Title: Bare Metal Server (2)
1Bare Metal Server
2Our Services
Best Linux VPS Hosting Bare Metal Server Pure
SSD VPS Hosting To know more about other
services please visit our website
3Bare Metal Server
Bare metal server provider serves you the best
recovery plan through which you can easily
restore your data from scratch. It is very
easiest way to do recovery of data because
instead of taking one by one file for backup, the
entire system drive is restored in one operation.
4Best Linux VPS Hosting
If you want fast, reliable and cheap VPS plans
then Best Linux VPS Hosting is the right choice
for you.
5Pure SSD VPS Hosting
The main reason why you should hire pure SSD VPS
hosting is the speed. A traditional hard disk
drive has access times equal to about 5
milliseconds. It sounds fast, but when the
microprocessor is capable of millions of
instructions then it becomes bottleneck at the
time of accessing. Pure SSD VPS Hosting can have
as little as 100 microsecond access time(50x
6Contact us
123 Town Square PlaceSuite 282Jersey City, NJ
TOLL FREE 1-877-4-VIRPUS 1-877-484-7787