Title: Mahagun Offices Space Coming soon in Greater Noida @+91-9560056021
1Mahagun Commercial Project Greater Noida West
- Mahagun Group is most popular real estate
developer in real estate market now coming up
with Commercial Project named as Mahagun
Commercial Projectsis located at Noida
Extension. This project is offering splendid
office space with modern amenities. - Main 130 mtr road.
- 502525 Payment plan _at_Rs 5490/sqft.
- 500 rs. Inaugural discount for first 100 units.
- Spacious office space.
- Spread 4.5 acres of land area
2Mahagun Office Space Greater Noida West
- Speed internet service.
- Earthquake resistant structure.
- Vastu based design.
- Internet connection.
- 24 hour power supply.
- 24x7 advanced security.
- Power backup.
- Ample car parking.
- Maintenance staffs.
4Location Map
5Thank you
Finlace Consulting Pvt Ltd. C-56A/13, Sector
62,Noida, India 201301Contact No.
91-9560056021 E-Mail info_at_finlace.com Click