Title: Dental Implants in Manchester: New Science
1Dental Implants in Manchester New Science
- Welcome to Carisbrook Dental
2Procedure of Dental Implant
In case of Dental Implants a perfect procedure
has to be followed which includes
The Implant that is the first procedure where a
titanium is used as a implant that is placed in
the upper or lower jaw bone.
3The Abutment secondly comes the abutment which
is also made from titanium or gold or porcelain
which is attached to the implant this connects
the implant to the crown. A crown is that which
is cut in the shape of a natural tooth so as to
give the implant the shape and look of a natural
4The Restoration lastly comes the process of
restoration of the denture that is to add the
crown that looks like a natural tooth. The crown
normally made from porcelain is screwed or
cemented onto the abutment. If screwed then it is
filled with a tooth coloured material.
5Dental Implants in Manchester
There are expert dentists who are highly
qualified experienced available for dental
implants. Certain discounted facilities are also
provided that provides for an easier dental
6Contact us
Carisbrook Dental Address 6 Knowsley
Rd Whitefield, Manchester M45 6BF Phone 0161 951
7295 Email info_at_carisbrookdental.co.uk Facebook
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7The End
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