual swap, we have

  • Assume a spread of zero, so that we are working
    off treasuries, then
  • The 2-year swap with fixed rate 5.5 is worth
    -0.0019 (per 100 notional amount).
  • To make the swap worth exactly zero, the swap
    rate must be set equal to the par rate for 2 year
  • 2-year par rate 2(1-0.897166)/
    (0.9730470.9476490.9222420.897166) 5.499

The Swap Curve
  • Recall that the swap curve relates the generic
    swap rate to the maturity of the swap. (It refers
    to dealer rates for fixed-against-six month
  • The swap spread is the spread between the swap
    rate and a U.S. Treasury of similar maturity.
  • This curve generally coincides with what a dealer
    would pay/receive in a swap with a AAA (or AA)
  • The variation in the swap spread across
    maturities is empirically related to
  • demand/supply factors (price pressure)
  • credit spreads in the corporate bond market

April 1,2000Swap Curve Treasury Curve
January 1,2000Swap Curve Treasury Curve
Swap Spreads (1997-2000)
C. Interest Rate Sensitivity
  • The dollar duration (or, the price value of a
    basis point DV01) and the dollar convexity of
    the swap respectively is simply the dollar
    duration and dollar convexity of a floating rate
    note minus the fixed-rate bond.
  • Since a floater faces only interest rate risk
    between reset dates, the duration then is
    primarily that of the underlying fixed-rate bond.
  • Note that the surprising charateristic here is
    that a swap has no principal amount at stake
    (i.e., it's a levered position in the underlying
  • A long position in a swap has, therefore,
    negative duration, as it is primarily a negative
    position in a long-term fixed rate bond.
  • Increasing (decreasing) interest rates increase
    (decrease) the swap's value.

V. Credit Risk
  • The swap curve generally indicates what a dealer
    would pay/receive in a swap with a AAA (or AA)
    counterparty. However, spreads for lower quality
    counterparties are about the same.
  • How important is credit risk?
    Many regulators argue that
    credit risk is underpriced in the swaps market,
    e.g., swap spreads much lower than corporate
    credit spreads. However, swaps have many special
    features, which substantially reduce their credit

Are the concerns warranted?
  • Loan
  • Full principal at risk
  • Full interest payments at risk
  • Defaults always matter
  • Covenants apply
  • Swap
  • No principal at risk
  • Only a spread payment is at risk
  • Default matters only if in the money
  • Long maturity contracts often have rating-related
    unwind/settlement triggers and advanced credit
    enhancement collateralization features

Characteristics of SwapsCredit Risk Issues 1
  • Although the cash flows of long a floater, short
    a fixed-rate bond are equal to a swap note that
    only the difference between their coupons are at
  • Thus, the capital at risk is of a much smaller
    magnitude than the underlying fixed income

Characteristics of SwapsCredit Risk Issues 2
  • Rational default occurs only when the swap's
    value is negative.
  • In our example, this happens only when interest
    rates have fallen (from the perspective of being
    long the swap), thus reducing the incidence of
  • This also highlights the importance of the term
    structure of interest rates, as displayed by
    thinking of swaps as a portfolio of forwards.

Characteristics of SwapsCredit Risk Issues 3
  • Credit Enhancement Vehicles
  • The most "matured" setting can be found on
    organized exchanges
  • The OTC market provides a variety of standard
    (ISDA master agreement) and new
    (asset/counterparty-specific) additions

Credit Enhancement (Exchanges)
  • Options and futures margin requirements
  • margin serves as a collateral
  • Daily mark-to-market and possible liquidation of
    a position
  • margin is proportional to avg. vol
  • margin may be related to the nature of the trade
    (hedging or speculative)
  • Position limits vis-a-vis each counterparty helps
    diversify default risk
  • Cross-clearing agreements

Credit Enhancement (OTC Derivatives)
  • Netting Arrangements
  • bilateral close-out is now standard in the ISDA
    master swap agreement
  • Position Limits
  • RM group monitors the "exposure profile" for each
  • each trade is considered for its portfolio effect
  • Margins and Collateral
  • common to require dynamic margining
  • Derivative Product Companies
  • dynamically capitalized
  • AAA-rated SPVs
  • Often a requirement for sovereigns
  • Recouponing
  • periodic change of coupon payment to bring the
    transaction to market
  • Credit Triggers
  • if a counterparty falls below investment grade,
    the other counterparty may require an immediate
    cash settlement (of questionable effectiveness)
  • common for long-dated swaps

VI. Currency Swaps
  • A contract by which two counterparties exchange,
    over an agreed period, two streams of interest
    payments in different currencies and, at the end
    of the period, the corresponding principal
    amounts at an exchange rate agreed at the start
    of the contract.
  • Different from an interest rate swap in that
  • the interest and principal are denominated in
    different currencies
  • exchange of principal at maturity

Currency Swapfixed/fixed /DM
Other types of currency swaps
  • Cross-Currency Coupon Swap
  • Fixed-against-floating counterparty A pays fixed
    DM interest and principal in exchange for
    floating interest and principal at maturity
  • Cross-Currency Basis Swap
  • Floating-against-floating counterparty A pays
    floating DM interest and principal in exchange
    for floating interest and principal at

Interest Rate and Cross-Currency SwapsNotional
Principal, Trillions , 1995
Currency Swap Pricing
  • We can think of a currency swap as an exchange of
    notes, one denominated in each currency
  • Price of swap price of DM note - price of
  • For the fixed/fixed swap here, it can be written
    as Price of swap price of fixed rate DM bond -
    price of fixed rate bond
  • The interest rate sensitivity of the swap,
    however, is different. To see this note that the
    change in the swap's value can be approximated by
  • DSwapDp-sDpDm-pDmDs, where s is the exchange
    rate ( per DM)
  • The duration of the swap then depends on the
    interest rate sensitivity of three factors US
    rates, German rates, and the exchange rate. Since
    the exchange rate is roughly 8 times more
    variable than the underlying interest rates, much
    of a swap's risk comes from currency changes.

Comparison of Currency Swaps and Forwards
  • Currency Swaps
  • Involves exchange of interest and principal
    amounts of currencies
  • Exchange of principal takes place at an exchnage
    rate agreed at start of swap, usually the spot
  • E.G., exchange streams of dollar and DM payments,
    and principal amounts at maturity at current spot
  • Forwards
  • Only principal amounts at maturity
  • Exchange of principal takes place at the forward
    exchange rate (at start of swap)
  • E.G., transaction takes place at forward rate F
    agreed at start of swap,i.e., simple exchange of
    principal amount at maturity

VII. Other Types of Swaps
  • Amortizing and Accreting Swaps
  • Notional declines (increases) through time
  • Step Up/Down Swaps
  • Coupon starts low (high) then steps up (down)
  • Basis Swaps
  • Exchange of two floating rates, e.g., T-bill rate
    versus LIBOR
  • CMT Swaps
  • Floating rate is tied to a long-treasury yield

LTCM Example Reviewed European credit spreads
  • Swap spreads represent the spread between future
    LIBOR (bank offer rates) and future T-bills.
    During the 1996-1997 period, UK swap spreads
    began to rise relative to German swap spreads. In
    other words, UK swaps (relative to their
    treasuries) were cheap compared to German swaps
    (relative to their treasuries).
  • LTCM went long UK swap spreads and short German
    swap spreads, betting they would eventually

Swap Spreads UK Germany
Swap Spreads UK Germany
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