Title: AVR Microcontroller Board - Robomart
1Introduction to AVR Microcontrollers
Presented By Robomart
2- A microcontroller is a single chip,
self-contained computer.
- 1971 Texas Instrument calculator-on-a-chip TMS
1000, which was a 4-bit microcontroller with
built-in ROM and RAM. - 1976 Intel 8048 was one of Intel's first
microcontrollers. - 1980 Intel 8051 followed in and became one of
the most popular microcontroller families. - 1996 Atmel AVR was one of the first
microcontroller families to use on-chip flash
memory for program storage.
4 Features of AVR Microcontroller
Development Board
- 16 Kbytes of In-System Self-programmable Flash
program memory. - 512 Bytes EEPROM.
- 1 Kbyte Internal SRAM.
- Programming of Flash, EEPROM, Fuses, and Lock
Bits through the JTAG Interface. - Byte-oriented Two-wire Serial Interface.
- Programmable Serial USART.
- Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface.
- Programmable Watchdog Timer with Separate On-chip
Oscillator. - On-chip Analog Comparator.
- 32 Programmable I/O Lines.
- Operating voltage from 5.0V - 25 V.
- Onboard dc power supply unit.
- Onboard power switch.
- Onboard dc socket.
5- Onboard ISP connector.
- Onboard 4x4 matrix keypad.
- Onboard L293D motor driver.
- Onboard 4-bit keypad.
- Onboard ULN2803 IC.
- Onboard 24Cxx EEPROM IC base.
- Onboard DX130X RTC.
- Onboard RESET switch.
- Onboard DB9 female connector.
- Onboard MAX232 IC.
- Onboard ATMEGA16 microcontroller.
- Onboard 4-multiplexed 7 Segment display.
- Onboard CMOS battery clamp.
6Application of AVR Microcontroller Board
- XBee controlled Embedded System.
- Cell phone Controlled robot (DTMF Based).
- Line following Robot.
- Obstacle Avoiding Robot.
- CAN Based accident avoidance robot.
- Clap operated robot.
- RF Based robotic car.
- Wall follower robot.
- Micro mouse Robot.
- Digital MP3 player.
7- External Memory interfacing using I2C.
- Light Searching Robot.
- Edge Avoiding Robot.
- 1 X atmega 16 controller board.
- 1 X atmega 16 microcontroller.
- 1 X MAX232 IC.
- 1 X DX130X RTC.
A Microcontroller has seven main components
1-Central processing unit (CPU) 2-ROM 3-RAM
4-Input and Output 5-Timer 6-Interrupt
circuitry 7-Buses 8-Oscillatory circuits
- Cheap.
- Very small in size.
- Programming of Microcontrollers is simple to
learn (c language or Assembly). - Ability to simulate project before
10AVR Microcontroller
The AVR architecture was conceived by two
students at the Norwegian Institute of Technology
Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan
- Devices range from 1 to 256KB
- Pin count range from 8 to 100
- Full code compatibility
- Pin/feature compatible families
- One set of development tools
11AVR Architecture
12Single-Chip Solution
13Code Size and Execution Time
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Application notes AVRfreaks community website
15Contact us
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