Title: How to sell essential oils from home
1How to sell essential oils from home
Starting an essential oil business
2Step one Browse the internet for reputable
essential oil companies
Starting an essential oil business
3Step two When you have looked through the
companies available, pick one you like
Starting an essential oil business
4Step three Check out what the essential oil
company can offer you
Starting an essential oil business
5Questions to consider before joining any home
based business
- How much does it cost to join?
- Is there a free web shop?
- Is there anything extras to pay, such as a
monthly fee or an upgrade? - What is the compensation plan like?
- Will I get upline support?
- How much money can I make?
- Is the business sustainable?
- Does the company have good reviews?
Starting an essential oil business
6Step four If you have any unanswered questions
contact a rep of the company
Starting an essential oil business
7Step five If you are happy with the answers and
the consultant enroll in the company
Starting an essential oil business
8Enollment instructions
- Click here the link will take you to the best
essential oils company around at the moment - Pick your preferred language and select the
country - Select your preferred enrolment type, then press
Continue - Fill in your details and choose a password, then
agree to the terms and conditions - Choose your Enrolment Fee / Intro Packet (the
basic business package is 35 with No monthly
fees) which includes a free webshop - Then click Continue
- Pay for your order
Starting an essential oil business
9Step six Within a few minutes you will receive
an email giving you access to your back office
and the ability to sell therapeutic-grade oils
and earn commissions.
Starting an essential oil business
10For more details use the q-code
Starting an essential oil business
11Or click on the link below!