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- Interpretation of stratigraphic sections is often
based on the use of surfaces to subdivide the
section namely Sequence Stratigraphy - If constrained by time depositional setting the
bounding surfaces of evaporites form distinct
widespread stratigraphic markers - Updip supratidal sabkha evaporite cycles
- Downdip restricted playas basin evaporites
- Unique strong ties exist and constrain the
timing of the accumulation linear belts of marine
lacustrian evaporites when arid climates
plate tectonic setting coincide
3Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation
- The subdivision of sedimentary section by time
significant widespread surfaces that record
sharp changes in sedimentary character, erosion
and/or non-deposition e.g. - Maximum flooding surfaces (time of maximum
transgression) - Transgressive surfaces (first significant
flooding surface of a sequence) - Sequence boundaries (significant erosional
unconformiy produced by fall in sea level)
4Bounding Surfaces of Evaporites
- Distinct widespread stratigraphic markers
constrained by time depositional setting - Updip supratidal sabkha evaporite cycles (upper
bounding surface preserved in regressive
coastlines matching sea level position of the
late high stand system tract) - Downdip restricted playas basin evaporites
(upper surface coincides with sea level position
of the lowstand and following transgressive
system tract)
5Updip Supratidal Sabkha Cycles
- Regressive coastlines match the sea level
position of the late Highstand SystemTract - Matrix rich
- Circumscribe depositional basin
- Interbedded facies include-
- Up dip - Wadii sediments aeolian sand
- Down dip - Cycles of shallow water carbonate
- Evaporites sometimes signaled by solution
Examples Modern of UAE
Ancient of Permian Basin
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7Western Coastal Margin of the United Arab Emirates
Western Coast of the United Arab Emirates
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9High Intertidal Cyanobacterial Flats
Intertidal Carbonate Flats
Earlier High Energy Beaches
Supratidal Sabkha Evaporites
10Ptygmatic Anhydrite Storm Washover
Diapiric Anhydrite After Gypsum
Upper Intertidal Cyanobacteria Mats
11Deflation Surface of Aeolian Carbonate
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13Sabkha Sediments
Basin Margin Carbonates
14Upper Tidal Flat Dolomite
Sabkha of the Guadalupian Permian Seven Rivers
Formation, of the Seven Rivers Embayment, New
Supratidal Gypsum
Windblown Fluvial Silts
15Collapse Breccia in the Seven Rivers Formation
Dark Canyon, New Mexico.
Upper Tidal Flat Dolomites
Collapse after Evaporites
16Upper tidal flat dolomites
Basinal evaporites
17Restricted Playas Basin Evaporites
- Match sea level of Lowstand and Transgressive
System Tract - Matrix poor
- Deeper parts of the isolated evaporite basin
- Extensive bodies
- Thin interbedded fabric reflects seasonal
evaporative cycles of circum basin climate
18Dead Sea
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21Light layers are Gypsum
Dark layers are Dolomite
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23Evaporites as Time Markers
Hierarchical classification of climate drivers,
with temporal scale of operation (vertical
axis) and relative temperature change effected
at each ordinal scale (horizontal axis).
after Gehard et al (2001)
24Evaporites as Time Markers
- Unique strong ties exist constrain the timing
of evaporite accumulations. - These linear belts of marine lacustrian
evaporites coincide with - Arid climates
- Plate tectonic setting
25Origin of Evaporites
- Rain shadow
- Width of continent
- High mountains
- Air System of the Arid Tropics
Lack of rainfall
26Where when do thick evaporites accumulate?
- Break up of continental plates
- Collision compression of continental plates
- Generation of structural depositional barriers
Lacustrian and Marine settings adjacent to
continental plate margins during-
Commonly within Air System of Arid Tropics
27Arid Climates Common in Earth History
- Evaporites of Mesozoic to Tertiary of Middle
East Paleozoic Mesozoic the USA, Europe
Middle East
28Arid Climates Common in Earth History
- Salt Flat Evaporites
- Arid Coastline Evaporites
- Isolated Marine Lacustrian Evaporite Basins
- Eolian sediments
Evidenced by-
29Evaporite generation during break up of
continental plates
- Isolated linear belts of interior drainage.
- Linear belts connected by restricted entrance to
the sea. - Regional drainage tends to flow away from break
up margin - Air system of the arid tropics
- Wide envelope of surrounding continents.
30Break Up Margin Evaporites
- Mesozoic of Northern Atlantic
- Isolated linear belts of interior drainage.
- Linear belts connected by restricted entrance to
the sea. - Regional drainage tends to flow away from break
up margin - Air system of the arid tropics
- Wide envelope of surrounding continents
31Restricted Entrances To Sea
Isolated linear Belt of interior drainage
Regional Drainage Away From Margin
Arid Tropics Air System
Wide Envelope of surrounding continents
32Examples of Evaporites at Break Up Margins
- Mesozoic of Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Mesozoic of North South Atlantic margins
- Mesozoic of Yemen rift belt
- Mesozoic Tertiary of Eritrea
- East African Rift
- Dead Sea
33Continental Collision Evaporites
- Isolated linear belts of interior drainage.
- Linear belts connected by restricted entrance to
the sea. - Regional drainage tends to flow into basin
- Air system of the arid tropics
- Wide envelope of surrounding continents.
34Example of Evaporites at Collision Margin
Current Arabian Gulf underlying Late Mesozoic
to Tertiary
- Isolated linear belts of interior drainage
- Linear belts connected by restricted entrance to
sea - Regional drainage tends to flow into basin
- Air system of the arid tropics
- Wide envelope of surrounding continents
35Regional Drainage Into Basin
Restricted Entrance To Sea
Isolated linear Belt of interior drainage
Arid Tropics Air System
Wide Envelope of surrounding continents
36Examples of Evaporites at Collision Margins
- Current Arabian Gulf underlying Late Mesozoic
to Tertiary - Silurian of Michigan Basin Western New York
State - Devonian of Western Canada NW USA
- Permian of New Mexico West Texas
- Permian of Zechstein Basin
- Mesozoic to Tertiary of southern South America
- Tertiary of Mediterranean
- Mesozoic Tertiary in final phases of Tethys Sea
37Evaporite Generation Behind Barriers
- Isolated linear belts of interior drainage.
- Linear belts connected by restricted entrance to
the sea. - Regional drainage tends to flow into basin
- Air system of the arid tropics
- Wide envelope of surrounding continents.
38Examples of Evaporites Behind Structural
Depositional Barriers
- Permian Khuff of Saudi Arabia, UAE Oman
- Upper Jurassic Hith Anhydrite of western UAE,
eastern Saudi Arabia, southern Kuwait and western
Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic beneath Arabian
Evaporites trapped by original Hercynian horst
block terrain at southern shore of Tethys Ocean.
Punctuated by limited access to sea repeated
arid climatic events.
39Restricted Entrance To Sea
Structural Depositional Barrier over Hercynian
Horst Blocks
Permian Khuff Saudi Arabia Oman UAE
Arid Tropics Air System
Wide Shadow from Adjacent Continents
40Restricted Entrance To Sea
Depositional Barrier over Hercynian Horst Blocks
Upper Jurrassic Saudi Arabia Kuwait, Iran UAE
Tropical Air System !
Wide Shadow from Adjacent Continents
41Examples of Evaporites Behind Structural
Depositional Barriers
- Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic beneath Arabian
Gulf - Cretaceous Ferry Lake Anhydrite of Florida
Evaporites trapped by structure and depositional
barrier. Punctuated by limited access to sea
repeated arid climatic events.
- Arid climates common through earth history
- Arid climates signaled by thick sections of
evaporites in marine lacustrian settings
adjacent to margins of recently pulled apart
continental plates /or in compressional terrains
of colliding margins - Arid climates punctuate geologic column so
provide time markers - Evaporites form stratigraphic marker horizons
sequence stratigraphy of a section their
bounding surfaces can be used to subdivide this,
namely - Upper surfaces of updip supratidal sabkha
evaporite cycles - Upper surfaces of downdip restricted playas
basin evaporites