Title: Marwah Television Will Support Cultural Activities
1Marwah Television Will Support Cultural Activities
New Delhi Two years old television station of
MarwahStudios TV has created a wonderful niche
for itself all over the World. The IPTV can be
seen all over the World now for 24 hours a
day. We have the largest collection of short
films, events around the year and a media force
of almost 200 people who are now getting
associated with the television station of Marwah
Studios confirmed Sandeep Marwah President of
Marwah Studios.
The television station will support our vision
and mission of bringing Love, Peace and Unity
through Art and Culture along with in house Radio
Noida 107.4FM and a newspaper Country And
Politics to support TV station added
Marwah. Shot Films, fictional programs,
documentaries, events are already part of the
television programs. Marwahstudios tv soon add on
all sorts of cultural programs to its
broadcasting. Number of cultural societies,
associations, drama artists, singers, and other
performers has been part of the revamping program.