Title: WP Automator Review & (Secret) $22,300 bonus
1WP Automator Review One of the smartest plugin
in the history of wordpress automation
WP Automator http//beginnerdiary.com/wp-automat
or- review/ WP Automator Plugin is a WordPress
plugin that installs into your existing wordpress
site. You can use this to set up all the mundane
settings before you site is ready to have
content on it. It will install pages and create
posts and set up permalinks and do almost
everything you need. It has two sections (pro
license) where one is a wizard and second one is
tools section that you can use later as
individual tools.
2This is the one plugin that will save you
thousands and thousand of dollars in wasted time
and money in due course of time.
- WP Automator's Key Features
- A wordpress plugin that will do all these tasks
in a click. - Create Posts And Pages
- Remove Sample Post Pages
- Install Multiple Plugins
- 1 Click - Search Engine Ready
- Comments Management
- All Policy Pages in a Click
- Swiss army knife for setting up Wordpress
- Intuitively designed so that even an eight year
old can use it. Just plug and play and you will
be done in a few clicks. - Create a search engine friendly website in under
a minute Powerful features jam-packed in one
little plugin... - Bulk Delete Users
3- Policy Disclaimer Pages
- All Affiliate Pages
- About Us Page
- Contact Us Page
- Create Blank Pages
- Bulk Create Blank Posts
- Create Blank Categories
- Setup Permalinks
- Reset Your Wordpress site to a brand new install
4Delete posts, create bulk blank posts in just a
5Create all needed pages from one screen,
personalised to you and your site
6Manage and create your Affiliate pages in just a
Instantly Backup and export all the changes you
made to your site
7Use The backup to set up your next site, with one
click, personalised to your new settings.
8The plugin will build a contact form in your
contact-us page
How Does WP Automator Work? Step 1 Instant
Cleanup / Reset Give life to your old wordpress
site and have it market ready in a few
clicks. Step 2 Import All Settings Back up
each and every settings you changed from inside
the plugin
9Step 3 Export All Settings Use the backup from
old site and your new site will be market ready
instantly, voila! Exclusive Bonuses Of WP
Automator Sales Copy Pro
Create all of the very same sales pages that you
have seen the internet gurus using for years
to make fortunes. Sales pages are so common and
used by many different marketing professionals
for one reason they work, they work, they work!
In the extremely competitive world of internet
marketing and product sales, it is absolutely
essential to have engaging and eye-catching
sales pages to set you and your product apart
from the rest. SalesCopyPro offers just that,
and much more! In addition to having the
convenience of using 100 unique sales page
templates and styles, you have the freedom of
adding your own specialized content that caters
to whatever subject or idea you want.
10It is a self hosted app and not a wordpress
plugin. Value 147 Video Pop
Utilize the "pattern interupt" technique to
convert viewers of your video into leads, sales
and grow your traffic with social
buttons. Simply add a shortcode instead long
complicated code!
11You are getting access to features that YouTube
simply cannot give you. You can collect emails,
get social traffic with hover share buttons, make
sales with Call to Action popup and even target
your customers with the RIGHT video. Value
97 WP Engage Plus
A Tremendously Powerful And Deadly-Effective WP
Plugin.... Discover EXACTLY What Your Visitors
Are Thinking About Your Blog, Products Or
Services And Use That Information To Your
Advantage! WP Engage is a fantastic and useful
WP plugin that will only take you seconds to
install and use and it will enable you to create
engaging polls and surveys. You can basically
create these polls and surveys into any page or
post on your WP - quickly and easily. Basically,
this wonderful tool will allow you to understand
what your visitors are thinking about your blog
and, as you might know, this is the "formula" to
success. Value 97
12Final verdict - Your Turn! No more struggle No
more wondering whats missing.... Just click one
button and have your site completely set up and
ready for the search engines. The best part is
being able to do things in a click and and get
things going faster than your competitors. Imagi
ne giving a new life to those sites that are
sitting there eating dust and make them ready
for Google domination because Google loves
websites with all necessary contents and
permalinks. Wouldnt it be amazing if your brand
new websites would also have the same previlige
and they earn their reputation . A few clicks
with WP Automator can really boost your
rankings. http//beginnerdiary.com/wp-automator-r
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