Title: Ajnara Homes in Noida Extension
1Ajnara Homes in Greater Noida
2Ajnara Homes is a well established housing
venture found in Greater Noida West. This
endeavor enjoys an opportunistic area which is
directly linked to plenty of important
destinations in Greater Noida. For the past few
years the area has witnessed a lot of
developments in terms of roads and various other
resources in comparison to other suburbs.
Vitrified Tiles in Drawing / Dining / Bedrooms and Kitchen. Anti skid ceramic tiles in toilets and balcony Laminated wooden flooring in master bedroom
Door Windows
External doors and windows made of powder coated aluminium Internal hardwood frames with flush doors.
Granite top working platform Stainless steel sink. Ceramic glazed tiles 2' above working platform. with individual R.O unit.
Anti-skid ceramic floor tiles. Ceramic tiles up to door level on the wall Branded sanitary ware and CP fittings
Inside wall finish
Inside walls with POP punning and OBD.
External Façade
Exterior in superior paint finish.
Copper wiring in concealed P.V.C. conduits. Sufficient light and power points. Provision for T.V. and telephone points in living room and all bedrooms.
Super structure
Earthquake-resistant RCC Frame structure
4Site Plan
5Ajnara Ambrosia Price List
Ajnara Homes - 2 BHK (1060 sq.ft.) 1060 3,010 31.9 L onwards
Ajnara Homes - 2 BHK (1095 sq.ft.) 1095 3,010 31 L onwards
Ajnara Homes - 2 BHK (1240 sq.ft.) 1240 3,010 37.3 L onwards
Ajnara Homes - 3 BHK (1290 sq.ft.) 3,010 5,691 38.8 L onwards
Ajnara Homes - 2 BHK (1385 sq.ft.) 1385 3,010 41.7 L onwards
Ajnara Homes - 3 BHK (1480 sq.ft.) 1480 3,010 44.5 L onwards
Ajnara Homes - 3 BHK (1595 sq.ft.) 1595 3,010 48 L onwards
Ajnara Homes - 3 BHK (1710 sq.ft.) 1710 3,010 51.5 L onwards
Ajnara Homes - 4 BHK (1960 sq.ft.) 1960 3,010 59 L onwards
6Contact us
- www.ajnarahomesnoidaextension.in
- 9999871352