Title: John Seibert, CIH
Using DOEHRS IH to Manage DoD Ergonomics
- John Seibert, CIH
- DOEHRS Functional Support
2Defense Occupational Env. Health Readiness
Hearing Conservation
Occupational Medicine
Industrial Hygiene
3 Presentation Outline
- Purpose of DOEHRS IH
- Features
- Relationships to other systems
- Where were going
4DOEHRS ObjectiveThe President
Every soldier, sailor, airman and marine will
have a comprehensive, life-long medical record of
all illnesses and injuries they suffer, the care
and inoculations they receive and their exposure
to different hazards. These records will help us
prevent illness and identify and cure those that
5 DOEHRS Objective - Joint Operations
- DoD Directive 6490.2
- Joint Medical Surveillance policies
- DoD Instruction 6490.3
- OASD(HA) shall field DoD medical systems
- capture exposure data in central repositories
- Provide countermeasures to Commanders
- assess risk
- identify countermeasures
- communicate to Commanders workers
- Provide exposure information for medical
surveillance treatment - periodic medical exams
- sick call visits
7 Presentation Outline
- Purpose of DOEHRS IH
- Features
- Relationships to other systems
- Where were going
8IH Features
- All exposures samples
- fixed facilities deployed
- occupational ambient
- Similar Exposure Groups (SEGs)
- Ergonomics
- Base camp assessments
- Pen-capable computers
9IH Features (contd)
- Hazard abatement tracking
- Ionizing / non-ionizing radiation
- Built-in pick lists
- Interface to Personnel system
10 New Concept Implemented
- Similar Exposure Groups (SEGs)
- learning to use
- assigning personnel by name to SEGs
11Using a SEG
- paint stripping
- grinding
- painting
- aircraft cleaning
- soldiers
- marines
- airmen
SEGs body repairmen corrosion control
specialists part-time (detailed) tent 137
12 Presentation Outline
- Purpose of DOEHRS IH
- Features
- Relationships to other systems
- Where were going
14DOEHRS Data Repository
- Life-long record of all exposures
- exposures from all military assignments
- exposure history provided to all DoD MTFs
- web-based query by all DoD IH / HC
- pre-defined periodic reports
- ad-hoc queries
- trend analysis
- statistical and what if analysis
- Link exposures to medical outcome
DOEHRS Data Repository
DOEHRS Hearing Conservation
Exposure record for each person
DOEHRS IH installations deployed locations
recommend medical exam
Clinical Data Repository in development
Clinical Encounter System OM in CHCS II
request illness investigation
Personnel Databases DMDC
16 Presentation Outline
- Purpose of DOEHRS IH
- Features
- Relationships to other systems
- Where were going
17 DOEHRS IH Next Steps
- Software testing begins - Jun 2000
- Deployment begins - Oct 2000
- phased by Tri-Care regions
- hardware deployed with software
- convert IH data from legacy systems
- DOEHRS IH Build 2
- Develop requirements - Jun - Sep 2000
- Seek funding for development - Oct 2000
18DOEHRS Build 2Requirements Development
- Develop requirements
- build 1 unmet
- build 1 non-mission essential
- new requirements
- TMIP REOHM module
- 4 Working group meetings
- Jun - Sep
- DOEHRS PMO requested members
19And now,a word from our sponsor
20 21 DOEHRS Approach toIH Process
- Identify the IH area of responsibility
- Monthly organizations data from Defense Manpower
Data Center - Identify resources schedule work
- shop surveys in workplace monitoring plan
- Walk-through to find hazards
- inventory processes in each shop
- inventory hazards for each process
- research hazards from IH data repository
- identify SEGs
22 DOEHRS Approach toIH Process (contd)
- Plan survey prioritize work
- Navy workplace monitoring plan (5100/14)
- Army IH implementation plan (IHIP)
- Assess risk
- assign personnel to SEGs
- SEGs exposures
- qualitative quantitative assessment
- Develop countermeasure options
23DOEHRS Approach toIH Process (contd)
- Present to commander for decision
- actions required
- RACs
- Assist in implementing Command decision
- exposure summaries to Occ Med
24Resolving Issues
- Matching DOEHRS IH to IH procedures
- DOEHRS IH functional WG - high level development
- DOEHRS IH presentation layer WG - detailed rqmts
- DOEHRS IH data repository
- Policy procedures - DoD IH WG
25DOEHRS Organization
- DoD OH Working Group
- develop prioritize system requirements
- OccMed, IH, Hearing Conservation
- DOEHRS Program Mgt Office
- system development, implementation, maintenance
26DOEHRS Organization (contd)
- DoD Hearing Conservation (HC) WG
- 5 years of consensus building
- policy - DoDI 6055.1, DoD Hearing Conservation
Program - standardized procedures
- Army / Navy / AF
- DOEHRS HC system requirements
27DOEHRS Organization (contd)
- IH
- DoD IH WG - policy procedures
- DoD IH Task Force - requirements
- DOEHRS IH functional WG - detailed rqmts
- OM
- DoD OM Task Force - requirements
- DoD OM functional WG - OM template development
- Functional Members
- Jeffery McClaflin
- Nancy Grais
- Leslie Crowder
- Dennis Smoot
- Carla Treadwell
- Charles Dunn
- Martha Murray
- CAPT James Allen
- LT Bealer
- LCDR Shields
- CAPT Gail Goff
- CDR Mark Olesen
- Penny Howard (NMIMC)
29Hearing Conservation
- Modification of Army / AF HEARS
- State-of-the-Art Audiometers
- Complete Hardware Replacement
- Deployment status - June 1999
- Army 100 deployed
- Navy 100 hardware, 50 software
- Air Force 15 hardware/software (awaiting funds)
30Occupational Medicine Features
- part of CHCS II patient encounters
- patient scheduling, lab, rad, pharm
- OM templates for common findings
- history questions
- lab studies
- exams findings
- diagnoses treatments
- exposure data from IH
- Provide World-Wide Tri-Service Access
- Provide Secure Transactions
- Automate Data Calls
- Automate Software Version Control
- Web Access to Required References
- Web Access to Licensed Resources
- Pre-Defined Periodic Reports
- Ad-Hoc Queries
- Trend Analysis
- Statistical and What If Analysis
- Hardware infrastructure by Tri-service Info Mgt
Off (TIMPO ) - POC Jarrell Arnold
- 23 Regional Servers (TIMPO)
- 18 - CONUS, 5 - OCONUS
- CONUS Mid-Atlantic will serve Atlantic
- CONUS South-West will server Central America
- Placed at network hubs (DISA Mega Centers??)
- Under MHS control, MHS will secure the
infrastructure between the Gateway and Regional