Title: Spree Commerce Product Subscription
1SpreeCommerce Product Subscription
- Extension Developed By Vinsol
2Spree Product Subscriptions
Admin can mark product as subscribable Customer
can Buy product subscriptions Choose frequency
of orders Specify date for order
processing Manage subscriptions Order processed
automatically Greater revenue and order
predictability Increase customer engagement Saves
customer time on repeated orders
3Mark Product Subscribable
4Manage Subscription Frequencies
5Admin Product Listing
6Subscribable Products Filter
Admin can filter subscribable products
7Subscribable Products List
8Product Details Page
9Subscription Options
- Recurring Delivery Interval - Monthly, half
yearly, yearly etc. - Total Deliveries - Number of deliveries requested
- Quantity of the product - Product qty for each
10Shopping Cart Page
11Subscription Confirmation E-mail
12Manage Subscriptions
A subscription can be paused, edited or cancelled.
13Subscription Date
14Admin Manages Subscription Orders
Admin can manage subscription orders
15(No Transcript)
- Prepay subscription amount
- Inform customer in well advance before processing
order - Allow customer to define his own subscription
frequency - Provide discount on subscriptions
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with Spree Loyalty Point Extension3 Other
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