Title: Point Of Sale
1Point Of Sale
Waiver Data and Emergency Contact Data Online
Member Status
Current Transaction
Past Visits
Print receipts for any past transaction
Customers on the Floor
2Customer List
- Search by last name, first name
- typing scrolls to closest match
- comma starts searching in first name
Search by Account Number
Retrieve Archived Customers
3Item Selection
Type in search field, list scrolls to closest
match. Space bar to select item. Shift-Space to
return an item. Update quantity and discount
for any item.
4Discount and Tender Sale
Discount entire sale by percentage. Discount
individual items on item selection screen
Tender Sale
5Add/Edit Customer Data
6Sample X-Report
Sales by Dept
Sales by timeframe
7Check-Out Program
- Lists out
- Time to Check Out
- Rentals
- Sort by
- Check Out Time
- Last Name
- First Name
Customers on the Floor
8Management Program
Tool Bar for common functions
Total Customers and Archived Customers
9Data Setup for POS
Marketing Campaigns
Set Up School Names. This list can be added to
via the Point of Sale System as well.
10Departments, Brands, Memberships
11Item Set Up
12System Settings
13Mail Labels / Email
Create mailing labels or generate an email based
on predefined queries or create your own criteria.
Generate a report with all emails. Save as text
or html.
14Sales Reporting
Print quantity and sales by item, brand or
Dept Summary lists out department totals for day
and current month
15Customer Reporting
List out todays customer list
List out daily customer count, age, and time in
the park for any period of time
16More Customer Reports
List out all current members
List out sales by Zip Code, School, Sport, or how
they heard about the park
17Database Utilities
Back Up and Restore Data to any drive, disk.
Archive Sales Data
Archive Customers who have not visited the park
in a while
18Birthday Reservation System
Display list of party times available
Reserve Party Form
- Reporting Includes
- 7 day and 30 day List
- Tracking sheet for days parties
19Employee Time Management System
Employees type in ssn and system logs time.
Management System prints reports of time by
minutes and hours