Title: Home Theater Company Texas
1Dynamiq A/V Integration specializes in custom
home audio and video installations, Home
automation and custom wiring. We work directly
and efficiently with your Romote,Security cameras
contractor, Interior designer, Speaker Receiver
decorator or Project manager
2Home Theater Company Texas
Home Theatre System installations continue
detection device encumbrance mounting and
encompass sound audio setup. This includes
connecting the television to a replace woofer and
speakers that can by the same token be mounted if
requested. Television will be mounted in the
customer's desired location. We require the
customer purchase the desired surface prior to
the install. The installations further include
concealing the connecting wires if necessary and
3Advanced Home Theater Systems Your Theater
Professionals Because we have been the head of
the line provider of in-home theatres for North
Texas, Advanced Home Theater Systems will
employment with you to raw material the country
of origin entertainment industry associate TX of
your dreams. Our specific know-how means that
your theater will meet your engaging
specifications, in both design and technology. If
you have questions or you are ready to begin
planning your own home theater, complete the
constitute above or assemble Advanced Home
Theater Systems.
4Contact Us Dynamiq A/V Intergration 5100
Westheimer Rd Suite 200 Houston, TX 77056 Phone
(832) 215-9350 Office hours 9am 6pm website
5Thank You