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2 Variant
Configuration What is Variant Configuration?
It is a tool which helps to simplify the complex
manufacturing of final product with more
varieties and Variation of the Input material.
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Configuration..contd Variant configuration helps
??To ensure right choice is delivered ??Easy
for the sales person to select ??Communication
is fast and clear ??Ensures production of
right item
3 Variant Configuration-super BOM Super
BOM- Containing all the components for
producing all variants of the product.
Advantage- ??No need to create a separate
BOM ??One configurable material to cover
Configurable Material -BOM configurable
material BOM contains all the components that are
required to manufacture the material. The BOM
contains components that are only used in
specific variants (variant parts),as well as
components that are used in all variants
(non-variable parts)
4 Configurable Material -Routing A routing (or
task list) for a configurable material contains
all the operations, operation sequences, and
production resources/tools (PRTs) that are
required tomanufacture all variants of a
configurable material
Variant Configuration-Class To define the
features of a configurable material, use
characteristics. To enable to use characteristics
to configure a material, assign the material to a
class of class type 300.The customer can choose
from among different options for each
characteristic (values).
5 Classification Characteristic Various
characteristics of the material can be Defined
and these characteristics are attached To the
class. Class is attached to the Material master.
e.g Variant class class type 300 Batch class
--class type 022
Object Dependency Selection of item,
Restricting the selection changing the quantity
of an item in the BOM are done through Object
dependencies select condition, Precondition and
Procedure respectively
6 Select Condition Super BOM contains all the
required and Variable items. From the variable
items required items will be selected which
are Matching the characteristic value.
Select Condition e.g. Items in the super BOM
are 1.70hp engine 2.85hp engine 3.95hp
engine Characteristic Power Char. Values
70hp,85hp 95hp select Condition power
70 Result-item 70hp engine will be selected.
7 Pre Condition e.g. Items in super BOM related
to emission are 1.DPCpump 2.DPAMpump 3.HYDpump
Characteristic1 Engine_Power Characteristic2Emis
sion_level Char.2 Values euro1,euro2
euro3 Constrains- 70hp can go with euro1
only 85hp can go with all euro1,euro2 and
euro3 95hp can go with euro3 only.
8 Procedure e.g. If there is a change in
quantity depends on any Characteristic value,
then Procedure is used. i.e Depends on number of
wheel character, item Fastner required
quantity per engine may be 8 times the number of
wheel. If no of wheel is 4 then fastner qty
should be 32 Per product.
Creating Sales Order When creating a sales order
enter the configurable material as an order
item. see the configuration editor, where assign
values to the characteristics of the material.
when entering characteristic values, dependencies
for the characteristics and values are processed.
9 Class item in super BOM Another way to
simplify the BOM creation Process is through
class item in the BOM
Creation of class Characteristics are created
and attached with Class of class type 300(variant
class). Class will be assigned to the material
master With characteristic values Enter this
class as a class item (K) in the BOM
Link between class,item BOM Link is
established as class attached to the material
master and the same class is entered As class
item (K) in the BOM.
10 Item selection via class item When the
particular class is assigned to the Material
master and the same class is Entered as a class
item in the BOM, while Creating the sales order
Control on class and characteristics Classes can
be created through Engineering Change Management
so that the better control can be Imparted to it.
Changes to the characteristic its effective
from dates can be triggered through Engineering
change Management.
11 Variant Configuration -Pricing You can make
the price of a variant dependent on the
characteristic values assigned (Pricing). You can
use variant conditions to define surcharges and
discounts for a variant
Variant Pricing steps Create condition record
create a procedure where you enter the reference
from the characteristic Assign the procedures to
either the characteristic values configure the
material in the sales order The net price for the
material is displayed
12 Pricing steps -process If a value that
triggers a variant condition is selected when
configuring a material in a sales order, the
price of the material displayed under Net value
is automatically increased or reduced. In
addition, the Conditions pushbutton is displayed.
On pressing this pushbutton, One can see which
conditions have influenced the price.
Making variant make to stock For variants that
are required frequently, you can create material
variants, which can be produced without a sales
order and kept in stock. When you receive a sales
order, you can check whether the variant required
is in stock, so that you can deliver immediately.
13 Variant matching in the SO If material
variants already exist for aconfigurable
material, the configurable material can be
replaced in the sales order by a material
variant. Material variants that only partly match
the configuration of the material in the sales
order are ignored Note-The configuration of the
material must match the material variant Exactly
Simulating configuration configuration
simulation to check configuration model. In the
configuration simulation, one can test whether it
has created the objects correctly and whether
dependencies work.
14 Material Accounting Relevant items are selected
from the Super BOM through object dependency. The
selected items form the BOM specific to SO. Items
are copied to Plnd. order, prod. order And issued
against the production order.
Example of VC Finished Material Bolerojeep Raw
Material -Many items
Characters(structure options) Engine
Power Emission Level Seating Capacity Body
Material Thickness colour Number of wheels
15 Sales Order Creation
16 Assigning characteristic values
17 Selecting characteristic values
18 Selecting characteristic value for constrain
19 Selecting characteristic value for