Title: Exploring Substance Abuse Treatment Centers
1Improving Quality by Aligning Physicians
- Exploring Substance Abuse Treatment Centers
Sayeda Haq
2Substance Abuse Care Alignment
- Alignment is crucial in SA care as
- Most physicians work for specialized treatment
centers, often for multiple organizations - Treatment modalities vary sharply
- Diverse treatment philosophy and orientation
among all providers - Large number of non-physician providers
Thomas 2007
3Quality Chasm in Substance Abuse Care
- People with a substance use disorder
22 million - People receiving care
3.5 million
2001 (aged 12 or older)
SAMHSA, DHHS Pub SMA 05-3999, 2005
- Effective treatments exist and continually
improve. However, as with general health care,
deficiencies in care delivery prevent many from
receiving appropriate treatments.
IOM Quality Chasm Series, 2006
4New Medication - Buprenorphine
- Offers several clinical advantages over Methadone
- Can be prescribed in physicians office
- Does not have severe withdrawal symptoms
- Daily dosing not needed due to long-acting
effects - No detectable high
- 2000 Federal Legislation allows MDs to prescribe
in office visits - 2002 FDA approves outpatient prescription
- However
- Four years after legislation, not incorporated
into common treatment of substance abuse
5An Alignment Problem?
Org does not
MD does not
MD does not
MD Prescribes
MD Prescribes
In multivariate result, organizational support
remained important in MDs adoption decision,
after controlling for MD demographics, case mix,
practice characteristics etc.
Thomas 2007
6What Determines Alignment?
- Financial incentives - most studied domain
- Administrative strategies, e.g. utilization
review, referral requirements - Significant number of studies
- Structural characteristics of organization, e.g.
location of practice site, availability of
services, supporting staff and governance style - Some studies
- Normative influence, e.g. formal and informal
interaction and feedback from professional
colleagues, organizational culture - Very few studies
- Difficult to measure
Landon et al (1998)
7Conceptual Framework
Adler and Borys, 1996
8Research Question Hypotheses
What specific structural or normative strategies
used by organizations are effective in aligning
- Physicians alignment (loyalty, commitment)
increases when - Organizations offer value-added services, such as
training, supporting staff, etc. - Governance-style is consensus-based and
participatory - Leadership shares information leading to
goal-congruence - Free flow of information, frank discussion of
failures, collegial relationship exists among
9Analytical Model
Strategies (independent variables)
Alignment (dependent variable)
- Structural
- Value-added
- Operational
- Normative/
- Informative
- Formal
- Informal
When Organization adopts and affiliated MDs
Treatment Organization
10Sample Study Population
- Part of a larger study by Schneider Institute
- MD Survey Addiction specialists and facility
directors - N 271 (69 response rate)
- Organization survey Facility directors
- N 125 (51 response rate)
- Analysis on merged dataset
- N 72 MDs, representing 46 organizations
- Unit of analysis is respondents (N 72)
- Aligned 24 (33) Not-aligned 48 (67)
- 6-point scale independent variables
- 1 through 4 gt not much
- 5,6 gt very much
11Preliminary (Bivariate) findings
p-value lt 0.1, p-value lt 0.05, p-value
lt 0.01
12Research Implications
- Health services research is consistent with
broader organizational theory of governance - Organizations indeed affect physicians
practice-behavior - This study explicitly measures, specifies and
evaluates strategies that organizations can adopt
to align autonomous professionals - Policy Implication
- Findings help bridge the gap between knowledge
and practice both in SA treatment and in general
health care system