Title: Birthday party celebration services in chandigarh Punjabi Starlive
1Punjabi Starlive Event Management Pvt. Ltd.
2Birthday Party Celebration With Punjabi Starlive
Event Management.
3Keep Calm and be crazy! Laugh, Love and Live it
up because this is the oldest youve been and the
youngest youll even the again.
4Mickey Theme Birthday Party
5As God adds Life to your years, may he add years
to your life.
6The more you praise and celebrate your life, the
more there is in life to Celebrate- Punjabi
7The Sun is shining, the birds are chirping and
the trees are swaying, all to wish you a Happy
Birthday- Punjabi Starlive
8Plan Your Birthday Party with Punjabi Starlive
Event Management.
92, D-185 Prosperity Square Industrial Area Phase
8B Mohali, Punjab, India-160055
Contact- 91- 1724988000, 91- 8725077764