Title: Swing Profile- Make your swing better
1(No Transcript)
2- Amazing golf training technology Automatically
detects and records your golf swing, then plays
back to you after each shot
3Overview and Exclusive Features
Instant Profile creates Golf Digest-style Swing
Sequence from your swing video. Motion
Trim records only the swing and deletes
irrelevant footage. Auto Line instantly measures
club shaft angle and draws shaft line. Dual
Sync synchronizes two golf swings regardless of
tempo differences. Perfect for side-by-side
comparison. Twin Cam synchronizes a front and
down-the-line view of your swings, side-by-side.
4Hardware and Platform Requirements
- iPhone 5 or above
- iPad 2 or above
- iOS 8 or above
6- We welcome contract work for any RD project.
For more information, please email
to info_at_swingprofile.com.