Title: India News Communications Ltd.
1India News Communications Ltd.
2Founded in 1996 INCL offers a full range of
Public Relations Corporate Communications
services. INCL help companies develop and
implement highly effective public relations
campaigns that are targeted at key press and
media, who will distribute your message to the
audiences you need to reach INCL will help you
with clearly articulated messages, delivered in
the most effective manner, across all regions.
4Our Strength
- Experienced panel of professionals with proven
track records in Marketing, Public Relations,
Media, Advertising Industry and Event Management,
who are committed to maintaining a high degree of
professional ethics with the highest standards of
transparency and confidentiality. - High Client Retention Rate - Long term
relationships - Reputation for strategic thinking and pro-active
implementation - Proven expertise in Public Relations Campaigns
5 Recognitions from Customers CORPORAT
6Recognitions from Customers MEDIA OTHER
7What else we Do
Corporate Literature
Product Literature
Direct Mail Pieces
Corporate Literature
Product Literature
White Papers
White Papers
Product Literature
Direct Mail Pieces
Spokesperson Training
Product Literature
White Papers
Spokesperson Training
Product Literature
Spokesperson Training
8Contact Us
Address India News Communications
Ltd. B-121, Sector-71, Noida-
201303 Ph 91-120-2484101-05 Fax 91-120-24841
07 E-Mail info_at_newscommunications.in Website