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Vendors enjoy selling on MultiVendor Marketplaces. This marketplace gives multiple reasons to vendors to sell on it and give a boost to their earnings. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Why Vendors Would Enjoy Selling On Cedcommerce
Multivendor Marketplace ?
The deep penetration of the internet has proved
to be immensely fruitful. It has touched all the
spheres of the modern life. From providing good
governance to better health options to education,
the fields are so many that one runs short of
counting all that have been, are and to be
benefited by the internet. The prominent virtue
has been filling the gap, from connecting people
all across the world to chat and exchange their
ideas in form of social media sites to
aggregating taxis for better transportation. The
list is long and new marvels are added to it


Among all these gaps and problem, the prominent
one, for traditional shopkeepers or merchants,
has been to attract more and more customers, the
main constraint being the geographical factor.
And, as the e-commerce is the solution, merchants
are ensuring to join the bandwagon. To this,
either they are selling their products through
popular multivendor marketplaces such as Amazon,
Ebay, fast rising Jet or they are opening their
online stores.

Built on No 1 ECommerce Platform this Magento
Multivendor Marketplace Solution offers vendors
an opportunity to sell effectively and earn more
earnings. Not only that it would provide a
powerful platform to the vendor to gather and
sell on one place and enjoy the collective
benefits, it offers the plethora of features that
assists vendors or to be vendors on this platform
to sell effectively.
Below listed feature would help Vendors to earn
more out of selling on the CedCommerce
Marketplace 1. Powerful Representation One
thing crucial for making and breaking for any
business is its transparent information and its
presence and representation. Few people buy from
unreliable vendors, not having transparent their
name and representation. This problem has been
tackled head on in the Magento multi-vendor
marketplace extension. To make their cases
strong and to establish themselves as an
authority, the extension enables vendors to enter
their shop name and company name (for primary
information) and company logo, company banner,
Facebook, Twitter URLs and contact information to
establish themselves as an authority. All the
information gets displayed on the shop page.
2. Attractive Shop Pages The success of any
e-commerce is determined by how easily an
information can be obtained or how it feels while
navigating and HOW IT LOOKS. The looks contribute
greatly for an e-commerce website to get
popular. In the spirit of making vendors an
authority, the extension comes an opportunity to
merchants to customize their shop pages to look
aesthetically pleasing and attractive. The
customers can add custom style, content layout
to make their shop pages user-friendly and
3. Multi Currency Multi-Language Support The
e-commerce offers an unprecedented opportunity to
vendors to sell their products to the far flung
areas until now not possible. However, one
problem that remains with this prospect is the
language of their communication and currency of
the transaction. Any e-commerce that doesnt
provide these support is in violation of the
spirit of e-commerce that is aimed to transcend
the geographical, cultural and economical
barriers. The Multi-vendor app for Magento1 and
Magento 2 store offers Multi-currency and
Multi-language features to the vendors enabling
them, to render service to the clients sitting
across oceans, mountains, different in language
and use the different currency for a transaction.
4. Built in product types Another feature that
benefits the vendors sell more and earn more is
the diversity in its product types. The more
diverse the product are greater is the variety of
consumer visiting their shop. And moreover, it is
considered great for the shop to have all sorts
of product type and helps them establish
authority. The Magento Multi-Vendor Marketplace
extension follows it in letter and spirit. With
it, vendors can create Simple, Bundle,
Configurable, Grouped, Downloadable, and Virtual
types of products along with support for Up Sell,
Cross Sell, and Custom Options.
5. SMS and EMAIL Notification Another thing
that works great, if eliminated completely, is
the miss communication. Often delayed
communication is miscommunication. A consumer
loves the prompt reply. The immediate response
translates that customer is considered valuable
and scores some points for customer service as
well. The SMS and EMail notification features do
the same for vendors. The vendors get SMS alert
on product purchases, checking out and product
editing. For other occurrences such as sale or
discount or others, vendors can notify the
customers with the email. This all is done to
ensure a continuous and uninterrupted
communication channel.
6. Advanced Reports Data is power. With correct
analysis of the activity data, one can find out
the unconnected dots or broken links or customer
behavior and all the wrongs and rights of the
products. This helps to the great extent. With
detection of the errors or realization of
strengths, the merchants can rectify the mistake
or aggressively promote their products
The same is done to facilitate the report
analysis. Vendors can get the reports of Out of
Stock and Sold Products, about their views, the
segmented sales Report Payment Reports all from
their vendor panel. Selling products online is
no more a luxury entitled to few, but a necessity
to be adopted or to be left behind. As the
internet penetration gets deeper, the e-commerce
will emerge out stronger. Therefore time couldnt
be any better to start selling online.
Build Your Own Online Marketplace Now !
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