Title: Fall 2001 CSSHORTNTRES 41516 Fall 2001
1Fall 2001- CSS/HORT/NTRES 415/16 - Fall 2001
Principles and Practices of Agroforestry
Services-Social Issues
Lecture M,W,F 1010-1100 (3cr) Lab W
125-430 (1cr)
Agroforestry comprises land use systems in which
trees and shrubs are deliberately managed along
with annual crops and/or livestock. Agroforestry
systems have been widely advocated as
environmentally and economically sustainable land
use systems for small farmers in the tropics,
where complex, traditional AF systems have been
productively managed for over 700 years. Since
the 1980s, the practice of Agroforestry has
increased significantly on a commercial scale in
the tropics, as well as in Australia, Europe and
North America. CSS/HORT/NTRES 415 (3 credit
Lecture) will survey both traditional and modern
AF systems from biophysical and socioeconomic
perspectives. Interactions among woody and non
woody components will be discussed from the
standpoint of (a) above and belowground resource
capture (light, water, nutrients), (b) management
strategies to improve and sustain productivity
(food, fuel, fodder, fiber), and (c ) ecosystem
services (soil and water conservation, C
sequestration, biodiversity conservation).
Lectures will be supplemented by slides, video
and a variety of computer and internet-based data
sets and bibliographies. CSS/HORT/NTRES 416 (1
credit Lab) will provide opportunities for
students to visit local agroforestry
practitioners. In addition to field trips, case
studies, and computer-based sources of
information, laboratory sessions will enable
students to learn some of the practical skills
involved in woody plant management
(identification, propagation, planting, pruning,
ecf3 HORT Ken Mudge kwm2 NTRES Louise
Buck leb3