Title: 91st Batch of AAFT Opened at Noida Film City
191st Batch of AAFT Opened at Noida Film City
Noida Another record in making, no film,
television or media school in the World has ever
launched 91st batch or session of training of
media personals. It is only AAFT which has
reached to another destination carrying some of
the wonderful memories along with it, said
Sandeep Marwah President Marwah Studios and AAFT
on the opening of 91st batch at Marwah Studios.
23 years in media education, 12000 media
professionals, 120 countries of the World, 55
different courses from three months to three
years and from certificates to Degree-Asian
Academy of Film And Television has come long way
added Marwah. AAFT has started its new batch
with students from all over India and abroad. The
short-term courses in three months and one year
diploma courses in Production Direction, Editing
And Sound Recording, Camera And Lighting
Technics, Acting And Presentation, Sound And
Radio Production, Graphics And Animation are the
main courses.